Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Gotta say the unity v hero engine discussion by non developers has my vote for rerolled retarded discussion of the year. And it's only January.
Just seems like they are grasping a straws with it.. To say it's never been done isn't really a sound argument..


Potato del Grande
I did. Someone else brought it back up again so I agreed.

With that said there are so many shills here coming out of the wood work it is ridiculous. Use your heads people.
Seems to me most of the people coming out of the woodwork are more dubious of the project, making their first posts in a long time about how they don't understand how a mmo can be made on 800k, as if that's the first time anyone has [ignorantly?] pointed this out, and as if they've done nothing to actually learn what little information there actually is on this project and just have a pre-formed opinion and are finding the easiest thing to support that prejudice.

So, they're shills maybe, but like for some company anti-Pantheon?

Because most of the people supporting the project aren't shilling very well in this thread, having expressed a lot of doubts and for the most part based their support on a balance of pros and cons, and have been here the whole time and aren't suddenly coming out of the woodwork.

For instance, you may be right about SOE silently backing he project. I don't really care. Still supporting. Because, for instance, SOE is loudly backing EQN and it doesn't look like a game I want. So, I'll support the chance at a game I want even if they're secretly killing babies to make it.

In fact, for all SOE hate, I kinda hope they DO back the game. As long as EQN is successful enough maybe they'll keep their paws off design and Pantheon will have the support of one of the few big publishers of MMOs. Sounds fine to me, shrug. I'd rather Trion was secretly backing it. Ut, can you maybe have your secret sources in Trion say things you'll be led to believe means they're secretly backing the game? Please.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Make a 30.00 tier plain and simple alpha access. Nothing else , no early name reservation , no in game titles , nothing but the game and alpha access.

TBH they should do a 15-20 dollar Digital Download.

This KS has nearly 6500 people in that dollar range. This is for people that stilll get something for a small pledge. When people see 15-20 dollars they think ya I could give up a meal at Mcdonald's, but at $45 they think, well I could go buy some shoes or some rims for my car. People are strange and $45 seems like a lot to some where as $20 bucks is nothing.

6500 people agree.
Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians by Playdek Kickstarter


Potato del Grande
Last time I swooped in like Sherlock Holmes I told them all vanguard didn't have anything in the game that was being mentioned by Brad's pipe dreams and the utter disarray Sigil Games was in. So the same resounding thud of hands on ears saying I was insane. You may not care, I don't give a shit. I still post the truth.
Vanguard didn't have anything in the game that was being mentioned by Brad? Didn't have anything? Nothing at all, that Brad had talked about having?

You've been right enough, and are smart enough, that you yourself don't have to bullshit us.


I think, as you mentioned, this wasn't a problem with mounts but rather how they were handled. Being able to whistle one into existence whenever made them essentially a buff every character had. If instead mounts were iterated from the UO system, where they were part of the world, and could die or would need upkeep and say, wouldn't go into dungeons so they'd need stables and all sorts of other overhead--they could actually be a mechanic that would be used in a more discriminate fashion, like say only for long range travel.

I feel like there are a million ways to iterate on the concept of mounts that were never explored because they essentially became a "buff with graphics". Fun ways, too. Even ways that promote social interaction (Like having to buy your mount from a druid or ranger---because they have the ability to find them, and train them, from the wild). Lots of cool areas there that were never explored because it became popular to view mounts as a specific type of mechanic that only offered benefits, rather than pros and cons.
This is kinda where I had been going with flying mounts as well. There are plenty of ways that make sense within the context of the world to make mounts usable or unusable without simply having a NO MOUNT ZONE. Hitching posts, stables, etc could be required to "check" your mount at the door to most dungeon locations. Maybe have a small chance your mount gets eaten by mountain trolls if you leave it there too long or something goofy. I agree 100% that the problem with ANY alternate means of travel in other games is the fact that they were implemented poorly and just discounting them offhand because of that seems a bit silly.

I also agree with the posts above that faster travel of some sort is almost a necessity. Be it teleporting wizards/druids, SoW, selos, mounts, boats, carriages, dragons, RAINBOW UNICORNS (the best thing about DAoC) whatever. I don't want this available minute one, but after I've been playing for three months running across the Karanas every time I want to go to Qeynos is bullshit. Maybe at 3:45AM on a Tuesday when I can't find a wizard, sucking it up and running it is fine, but F doing it every single time. I want the world to feel big, I don't want 75% of every weekday play session to be travel.
TBH they should do a 15-20 dollar Digital Download.

This KS has nearly 6500 people in that dollar range. This is for people that stilll get something for a small pledge. When people see 15-20 dollars they think ya I could give up a meal at Mcdonald's, but at $45 they think, well I could go buy some shoes or some rims for my car. People are strange and $45 seems like a lot to some where as $20 bucks is nothing.

6500 people agree.
Unsung Story: Tale of the Guardians by Playdek Kickstarter
They just added a $35 pledge!

Pledge $35 or more

0 backers Limited (5000 left of 5000)
Fallen's Pledge- (This is a STAND ALONE tier not included in the tiers following it.) Digital copy of the game (including 30 days of game time).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
With that said there are so many shills here coming out of the wood work it is ridiculous. Use your heads people.
I don't see people shilling. We all know of their track record. What else is there to look forward to in the mmo world?

Ill spend $100 on a hope. Do I expect this to be the be all end all? Nope.

To me it's like buying a lottery ticket, I'm pretty sure it's not going to change my life but if my numbers come up you can bet your ass i'll be happy I payed my 5 bucks.

It's worth the money just to have a day dream and a smidgen of hope.
Oh, and a $250 pledge level:

Pledge $250 or more
0 backers Limited (500 left of 500)
Paragon's Pledge- (This is a STAND ALONE tier not included in the tiers following it.) All previous reward tiers plus very early access to the game as a tester. The exceptions for those who pledge this tier are simple. Be ready and able to help us with any type of game testing and be willing to spend time submitting detailed bug reports. As a paragon you will receive mention in the credits, have a special tag on our forums once they are established, and a special icon that you can display next to your character name when the game launches. All of those who participate in this pledge must sign a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) and cannot work for any other game company. If at anytime we feel it is justified your access can be removed by the development team.


I still say Brad should pull this down and spend a few months getting more organized. Art work, redo all the tiers, get a working model of the game going, and premake 39 updates all ready to roll. Seems like every other fucking game on KS is rolling along nicely, and Pantheon is just creeping along barely on life support. I don't see him losing any backers if he did.


Yes, please add this to the list if not already present: no discrete qualifiers of mob difficulty. I don't mind /con, but no icons that discretely qualify if I should attack a mob or not.
Sign me up on this also. I liked the EQ style where you kinda know what level it is in reference to your own but it's kinda common sense. Sure that Sand Giant might con white but I think the fact that it's 10X your size should indicate that it's going to be a bitch for its level.

Side note, am I the only person that has momentary lapses and tries to hit C to con mobs in non EQ games? lol I used to do that shit in WoW and SWTOR all the time.


They just added a $35 pledge!

Pledge $35 or more

0 backers Limited (5000 left of 5000)
Fallen's Pledge- (This is a STAND ALONE tier not included in the tiers following it.) Digital copy of the game (including 30 days of game time).
It's a nice option, but with zero beta or alpha I think it will be hard to sell many of those , it's a 3-4 year pure preorder out with nothing else. I think Furious' idea was more on track for that. If you are giving zero beta or alpha and just the game , make it 15-20 bucks. Basically a , pay cheaper now to get the launch product that will cost more then.

The 35 for something you will see zero of for 3-4 years , while the tier below you will get beta access even if not the actual game is going to be a small group of folks to pony that up.

Anything that gives zero beta or alpha should be 15-20 dirt cheap. Again I think they could do that and my idea of a nothing but alpha and the game for 35. (no name reservations or title or anything )


Bronze Knight of the Realm
They just added a $35 pledge!

Pledge $35 or more

0 backers Limited (5000 left of 5000)
Fallen's Pledge- (This is a STAND ALONE tier not included in the tiers following it.) Digital copy of the game (including 30 days of game time).
Strange wording since all tiers following it do include a copy of the game. Or do they mean it does not include the *previous* tiers? Well, it should. Why be stingy with simple beta-acces, people still buy into that stuff. Still no cigar. Also, stand alone tiers and tiers that include every previous tier EXEPT....make it more confusing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They just added a $35 pledge!

Pledge $35 or more

0 backers Limited (5000 left of 5000)
Fallen's Pledge- (This is a STAND ALONE tier not included in the tiers following it.) Digital copy of the game (including 30 days of game time).
New $250 tier also

Edit: Troys too quick!

The $35 should be bumped down to 15ish, be wayyyy more profitable.


Oh, and a $250 pledge level:

Pledge $250 or more
0 backers Limited (500 left of 500)
Paragon's Pledge- (This is a STAND ALONE tier not included in the tiers following it.) All previous reward tiers plus very early access to the game as a tester. The exceptions for those who pledge this tier are simple. Be ready and able to help us with any type of game testing and be willing to spend time submitting detailed bug reports. As a paragon you will receive mention in the credits, have a special tag on our forums once they are established, and a special icon that you can display next to your character name when the game launches. All of those who participate in this pledge must sign a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) and cannot work for any other game company. If at anytime we feel it is justified your access can be removed by the development team.
Ok does this mean you get in before alpha even ? It would tempt me to change my other 250 tier to this one.


It's a nice option, but with zero beta or alpha I think it will be hard to sell many of those , it's a 3-4 year pure preorder out with nothing else. I think Furious' idea was more on track for that. If you are giving zero beta or alpha and just the game , make it 15-20 bucks. Basically a , pay cheaper now to get the launch product that will cost more then.

The 35 for something you will see zero of for 3-4 years , while the tier below you will get beta access even if not the actual game is going to be a small group of folks to pony that up.

Anything that gives zero beta or alpha should be 15-20 dirt cheap. Again I think they could do that and my idea of a nothing but alpha and the game for 35. (no name reservations or title or anything )
At the same time Alpha is supposed to be "burning in" your servers. Slowly bringing people in, stress testing, and bug hunting. How are they supposed to do that if they have 10,000 people all signed up for Alpha? Alpha should be low low numbers. Maybe a thousand at a time. Honestly maybe even lower. 500 at a time.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ok does this mean you get in before alpha even ? It would tempt me to change my other 250 tier to this one.
Not sure but they should bump this to $325 and add previous tier rewards of the Lifetime sub. I would go for that in a New York minute


Potato del Grande
I still say Brad should pull this down and spend a few months getting more organized. Art work, redo all the tiers, get a working model of the game going, and premake 39 updates all ready to roll. Seems like every other fucking game on KS is rolling along nicely, and Pantheon is just creeping along barely on life support. I don't see him losing any backers if he did.
On forums I've seen quit a few people dismiss the project outright. But also a lot of people on the fence. If they pulled it down it would just give everyone on the fence that nudge toward dismissing it outright. Right now, I think a lot of people on the fence are waiting to see how the KS goes. If it starts looking shoddy and botched, then they were right. If it starts looking better, they'll have some hope and start jumping on the bandwagon. Pulling it down, though, is basically justifying everyone's worst fears.


Potato del Grande
Side note, am I the only person that has momentary lapses and tries to hit C to con mobs in non EQ games? lol I used to do that shit in WoW and SWTOR all the time.
I stopped doing this a few years ago. Sadly, because I've been programmed by MMOs to know that if the game is marking an area on my map and telling me to kill something, I don't even have to begin worrying if the mob poses any real threat to me. I can just kill it because the game has practically already told me it was a given I'd win.

And that's the kind of shit I want to get away from in current mmos.