Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


I didn't want to be that guy. Your honesty shames me Eomer.
To be honest, it is good when I actually go over it several times to correct the grammar. Do I have a masters degree in it no. I am a heck of a lot better writer than Sparkle no doubt. As to the typos I have had so much to write I do not have the patience to correct them all. :p

One thing that is true... an English degree is near worthless... :p I do not plan to utilize that for a living.

I do fear Sparkle however will make a sequel to her most recent "novel" in the Blood Pancakes line of "novels"


So Sparkling is home schooling her kids. How is that not child abuse?
I think everyone's overlooking the fact that she considers home schooling a hobby.

Maybe it's just the sinner in me but I think education is a bit more important than a hobby.
Homeschooling for her is not just a hobby. She believes that public schools breed "evil." Here is one post saying the lord has given here a "calling" to homeschool (indoctrinate) her children.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Looks like Brad stumbled on the perfect out to shut the project down. Everyone is being chased away by jesus freak and when nobody is left but her he simply washes his hands of it. Who is gonna report about it, the gaming sites lol?


I just can't get it out of my head that those fuzzy trolls would be something you see in a Christian cartoon

Fish person in the spoiler
myrrfolk 001.jpg


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I think the most amazing part of this whole shitshow is that pretty much everyone knew how this was going to play out, but went along for the ride anyhow. Those of us who went through the VG experience and knew to never trust a junkie could not take our eyes away from this slow motion train wreck. Those on the inside clung to the faintest shreds of hope and nostalgia until the power of Christ finally exorcised them from the game, quite literally apparently. I don't fault you, Nitrix, you were trying to be involved in something you really wanted to believe in. The moment of clarity should have been the facebook updates of Brad getting high and riding his expensive rare bike in the desert when the project blew up the team the first time, but at least you got out eventually. Thank you for confirming what everyone already pretty much knew.

I do fault Brad for being a drugged out scam artist and Sparkles for being the kind of bat shit person who should be confined to the obscure fringes of society for coming in and trashing whatever hope remained in this project.
This thing was doomed from the start, because of Brad. But some of the actual capable people that did not get run off by the Jesus Freaks did have a small window of opportunity to make something out of this disaster. It has been hilarious and satisfying to watch these people slowly destroy themselves with their own obtuse nature. It was not so funny when Brad was destroying some of our friends' lives shitting the bed with VG, so forgive me in taking some pleasure in his slow disintegration. I really hope this ultimately leads to someone tossing Brad in the clink for fraud and for Sparkle's kids getting taken into child protective service custody at some point, because that is the only good that can come from any of this. Well, that and Tyen's dreams getting crushed again....


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Edit, holy shit at the nipple free little mermaid TV Guide how to draw cartoons style concept art.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I summon Tyen from the deeps of Miami to tell us what he thinks about all this. Only to be banned again within a couple hours.


What is fucked up about that bike ride, is that Brad sent Canadina a thank you for a large donation right before going on some fancy bike ride or camping trip. He never took time to thank anyone for donations directly... well he called her to do it...

That situation was what made her start questioning things there.


Log Wizard
I must say the Merfolk art is head and shoulders above the furry trolls
think it was said the daughter drew the merfolks (shes like 5 I think)

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I think the most amazing part of this whole shitshow is that pretty much everyone knew how this was going to play out, but went along for the ride anyhow. Those of us who went through the VG experience and knew to never trust a junkie could not take our eyes away from this slow motion train wreck. Those on the inside clung to the faintest shreds of hope and nostalgia until the power of Christ finally exorcised them from the game, quite literally apparently. I don't fault you, Nitrix, you were trying to be involved in something you really wanted to believe in. The moment of clarity should have been the facebook updates of Brad getting high and riding his expensive rare bike in the desert when the project blew up the team the first time, but at least you got out eventually. Thank you for confirming what everyone already pretty much knew.

I do fault Brad for being a drugged out scam artist and Sparkles for being the kind of bat shit person who should be confined to the obscure fringes of society for coming in and trashing whatever hope remained in this project.
This thing was doomed from the start, because of Brad. But some of the actual capable people that did not get run off by the Jesus Freaks did have a small window of opportunity to make something out of this disaster. It has been hilarious and satisfying to watch these people slowly destroy themselves with their own obtuse nature. It was not so funny when Brad was destroying some of our friends' lives shitting the bed with VG, so forgive me in taking some pleasure in his slow disintegration. I really hope this ultimately leads to someone tossing Brad in the clink for fraud and for Sparkle's kids getting taken into child protective service custody at some point, because that is the only good that can come from any of this. Well, that and Tyen's dreams getting crushed again....
The without a doubt best post in this or any other Pantheon thread. Lord be praised.

Salty, arise! ARISE!