Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
They plan to push forward. Brad and Sal both mentioned they had some personal stuff to deal with. Probably part of it, but I'm thinking there were some team meets and work being done to get the KS updated ASAP. They have to be preparing for a final push with all this. I know it was in the works. Hopefully that's the case.. I'd rather them get the KS looking better before they do another round of interviews with people like Boogie.
I am curious what pushing forward entails, the impression that we given earlier was if this funding didn't come through they were losing the team. It didn't really come across as these guys were willing to share bunks and live off ramen in order to get this running. Or are they expecting if they put a please donate now sign on their website they will get the $350k from kickstarter all over again, because that won't happen.


<Gold Donor>
Maybe a few will stick around, but honestly what would you do? Go look for a job or stay unemployed for another chance? I dont think any of these guys are in the position to go jobless in California at that. Including Bradley.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>

Making your dollar stretch is a terrible idea, said no one running a business ever.
Stretching dollars = Good
Moving a team cross country = Dumb

Sorry man the more you push this issue the dumber it gets, nobody disagrees there are cheaper areas to work and Cali isn't the best state when it comes to taxes but packing your shit to move to buttfuck nowhere because the dollars go farther isn't a bright move.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I am curious what pushing forward entails, the impression that we given earlier was if this funding didn't come through they were losing the team. It didn't really come across as these guys were willing to share bunks and live off ramen in order to get this running. Or are they expecting if they put a please donate now sign on their website they will get the $350k from kickstarter all over again, because that won't happen.
I never got that impression they were losing the team. That's the second time you said that. Where did you get that from? link?? They've said all along they would seek other methods of funding but ideally wanted to crowd fund as much as possible.


Stretching dollars = Good
Moving a team cross country = Dumb

Sorry man the more you push this issue the dumber it gets, nobody disagrees there are cheaper areas to work and Cali isn't the best state when it comes to taxes but packing your shit to move to buttfuck nowhere because the dollars go farther isn't a bright move.
I'm not pushing a move - I agreed with Merlin earlier that after the game got made they should consider moving some aspects (data center hosting, an office or two) to cheaper locations. Somehow it turned into people selling their houses before the kickstarter was done.

It doesn't matter though because this thing isn't going to get funded.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Maybe a few will stick around, but honestly what would you do? Go look for a job or stay unemployed for another chance? I dont think any of these guys are in the position to go jobless in California at that. Including Bradley.
If I was on the team I wouldn't of let them put up that giant piece of shit of a kickstarter, if they did anyways I would spend the rest of the time touching up my resume. I am not blaming anyone for bailing out of a sinking ship, otherwise they might get lined up in front of the garage in a couple of weeks and told they are fired anyways. I don't see how this can go forward but Convo seems to either think/or know that there is a cash infusion around the corner that we aren't yet privy too.


<Gold Donor>
I never got that impression they were losing the team. That's the second time you said that. Where did you get that from? link?? They've said all along they would seek other methods of funding but ideally wanted to crowd fund as much as possible.
Now how will they accomplish other forms of funding? Who will fund this?

Vanguard was 90% done from all accounts and needed a year of solid polish and he couldnt even secure that. Here they have nothing and a kickstarter that has interest by 3K people. Go float this idea to a backer/investor and see what he tells you. HAHAHAA....FUCK OFF!


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I never got that impression they were losing the team. That's the second time you said that. Where did you get that from? link?? They've said all along they would seek other methods of funding but ideally wanted to crowd fund as much as possible.
I am not going to dig through 800 pages of shit to find it, but it was mentioned earlier in this thread, if everyone was willing to get another job and work part time on this if they had to, that would indicate that they had a passion for this project which just doesn't seem to be there.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If I was on the team I wouldn't of let them put up that giant piece of shit of a kickstarter, if they did anyways I would spend the rest of the time touching up my resume. I am not blaming anyone for bailing out of a sinking ship, otherwise they might get lined up in front of the garage in a couple of weeks and told they are fired anyways. I don't see how this can go forward but Convo seems to either think/or know that there is a cash infusion around the corner that we aren't yet privy too.
Haha.. All I said is they were 100% committed to following thru after the KS ends, regardless of the outcome. I said nothing about money.. You keep drawing all kinds of conclusions. It's funny how you're starting to show your true colors tho. The personal attacks are starting.. I find your timing funny too.. It's always when new info drops. Do you plan that shit lol?


Potato del Grande

Making your dollar stretch is a terrible idea, said no one running a business ever.
They don't yet HAVE a business to run, you fucking idiot! And packing up and moving 10 people, some who I believe do still have jobs and are waiting to see if they can afford to quit, all the way across the country, or to Wy-fucking-oming on the chance a shaky game-studio startup can gain traction, moving AWAY from a hotbed of potential talent, is the dumbest fucking move they could make at this point (literally and figuratively, see what I did there dumb fuck?).


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Haha.. All I said is they were 100% committed to following thru after the KS ends, regardless of the outcome. I said nothing about money.. You keep drawing all kinds of conclusions. It's funny how you're starting to show your true colors tho. The personal attacks are starting.. I find your timing funny too.. It's always when new info drops. Do you plan that shit lol?
What the hell are you talking about, pretty sure I've been pretty consistent on my opinion for as long as this has been going. But OK they are 100% committed to following through, but now with no money. It must be nice living in fantasy land.


<Gold Donor>
What the hell are you talking about, pretty sure I've been pretty consistent on my opinion for as long as this has been going. But OK they are 100% committed to following through, but now with no money. It must be nice living in fantasy land.
Sign me up! I have no game design background, but im willing to quit my job that supports my family for a chance to work on this.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What the hell are you talking about, pretty sure I've been pretty consistent on my opinion for as long as this has been going. But OK they are 100% committed to following through, but now with no money. It must be nice living in fantasy land.
I'm not in a fantasy land. I'm just relaying what was told to me. Basically a failed KS was hardly the end of the road for the project.. I'm sorry that answer isn't good enough for you lol.. But I never said they had some secret plan for money.. they very well could, but I never said it.


They don't yet HAVE a business to run, you fucking idiot! And packing up and moving 10 people, some who I believe do still have jobs and are waiting to see if they can afford to quit, all the way across the country, or to Wy-fucking-oming on the chance a shaky game-studio startup can gain traction, moving AWAY from a hotbed of potential talent, is the dumbest fucking move they could make at this point (literally and figuratively, see what I did there dumb fuck?).
Get the sand out of your vagina. At the pace of this Kickstarter they would have to move to Bangladesh to run an MMO.


Potato del Grande
Get the sand out of your vagina. At the pace of this Kickstarter they would have to move to Bangladesh to run an MMO.
No, they wouldn't move anywhere to run this MMO that doesn't yet come close to really existing. That's the point, you fucking lame-brain.

Let me guess, you read a chapter in a book about how companies can move to another state to save money, thought with a solid, single fact you could wow an internet audience, and now can't just shut the fuck up because the longer you attention whore the more likely we'll believe you when you say you were just trolling all along? GOT US GOOD!!!