Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Blackwing Lair Raider
Also travel was not just time sink in EQ. The sense of adventure and reward for traveling was what made EQ so good. I dont know if old EQ was perfect but it was very close. The long levelling curve also helped cause you would get to place and know the journey was worth it cause you were going to be there for a while. It wasn't turn up blow through the content and have to leave to the next area.
Except that completely is opposite on how he's described this game so far. Wants players to be able to play in 1-2 hour increments. Wants to have movable camps. Both of those go against the notion of being in one spot for long periods of time. I'm sure there are going to be camps in the game, I just don't think it's going to be as static as it was in EQ.


I don't think I've seen anyone, no matter how die-hard, old-school, hardcore EQ fan, who has thought this is a good idea to go back to. So congrats for that.

You're right, though, one of my strongest memories was going LD at the entrance of Seb and not being able to get back on until the wee hours when most of my guilds/friends weren't online. It was awesome not being able to play at all if I didn't happen to have a porting friends who couldn't sleep, which I didn't. Sending random tells to strangers at 2am really is the height of socializing. I know, my bad, should have made more friends with the Japanese guilds who didn't speak any English!

So, yes, let's please go back to that. Melee shouldn't have any gate spells or Pantheon will just be another WoW clone!
You could of invested some time into avoiding this completely by getting a OT hammer or teleport pots.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This whole discussion may not mean a whole lot depending how they are dealing with mounts. We already know they are giving away a mount with tiers so already a certain segment of the population is going to not be running around from right off the bat.


I think Creed and others have said this,

But when did it become necessary that you should always have every dungeon in the world within 30 secs reach ?

Making sure someone who can only hop one or two hours can get anywhere they want that night and do any dungeon they want is how we ended up with the shitpile we have now.

This game is supposed to be for those who don't want that type of game. Very minor lfg tools that do no automatching and zero porting I'm all for , but make the person (and many times it will be me) who can only play an hour that night ,not able to zip wherever they want. Make them travel as part of the game , doing something else along the way.

Letting casual one hour players get something done is fine , that "something" should not be whatever they want instantly.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Damn 123 backers yesterday. Good job guys.

It seems like Brad's question has evolved a bit.. One about the dungeons, travel and grouping and another about the introduction to the game. I guess they tie in but really the attention to the hook early on is something they need to nail. It's important and over looked early on. This is lazy, but I think feeding a lot of the game info to a class NPC early on always made a lot of sense to me.. They are the teachers anyway..Keep the UI simple with a good chat feature and players will be fine. Consider a noob dungeon in town like a sewer dungeon. That will get players together early enough.. Have a little fun with it.. Maybe stash a raid boss in there so players can get excited about what's coming in later levels.. Someone joked about the meeting stones in wow. They didn't work but in game landmarks did.. Halfling stump anyone? So maybe consider throwing in random but interesting landmarks that players can use.. In EQ you guys didn't know what to expect and I think if you build the game and throw enough interesting things into it, players will sort it out. So maybe worry less about one perfect system and look at things less complicated and simpler like the occasional landmark/ruin.


I think Creed and others have said this,

But when did it become necessary that you should always have every dungeon in the world within 30 secs reach ?

Making sure someone who can only hop one or two hours can get anywhere they want that night and do any dungeon they want is hope we ended up with the shitpile we have now.

This game is supposed to be for those who don't want that type of game. Very minor lfg tools that do no automatching and zero porting I'm all for , but make the person (and many times it will be me) who can only play an hour that night ,not able to zip wherever they want. Make them travel as part of the game , doing something else along the way.

Letting casual one hour players get something done is fine , that "something" should not be whatever they want instantly.
And keep in mind, players will find a way. I spend a good month and a half in KC. I didn't port home every night, I camped out in front of KC so when I logged in the next day all I had to do was zone in. This whining that dungeons are to far away is ridiculous. Some nights if I wanted to switch and head to another zone I would hit the city, refill my food and water, sell my crap, and head to that dungeon. Log off in front of it and I'm good to go for the next night. It works.


And keep in mind, players will find a way. I spend a good month and a half in KC. I didn't port home every night, I camped out in front of KC so when I logged in the next day all I had to do was zone in. This whining that dungeons are to far away is ridiculous. Some nights if I wanted to switch and head to another zone I would hit the city, refill my food and water, sell my crap, and head to that dungeon. Log off in front of it and I'm good to go for the next night. It works.
In other words you were playing a game that existed inside a virtual world. What you did (and many of us ) is exactly what I want also. When you finally got "somewhere" it meant something. Just the act of getting somewhere the other side of the world was a thing in itself. Made the dungeon or wherever you were heading even more fun I bet. I'm with you , and this is what I want from this game.

There's nothing wrong again with those who want the instant port lobby games, there is a wide selection currently out there.

This game needs to be the other end of the spectrum.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
To take the devils advocate side of things, most everyone here would be happy with a true successor to Everquest an Everquest 2 if you will, and no I don't mean that awful creation Sony put out. So it's no surprise that we want the mechanics and world to feel the same way. Some people like Dumar would dive headfirst into a river a shit and swim 3 miles to play that game. We also tend to be the 1% of gamers if you will, the ones who play or played hardcore, while not everyone here was/is a world first player at least at one point most of them aspired to be.

You can see it's overwhelmingly for the decision of little to no teleports and little to no random grouping, still take it with a grain of salt, we are the target audience of a niche game and we will play the hell out of it, but you might not want to go so far as to discourage your average gamer from picking up your game.


Now I'm with you on the let's not go full original EQ at launch (even if I would enjoy it ) Booze.

The prime example I'll give on that is melee not able to bind without the help of a wiz. While I want death penalties and corpse runs or something , and travel to mean something with no easy porting lfg tool , I'm fully aware if we went warriors have to find a wizard to bind and not have a half continent corpse run we are going to be financially viable.

Again just err heavily on world > convenience , but sometimes something like the example I just gave is not going to fly for even many of this niche.


Trakanon Raider
Class only teleports are really fucking stupid. Why would anyone actually want this is beyond me.

Oh oops I rolled a melee class. Time to beg for some teleports -- I'M SO IMMERSED.
or, maybe if you weren't an antisocial fuckwad you could try making friends who would be willing to teleport you around? or maybe there could be potions you can purchase that will transport you around? its pieces of shit like you that this game is not supposed to be made for. go back to WoW.


Trakanon Raider
The elves are by far the best symbol. I say that because I think there will be dark elves


or, maybe if you weren't an antisocial fuckwad you could try making friends who would be willing to teleport you around? or maybe there could be potions you can purchase that will transport you around? its pieces of shit like you that this game is not supposed to be made for. go back to WoW.
Haha +1. God forbid they should force you to talk to someone for some help in game. But hey, all is not lost LFG. EQN gives you the ability to mix and match any combination of classes, spells, and abilities no matter what you roll. So you could be a tank/wizzy/rogue/shaman/cleric! No group tanks, no group healers, it will be a fucking free for all of epic proportions! ZERO restrictions! Sounds right up your ally. Hell, I'll even bet you can just say fuck it and solo your way to max level in under a month without talking to a single person! Give it a try!


That seems to be the consensus -- don't do a dungeon finding system.... Unless we do it JUST for the first few tutorial levels. Helping new players find friends right away would probably be good, but as soon as they reach the level where the tutorial and hand holding ends, bye bye dungeon finder and other similar functionality. The more I think about this solution, the more I like it.
A few,verylimited number of Wizard spires in remote areas across the land. Like 2-3 max, and not inside cities or anywhere near them. Have port spells on certain classes. That's it.


Ancient MMO noob
Finding group was one of the very important social aspects of EQ. LFG system totally destories it. Yes, you can find player to group with much easier, but then player don't get to bound to each other because finding replacement is so easy. "You are just a number"


or, maybe if you weren't an antisocial fuckwad go back to WoW.
Good one.

Yes, the ability to teleport for people that didn't roll a teleport class should depend on who and what classes you have on your friends list at the time. Great fun design right there.

Casters getting all the useful quality of life stuff because reasons is totally the reason people loved vanilla EQ so much.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Good one.

Yes, the ability to teleport for people that didn't roll a teleport class should depend on who and what classes you have on your friends list at the time. Great fun design right there.

Casters getting all the useful quality of life stuff because reasons is totally the reason people loved vanilla EQ so much.
Dude, Brad is here.. Share your ideas on it or stop bitching

Nm.. I saw your first post that took a personal attack on the guy.. You're just trolling.