Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Originally Posted by Aradune
Yes, but the spawn locations would likely vary. And I should say there will be some long spawns. Some people do enjoy camping. I just want those with less time to feel like they are advancing every day too.
That's exactly what I wanted to hear.
Why are you falling for that? This is the kind of "want to please everyone" answer that makes me dubious about this whole old-school thing.
Players will expect the "long spawns" that have to be camped to drop much better items then the frequent spawns for "those with less time", right? You know where that leads too, unhappy casuals or unhappy campers.

It is, once again, trying to cater to everyone. Looks like the "WoW-killer syndrome" is still rearing its ugly head. This is an 8-million dollar MMO at the most: it NEEDS to be catering to a smaller demographic.

So we have corpse-runs AND the ability to play in 2-hour chunks? Very curious how they envision that.

Enchanters are the only ones with Illusion clickies, yet we allow the KS crowd to pretty much buy their way into a truckload of items that could have been *awesome* loot in the game itself? This does not sound old-school, sub-based, earn your shit in the game at all to me.

This game has no direction at all.


Why are you falling for that? This is the kind of "want to please everyone" answer that makes me dubious about this whole old-school thing.
Players will expect the "long spawns" that have to be camped to drop much better items then the frequent spawns for "those with less time", right? You know where that leads too, unhappy casuals or unhappy campers.

It is, once again, trying to cater to everyone. Looks like the "WoW-killer syndrome" is still rearing its ugly head. This is an 8-million dollar MMO at the most: it NEEDS to be catering to a smaller demographic.

So we have corpse-runs AND the ability to play in 2-hour chunks? Very curious how they envision that.

Enchanters are the only ones with Illusion clickies, yet we allow the KS crowd to pretty much buy their way into a truckload of items that could have been *awesome* loot in the game itself? This does not sound old-school, sub-based, earn your shit in the game at all to me.

This game has no direction at all.
It also needs to get funded. All of the items they have as add-ons and pledge rewards are not game breaking or taking away anything from any class. The illusion clicky sounds like it will be similar to the minor illusion spell in EverQuest, a level 1 enchanter spell. Also just because they give these items out as backer rewards doesn't mean they can't also be quest rewards or mob drops once the game releases.

Far as camping goes; his response doesn't at all sound like he's trying to please everybody. You are trying to mass two different points into one. He's saying players can get meaningful amounts of exp by moving around and exploring a dungeon without having to spend all day doing it; this is not mutually exclusive to setting a camp to try and get item X. This all seems consistent with his philosophy that "the path of least resistance should be the most fun".

Seriously, calm down.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I've thought about trying modern EverQuest but getting a character to a point that I could participate in raids seems pretty daunting with 100 levels and over 10,000AAs.
True, I do not bother with Raiding and am not even max level yet. I mix up my activities as much as possible and keep the grinding to a minimum. I did put a lot of work in Crafting and am now Master Artisan (7x300 skill). Playing the bazaar to get ingredients was also part of the fun, as was doing several of the long Augment quests that the game has (which yield a pretty good reward for the non-raider).

I also sometimes go to the stone marker in Qeynos Hills and just listen to the ultra-gloomy soundclip that plays there and go all misty-eyed. Yup.

Or I decide to do the Paw of Opolla quest, which takes me all over Norrath, untill I get sick of laying waste to Befallen trying to get Gynok Moltor to spawn for his +1 rings. Those old quests are fun, they were never about collecting 10 bear-asses in the direct vicinity. They had story, lots of NPC's and locations involved, travel, camping, faction coming into play, crafting (like the rat ear pie you have to make).

Or lay waste to gargoyle island in OOT for a Slayer achievement.

Or I make my druid available in PoK and just port a few peeps around: there is still a smallish market for that. I do not do it for the money, though peeps still donate nicely.

I also box and have fun with old content: I just did the Guk Ldon raid with my boxes (level 86 average) and got lucky on that augment that gives an undead proc-pet. And then I had to go "raid" Qvic (GoD) because I did not have any weapon with an Raidslot #8 to put that aug in: I never did anything in GoD and even though the encounter was trivial it was still fun to do. So now I have an all together useless weapon with an awesome proc: sometime up to 3 skellies up at the same time with cool shields and swords when fighting with Troll BL.

There's also the dailies but I usually quickly burn out on that shit.

I did raid during PoP and loved it but that ship has sailed for now. Can not dedicate those strict hours at this point.


Just curious as to how this might be different than say the KS making it to $800k with out any angel backers, and then VR getting investors involved to fund the rest of the game. All seems kind of the same to me if the get investors involved at all. I think I would be more upset that this thing funds, they take our money and piss it away rather than some magic rich investors pushing it to fund. If we get a good game in the end, thats all that matters to me.
I think the point was more that Brad would "anonymously" back it himself to hit the goal. Like it's 250k short, he throws in 250k, loses the 5% or whatever Kickstarter charges, makes his 250k back and nets an additional 510k.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think the point was more that Brad would "anonymously" back it himself to hit the goal. Like it's 250k short, he throws in 250k, loses the 5% or whatever Kickstarter charges, makes his 250k back and nets an additional 510k.
If he wants to do that, he should do it now so the kicktraq doesn't look like this will fall on its face in 3 weeks.


Trakanon Raider
I think the point was more that Brad would "anonymously" back it himself to hit the goal. Like it's 250k short, he throws in 250k, loses the 5% or whatever Kickstarter charges, makes his 250k back and nets an additional 510k.
Then we could have a funcom raided thread and a Brad raided by the SEC thread. Good times.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I love this thread. Every day it's like a roller coaster but only when it concerns the fanboys. They go from excited to depressed to angry then back to excited and we start the cycle again.

I get why they put the addon's. It's because of the reality of the situation. They realize that this isn't going to get funded by just a mass of backers so they need to get their current backers to go higher. This is really the only way to do that so I commend them for it. If enough buy into it, it may help. I really don't think there is anything they can put out there that's going to bring a surge of new backers at this point. The AMA interview yesterday netting what, 20 new backers?


Semi-pro Monopoly player
All this talk of roller coasters made me miss RCT.



Trakanon Raider
you didn't miss out. also, guess the AMA didn't go over that well.

I wouldn't say it didn't go over that well.... The AMA, whether it was meant to or not, targeted people who were already invested into the game. That is why I liked the add-on move. I would say a very small population in the AMA have not invested.

This is why the Boogie interview is going to be crucial. This will reach people that may not even know what EQ is or at the very least never played it. The AMA may have helped some people on the fence but if they were thinking it was going to pull in a bunch of new donors, I think they are giving a bit too much credit to the size and scope of their audience.

People were jokingly posting to Scott in the Archeage posts that Scott may need a link to know what Pantheon is... Is was not until that post that I actually began wondering how people had picked up on this project. I began asking around, I had already posted to the Lanys Boards, couple of Facebook groups, and some other forums and even still, very few of the gaming circles i'm in had even cared to look.

I hope Brad pulls this off, i've probably been more critical than I should in some cases but, when they say a niche audience that's exactly what this project is bringing. So, opportunities Pantheon can take advantage of such as Boogie and more mainstream outlets, they better make it good because from what i've seen, he still hasn't convinced a lot of old school players as I had originally thought.


Golden Squire
Really not a fan of "pay for bag space" and especially "pay for bank slots". If those things can be purchased in-game for reasonable amounts of currency, then I'm okay-ish with it. Still makes me uneasy though.


I don't get why people are backing this. The amount of information they have should be disconcerting. 99% of the questions asked so far should have had answers jn the information released before they even started asking for money. Any large investors would want a lot more before risking money on a project like this by a man like Brad.

Don't get me wrong, I like the general idea of the game and think all of us aging neckbearded eq players need this, but I'm afraid that the initial campaign may have doomed it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Really not a fan of "pay for bag space" and especially "pay for bank slots". If those things can be purchased in-game for reasonable amounts of currency, then I'm okay-ish with it. Still makes me uneasy though.
That makes you uneasy of all the things to be uneasy about.


Why are you falling for that? This is the kind of "want to please everyone" answer that makes me dubious about this whole old-school thing.
Players will expect the "long spawns" that have to be camped to drop much better items then the frequent spawns for "those with less time", right? You know where that leads too, unhappy casuals or unhappy campers.

It is, once again, trying to cater to everyone. Looks like the "WoW-killer syndrome" is still rearing its ugly head. This is an 8-million dollar MMO at the most: it NEEDS to be catering to a smaller demographic.

So we have corpse-runs AND the ability to play in 2-hour chunks? Very curious how they envision that.

Enchanters are the only ones with Illusion clickies, yet we allow the KS crowd to pretty much buy their way into a truckload of items that could have been *awesome* loot in the game itself? This does not sound old-school, sub-based, earn your shit in the game at all to me.

This game has no direction at all.
Maybe after thirty minutes

your corpse finds you.

I can think of a ton of stuff to have camped in EQ which you never would have seen in 1-2 hour gameplay chunks unless you were struck with lightning lucky. So I am also curious as to how they can make both things possible.


Trakanon Raider
I don't get why people are backing this. The amount of information they have should be disconcerting. 99% of the questions asked so far should have had answers jn the information released before they even started asking for money. Any large investors would want a lot more before risking money on a project like this by a man like Brad.

Don't get me wrong, I like the general idea of the game and think all of us aging neckbearded eq players need this, but I'm afraid that the initial campaign may have doomed it.
They are backing it because they can justify the money. It is no different that gambling in a sense. If you can look in your wallet and say, "I don't care to lose X bucks for a good time and potential return." then why not? We may not get a game out of it but then again we might. Believe me, we've hashed this game out every way possible. There's a lot that does not make sense and a lot that needs clarified but, i'm sure people are just looking at this and understanding they've given to worse in the MMO industry.

If you give $45, you get a box copy so what is there to lose? I've bought games that have been less enjoyable than merely talking about Pantheon. I was going to give $150 but right now i'm sitting back at $45. We'll see how it works out but right now, I see no reason to not throw the price of a box copy at Brad just because of EQ. Plus, if you give, it gives you some entitlement to speak your mind. :p


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm thinking more of the end game here. Of how this game is constantly described (small, targeted at a small niche, not as many features) I have to wonder if I'd like the game at that point. At a certain point, if certain things are 'missing', it's starts getting to the point where it doesn't feel like a full game anymore. I can't think of any 'small time' MMO that I enjoyed for any length of time exactly for this reason. The concern as well is how quick are they going to be to add content based on budget? You can make leveling the slowest thing in the world but there still needs to be enough content there to satisfy even the causal player (especially since he said they would make so that the casual player wasn't going to get penalized for not spending a chunk of time in the game).


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
This is hilarious.

I love how people are asking questions, Brad answers a few based on how EQ was (EQ also had long spawn times with some random placed mobs of where they would pop based on the PH table), generalizes even that answer, and ...

There is no design doc. All the answers are fly by the night and have no foundation, because... wait... *There is no design document*

This is starting to remind me of the facepalms seen around the world last night with American Horror Story's Coven season Finale.