Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Lord Nagafen Raider
I just don't understand why people seem to root for these games to fail. I mean I understand that the vast majority of them will suck, but I still hold out hope that there will eventually be another good MMO with good group content and minimal P2W elements. Call me a dreamer.
All of the MMOs that were under production in the last decade, to me, were very obvious that they will suck as you suggested. Because I wasn't interested in them, I know I wasn't.. it is a very simple thing to grasp but some people here think they know better than you know yourself. I'm not saying they will fail because I don't like them, I'm just saying I knew I, and only I, wasn't going to like them. This time, Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, and after I've watched the combat and read the FAQs and Interviews... and if they stick with that, this game is NOT going to suck (for me) I know for sure I'm going to play it for a long time. My only concern is Itemization and reading the FAQs and interviews it seems like they will do it right. In other words, they will expand on EQ mechanics and this is what we've been crying out for for over a decade now.

Some people don't understand there are specific combination of game mechanics that we want which were never adapted from EverQuest. While WoW (and every other MMO like WoW) took the general concept from EQ; WoW's combat and itemization (to name a few aspects of the game) were completely different than EverQuest's. The changes can utterly affect the whole experience and that's why we're not interested in games like that. It's a different experience; not bad but not the same as EverQuest. We're still waiting for a game that can scratch that itch. Pantheon's bringing back the Tick system; resource management (downtime) and those specific class roles which many new MMORPGs just scratched (GW 2 and BDO I see you). They're going to completely eliminate this Hub-to-Hub retarded solo-questing; you will be free unburdened and can group with your friends at level 1. Dungeons start at level 6; no reason to waste our time with story and questing. No GPS maps. No insta-traveling. Harsh Death Penalty, no F2P Microtransaction / Shop / Freemium Shit. A combination of Skill and Level system. Spells fizzle and can be resisted quite often (which means things are uncertain, you're on your toes all the time)...just to name a few things. These things we've always cried for; and we're finally going to have. My /play time is going to be embarrassing that's for sure I just hope I won't get laid off. I know EverQuest fucked me hard the 16 years ago.


Lord Nagafen Raider
there are fucking 20 year olds posting on the official forums. don't speak in absolutes. we have no way to predict what will become cool
Some people here will pull conclusions out of their ass and they always believe they're right.
For instance the argument that goes like "No one with a job wants to play a game like EQ now" how about you're fucking wrong? back in 1999 two of my real life friends were working full time and had children. Their children now (20+ year olds) can't wait to play Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen.

It was never about age or about time. People can make time for anything and people of different ages have different taste. Yes, if I'd bet I'd say Pantheon would never exceed the 250,000 subscribers but I wouldn't be shocked if I lost the bet either. And in the end; who cares?! Who fucking cares? I just want to play the freaking game. I don't give a rats ass if it's going to be successful. One server just needs how many people in it? 10,000? I just want 10,000 other thousand people interested in this shit while at the same time VR still keeps the game going and I'm happy.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Some people here will pull conclusions out of their ass and they always believe they're right.
For instance the argument that goes like "No one with a job wants to play a game like EQ now" how about you're fucking wrong? back in 1999 two of my real life friends were working full time and had children. Their children now (20+ year olds) can't wait to play Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen.

It was never about age or about time. People can make time for anything and people of different ages have different taste. Yes, if I'd bet I'd say Pantheon would never exceed the 250,000 subscribers but I wouldn't be shocked if I lost the bet either. And in the end; who cares?! Who fucking cares? I just want to play the freaking game. I don't give a rats ass if it's going to be successful. One server just needs how many people in it? 10,000? I just want 10,000 other thousand people interested in this shit while at the same time VR still keeps the game going and I'm happy.
Then you need to donate much more than you have. Brad isn't going to get this game finished off smoke, mirrors and pipe dreams. I think you need to up your monthly donation and help these guys realize your dream. Don't talk about it...make it reality. Your hundreds of dollar a month will be diligently used to make this game better, more quickly. Please, please, please, donate most of your money to this goal.


Then you need to donate much more than you have. Brad isn't going to get this game finished off smoke, mirrors and pipe dreams. I think you need to up your monthly donation and help these guys realize your dream. Don't talk about it...make it reality. Your hundreds of dollar a month will be diligently used to make this game better, more quickly. Please, please, please, donate most of your money to this goal.
Heh. Personally, I'm willing to donate upwards of $60 once the game is released and I've read reviews. That's how I always make my "donations."


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Upon release I'm willing to donate up to thirty, maybe forty dollars on the box and ten to fifteen dollars a month tops. The first month better be included with box price.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I'd definitely check it out if/when it releases (assuming the general consensus here wasn't that I'd get more entertainment throwing singles into a burn pile).

Maybe I'm misreading the tea leaves, but I don't think the majority of us are actively rooting for the game to fail. We're definitely not going to "donate" money to a guy who is a known addict and has a long history of fraud and misuse of funds and personnel though...


2 Minutes Hate
I dont believe this, sure they may no flock to it - but at one point in time this type of game was what we all wanted and didnt know it - It swept us up for year. Now there are now MMOs cropping up monthly that fall off by years end. We have no real way of knowing how it will be received until after it releases and newer gamers will hear about it from us old folk who theyve encountered in the WoW clones.

Its a toss up but id rather see it come out than not come out at this point. Me my other old EQ1 buds just wonder what kind of time frame this game has for its alpha and beta.
The internet was once the domain of nerds with 14.4k baud modems. It's kind of a higher place now.


Vyemm Raider
The internet was once the domain of nerds with 14.4k baud modems. It's kind of a higher place now.
Heh bad example, bc this comparison makes it seem like no one would go back to an EQ style game over this so called evolution of MMOs bc that would be nonsense. MMOs have come a long way but that in no way means better at all. If that was the case then half of you wouldnt be spending more time posting here than being logged into an MMO. You can call the old EQ style of an punishing MMO old and dated but i doubt many who played it put more hours into another MMO since then.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'd definitely check it out if/when it releases (assuming the general consensus here wasn't that I'd get more entertainment throwing singles into a burn pile).

Maybe I'm misreading the tea leaves, but I don't think the majority of us are actively rooting for the game to fail. We're definitely not going to "donate" money to a guy who is a known addict and has a long history of fraud and misuse of funds and personnel though...
I am in the same place on this, really hoping they can pull it off but I am not throwing cash at it until they have a final product or damn close.


<Bronze Donator>
If that was the case then half of you wouldnt be spending more time posting here than being logged into an MMO.
yeah idk. forum posting increased a lot once EQWindows came out. its not like we were so enthralled staring at our spellbooks that we didn't even think to do anything else.


Vyemm Raider
yeah idk. forum posting increased a lot once EQWindows came out. its not like we were so enthralled staring at our spellbooks that we didn't even think to do anything else.
If you were 5-6 boxing how on earth did you find time to post on the forums? Fuck i dont think i was posting this much until WoW came out. Tho i do miss alt tabbing between 8+ accounts while doing VT.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If that was the case then half of you wouldnt be spending more time posting here than being logged into an MMO.
Is this another of those silly comebacks that you cannot play a game + respond on a forum at the same time? Thus everyone who post must hate and not play any current MMOs because you couldn't possibly do both. You should feel embarrassed using the same laughably incorrect argument etchazz did.

Or some weird idea that EQ was so engaging that you wouldn't be able to do both at the same time? Because that would be even more hilarious.

I'd definitely check it out if/when it releases (assuming the general consensus here wasn't that I'd get more entertainment throwing singles into a burn pile).

Maybe I'm misreading the tea leaves, but I don't think the majority of us are actively rooting for the game to fail. We're definitely not going to "donate" money to a guy who is a known addict and has a long history of fraud and misuse of funds and personnel though...
Pretty much, though get rid of the "General consensus here" part, as I trust no one but myself when it comes to entertainment. Thankfully these days there is always a way to try these games before I have to give a penny.


Vyemm Raider
Is this another of those silly comebacks that you cannot play a game + respond on a forum at the same time? Thus everyone who post must hate and not play any current MMOs because you couldn't possibly do both. You should feel embarrassed using the same laughably incorrect argument etchazz did.

Or some weird idea that EQ was so engaging that you wouldn't be able to do both at the same time? Because that would be even more hilarious.

Pretty much, though get rid of the "General consensus here" part, as I trust no one but myself when it comes to entertainment. Thankfully these days there is always a way to try these games before I have to give a penny.
Not but if you were really enjoying an MMO would you be searching the forums as much? Its weird that you think its a silly question or comeback - Tho i posted on foh forums in the past it wasnt really until after EQ that i read it more than weekly. There was always something going on or something to box that forums were the last thing on my mind. I think i did saryrn tavern back when it was good for buying/selling stuff, but most servers had enough of their own drama going on that you didnt need to check forums daily to see what was going on. I dont know who Etchazz is bc i really dont pay attention to most of your names but if he thought the same on some subject then so be it - In the end it still will just come down to different strokes for different folks. On one agreeable point i refuse to pay for beta's and im glad i didnt get EQL anymore for how that shit turned out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
With the ability to alt tab, not to mention growing popularity and ease of multi-monitor setups, playing a game, even hardcore, does nothing to hamper the ability to posts on forums(or anything else for that matter).

It was different in EQs day. But take that type of game today and you get even more out of game interaction, as there is even more downtime. Can see it on TLP servers or p99, where you encounter vastly more "sorry was tabbed out" or "sorry was looking at other monitor", then you ever did in its prime.

And I am speaking in terms of people using the statement that "if you post on forums you must not be playing any games"(ignoring the complete ignorance of said statement) somehow equates to the quality of current offerings and somehow transitions into how they must all be crap and everything needs to go back my "rose colored glasses" days.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Have not read thread, but is this made for VR by chance? MMO in VR would be so much more immersive and I imagine tabbing out would be headache inducing.
At the moment, VR has a big problem with movement. If your character moves, but you do not, you get nausea relatively quickly. That's why most games are "seated" games where you don't get the illusion of movement. MMORPG are going to be hard to do.


2 Minutes Hate
Heh bad example, bc this comparison makes it seem like no one would go back to an EQ style game over this so called evolution of MMOs bc that would be nonsense. MMOs have come a long way but that in no way means better at all. If that was the case then half of you wouldnt be spending more time posting here than being logged into an MMO. You can call the old EQ style of an punishing MMO old and dated but i doubt many who played it put more hours into another MMO since then.
That's because most people here aren't teenagers anymore and have jobs and families. Most kids are playing league, overwatch, csgo, and Minecraft.


2 Minutes Hate
With the ability to alt tab, not to mention growing popularity and ease of multi-monitor setups, playing a game, even hardcore, does nothing to hamper the ability to posts on forums(or anything else for that matter).

It was different in EQs day. But take that type of game today and you get even more out of game interaction, as there is even more downtime. Can see it on TLP servers or p99, where you encounter vastly more "sorry was tabbed out" or "sorry was looking at other monitor", then you ever did in its prime.

And I am speaking in terms of people using the statement that "if you post on forums you must not be playing any games"(ignoring the complete ignorance of said statement) somehow equates to the quality of current offerings and somehow transitions into how they must all be crap and everything needs to go back my "rose colored glasses" days.
It's like I don't have this device that fits in my pocket and connects to the internet.