Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Lord Nagafen Raider
Erronius, I gave so many Tuconets to you over the years that it could be considered almost cybering if they werent anonymous (but I'm not into bromances, so keep your hands off! :p ). Once again, you said what I don't have the patience to write.
Brad is a fraud, he did nothing, took credit, took money, wasted money (because he can't handle shit, of course he can't handle money) he took from Microsft, wasted his own money and in the process he fucked up so many people lives that he gets no sympathy at all from me, nor should from you. Firing people in a parking lot is disgusting by itself, not even showing up is the perfect example of how fucked up he is as a human being.

Nirrtix, there is no game, there was no game, there will never be a game with Bad McQuaid (thank you for this nickname) at the wheel. All your ramblings and apologies, which you should bring to private messages, pretty fucking please, is irrilevant, because right now you are just that person who suddenly stops believing in what the priests say and realize that: yes it's bullshit, there is no god, if there is one he fucking hates us all and should put us out of our misery, we humans suck which is the first and inconfutable proof that god doesn't give a fuck if he exists (but he doesn't). So there is no game, because Brad sucks and that's inconfutable proof that he never rocked, he just took credit for what others did and everyone who ever worked with him doesn't like him. There is not a single original idea in EQ, so nobody to put on a pedestal, deal with it.

As a final thought about this story: fuzzy trolls were awesome, thank you for those. Sparkthing family wasn't cool, don't need that posted here, that stuff gives me nightmares and I could even spend a thousand words explaining you why, but I don't think it's important or relevant.
About religious nutjobs like that Sparkling thing: ignore her and her kind, it's the most irritating thing for them, behave as if they never spoke, don't even acknowledge they exist, they suddenly become almost quantistic in nature if you do things correctly.



The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Nobody has the patience to write as much as Erronius! Ok, maybe Lithose.


How long before Nirrtix gets run off? (S)he? Is kind of an idiot. Nirrtix, you knew what was going on the entire time and you were OK with it because you had forum power and Brad made you feel important. You helped to pull the charade along and try to fool people about the state of things to help keep the donations coming in. Then you got tossed to the curb so now it's time to act like a whistleblower and show everyone the light. Except we aren't cynics and haters, we're just normal people who have a barometer for bullshit and don't mind using offensive language and nothing you've told us is a surprise. We already knew all that shit. Except you didn't have the capacity or decency to walk away before you got ousted.

Go home, you're a joke.
Khane no I did not know... I was a forum moderator. I only knew what I was told to know. I had to ask Brad for information to answer most of the damn posts they are a secretive bunch there as I have already explained.

I never once asked people do donate to the site. In fact that is otherwise. Who do you think Cheena is on It was me. Our posts will get deleted as fast as everyone elses, only difference is we will get demoted. How do you think I got all the information I posted? I got it because I stuck with the team like Frenzic (who you might as well claim the same about with your statement) to expose what is going on. As others say it is like the Gestapo there.

Anyhow I am out for now.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Khane no I did not know... I was a forum moderator. I only knew what I was told to know. I had to ask Brad for information to answer most of the damn posts they are a secretive bunch there as I have already explained.

I never once asked people do donate there or otherwise to the site. In fact that is otherwise. Who do you think Cheena is on It was me. Our posts will get deleted as fast as everyone elses, only difference is we will get demoted. How do you think I got all the information I posted? I got it because I stuck with the team like Frenzic (who you might as well claim the same about with your statement) to expose what is going on. As others say it is like the Gestapo there.

Anyhow I am out for now.

Convo she was just following orders.



Got something right about marriage
Frenzic never banned people to shut them up on the forums and tried to quell the uprisings over at pantheon's site. He just stuck with it for information, and then immediately posted said information here.

You're either retarded or a liar. Sorry if you're actually retarded. That's gotta suck.


Triggered Happy
Nirrtix, if you have something to write, sit down and think about what point you are trying to get across for 5 minutes or so. When you feel ready try to write it in a way that is clear, coherent and with some context if that is possible. When I read your posts it's like your brain is travelling at a million miles an hour and your fingers can't type fast enough to keep up.

BF is right - take some time out from this mess and do something else.


roger. Khane, I never banned anyone I locked a couple threads that got into verbal fights.

You want to talk about who bans Talk to Brad, Kyndread, Blueeyedgator, Wryshu, and Sparkle. They are the only people who can ban accounts or IP ban. I never had that power.

As my comment about Frenzic, I was just saying he had the same powers I had... virtually none. Do not believe me, ask him yourself.

Anyways now that I have explained this I am gonna take a break. I know you are bored of me :p I do not care to end up like KTAM (rolls eyes.)

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Because the thread is now boring again


theres more, from a few people who know him, i just want to get some luls accumulated before i make an actual post.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
How long before Nirrtix gets run off? (S)he? Is kind of an idiot. .. Except you didn't have the capacity or decency to walk away before you got ousted.

Go home, you're a joke.
This Ebola outbreak is Obama's wet dream. He has been itching for a reason to impose Martial Law so he can be "president" for life.He uses everything to stir up the public. He was close to having reason from the Treyvon Martin and Ferguson, Missouri incidents. That is why he will still allow travel to and from Liberia etc. Yes it is true that he cannot stop people from coming from other nations, but he can make it harder for them to get here. The harder and more stops there are the more likely they will just stay there.

On top of all that other stuff his plans to watch it are ridiculous... having flight crew watch for someone who "looks sick." If an Ebola victim is already doing that everyone on the plane needs quarantined!
Confirmed retard.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I never realized how many fucking Christian and conspiracy zealots there were working for/on pantheon.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
speaking of outbreak, how did we not contain the Pantheon refugees to this thread? Mods I'm looking at you. You let the infection out.
