Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Pretty sure EA didn't insist on Warhammer having shitty ability lag and (imo) absolutely shitty art direction that didn't live up to even a shred of expectations.


<Gold Donor>
Well warhammer WAS different than wow. Yeah it has some of the PvE shit that wow had, but its main focus and scope was PvP. It felt different than WoW ever did whiel playing. It was just a poor implementation. 1-20 it was awesome, and then the wheels started to fall off 20+. Balance wise, content wise,etc.. Then the entire keep sieges never really worked out either which was supposedly the end game. There was just too many of them and it was a slideshow when more than 30 people per side showed up. couple this with unbalanced classes and all the CC, people just quit in droves. Well they did give us public quests too which was new and fresh idea for the time as well.

I do agree about the Publishers though, they need to get off WoWs nuts and do their own thing. You will never make a better game than wow if you just try to copy it.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
This is where my group of friends are at mostly. Out of a couple dozen guildies and real life friends I've gamed with over the last few decades, most of them backed in the low end tiers as a "fuck it, why not" pledge only. They've since then promptly forgotten about the game. One other person is keeping tabs on it other than myself. Only a couple had kickstarter accounts to begin with and a couple said kickstarter was a con and would take a look if it ever came out. Nobody really had an issue with Brad personally. Overall, skepticism and apathy due mostly to kickstarter.

Almost every single one of these people could have kicked into the $500+ range without batting an eye based on economic situations but just aren't into the KS thing or having a wait and see attitude. These are gamers that without fail order CE's and rebuy consoles with specific editions (and then never play or maybe even unbox the things). Have hundreds of games on steam that they'll never load. DINKs and professional grown children (and to be fair to them, I'm a complete man-child as well so I'm not taking a shot at them or anyone else similar). For context, most of these folks are apathetic with how SWToR came out (and followed it AND bought CE's). They don't have high expectations any more. The overwhelming response was, "what did you expect?". They're used to being disappointed.

Something about this project just missed the mark for this group (assuming the KS presentation as has been beaten to death and a lack of anything concrete to show them due to the stage of progress it's at). I had to point out that I looked at backing like going easy at a Vegas table for a few hours. That's what got them to actually pay in, they realized it was not really much of anything to throw a bit of cash at it and hope for the best (which is what they've been doing over and over again to get us shit for games for a over a decade now). These are all the same people that piss and moan about the "olde days" and how great EQ and those first days of WoW were so theyshouldbe interested in at least the sales pitch.

Just seems like an overall weird disconnect to me.
I think it's just the KS thing we keep harping on. It's like with novels, where you don't have very long to hook a reader. The KS just didn't have a hook. It was either easy to dismiss it (and no, like novels, most people aren't willing to "wait until it gets good"), or it was the kind of thing where to like it you had to keep digging for information.

Other successful KSers are easy to like. After several minutes scanning the Deliverance: Kingdom Come, to use the 'unfair' example, I knew I'd feel comfortable pledging because they made it easy to like and support.

Pantheon's KS has never made it easy for people to justify supporting.


I think it's just the KS thing we keep harping on. It's like with novels, where you don't have very long to hook a reader. The KS just didn't have a hook. It was either easy to dismiss it (and no, like novels, most people aren't willing to "wait until it gets good"), or it was the kind of thing where to like it you had to keep digging for information.

Other successful KSers are easy to like. After several minutes scanning the Deliverance: Kingdom Come, to use the 'unfair' example, I knew I'd feel comfortable pledging because they made it easy to like and support.

Pantheon's KS has never made it easy for people to justify supporting.
Agreed, I just figured out of that many of my friends there'd be a few more people like me willing to toss in a bit more (especially as bad as they moan about games). I'm a fairly active KS'er though so maybe it a profile thing. I backed Deliverance thanks to whoever first linked it here. Those guys are killing it on theirs. If their combat is good that game will may be incredible but no matter what, they've done an excellent job selling their idea. They are also believably "hungry" whatever that means. It comes across.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Agreed, I just figured out of that many of my friends there'd be a few more people like me willing to toss in a bit more (especially as bad as they moan about games). I'm a fairly active KS'er though so maybe it a profile thing. I backed Deliverance thanks to whoever first linked it here. Those guys are killing it on theirs. If their combat is good that game will may be incredible but no matter what, they've done an excellent job selling their idea. They are also believably "hungry" whatever that means. It comes across.
I'm experience the same thing. That, and there are quite a few people I've intentionally not tried to convince yet. I'm still hoping something more "Hell yeah I'll back" turns up before the end, because right now it's lacking that punch.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Agreed, I just figured out of that many of my friends there'd be a few more people like me willing to toss in a bit more (especially as bad as they moan about games). I'm a fairly active KS'er though so maybe it a profile thing. I backed Deliverance thanks to whoever first linked it here. Those guys are killing it on theirs. If their combat is good that game will may be incredible but no matter what, they've done an excellent job selling their idea. They are also believably "hungry" whatever that means. It comes across.
I think the disconnect is '3 years from now'. It's not like there is anything on the KS that resembles the game itself in any way so it's hard for the average person to say 'that looks like something I want to play' when they are not seeing anything.

On the funding side, it looks like everyone got all their addon's yesterday since today has been another slow day so far.


I think the disconnect is '3 years from now'. It's not like there is anything on the KS that resembles the game itself in any way so it's hard for the average person to say 'that looks like something I want to play' when they are not seeing anything.

On the funding side, it looks like everyone got all their addon's yesterday since today has been another slow day so far.
Pretty much like the entire kickstarter. The only movement is all of us moving our pledges around. When we are all satisfied, the uptick stops.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Pretty much like the entire kickstarter. The only movement is all of us moving our pledges around. When we are all satisfied, the uptick stops.
I wonder how much of the total # is from posters/lurkers here. I imagine it's very large.


Golden Knight of the Realm
looks like rogue info got moved to tomorrow:

1. Cleric (Updated)
2. Dark Knight (Updated)
3. Crusader
4. Rogue 2/1/14
5. Enchanter 2/4/14
6. Wizard 2/7/14
7. Shaman 2/11/14


<Gold Donor>
Pretty much like the entire kickstarter. The only movement is all of us moving our pledges around. When we are all satisfied, the uptick stops.
Meh, roughly 300 new people just this week mon-fri. Its not groundbreaking by any means. But its a steady trickle.


I dunno if its been mentioned, but I still have FoH bookmarked and accidentally clicked it. Turns out it just redirects to Pantheons kickstarter heh, wonder if Tyen is putting EQBrowser on the shelf to take his talent to this game.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I dunno if its been mentioned, but I still have FoH bookmarked and accidentally clicked it. Turns out it just redirects to Pantheons kickstarter heh, wonder if Tyen is putting EQBrowser on the shelf to take his talent to this game.
Maybe Swamp Donkey will be a raid mob.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Meh, roughly 300 new people just this week mon-fri. Its not groundbreaking by any means. But its a steady trickle.
Trickle is the right word. Because if they average that the next three weeks, it barely puts them over 3k backers. In a week that's had an AMA interview, a Boogie interview, class and race reveals, addons, etc., that's not a great number over 5 days.


I think the disconnect is '3 years from now'. It's not like there is anything on the KS that resembles the game itself in any way so it's hard for the average person to say 'that looks like something I want to play' when they are not seeing anything.

On the funding side, it looks like everyone got all their addon's yesterday since today has been another slow day so far.
Yeah, probably that but most of these guys throw down cash no problem for stuff that they never even load up. I just don't see it that differently but I get what you're saying.

On the add ons, wasn't really anything that caught my attention. I'm not big into the physical stuff for some reason; never have been and I think I get most of the in game stuff.

I did get a couple texts and an email along the, "wtf is this p2w shit" when the add on update came out though. I told them VR had to do that because cheap bastards like them wouldn't belly up to the table properly since bitches just liked to whine about games (thank you thread; you're a great source of put downs). Got a few more bucks out of those conversations. =p And to be clear, I don't believe that. I was just goading a couple buddies that won't miss the extra money. Now I get to harangue them about being p2w pussies. It's a win/win.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I dunno if its been mentioned, but I still have FoH bookmarked and accidentally clicked it. Turns out it just redirects to Pantheons kickstarter heh, wonder if Tyen is putting EQBrowser on the shelf to take his talent to this game.
No, someone (tuco I think?) asked Requiem to do it when he was posting in this thread and he did.


Can this thing trickle all the way to $800,000? Unlikely. I was hoping for a bigger bump after the boogie interview. It didn't budge.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Can this thing trickle all the way to $800,000? Unlikely. I was hoping for a bigger bump after the boogie interview. It didn't budge.
It's a long camp for a rare spawn =/
Also, bored:


Anyone who is mildly interested in this game, and a potential backer, is not going to look at the kickstarter just once and walk away.
You've lost your mind. I assure you there were people who checked it out the first week and went "fuck no , he cant even run a KS site , I'm not donating to this".

The idea that he lost no potential backers over the first terrible status of the KS is ridiculous.

It's in a much better state now and does need to be pointed out to those who might have looked at it and said no way.