Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Then it's not really a stretch goal. These guys don't understand Kickstarter. The way it's presented is totally disingenuous. Having stretch goals kind of implies that the stuff that isn't part of them is included in the base funding goal. But that's not the case with Pantheon. Everything is a stretch goal, because they've stated that 800k will not make the game. It's just a confusing mess. Anyway, I'll shut up now. I pulled my pledge a while back, but seeing them continue to flail about and make foolish mistakes is just sad.

I like Brad and want to see him make another game, but this project has just been a bunch of shit.
Nobody is asking you to shut up. I just didn't understand the logic behind your post. It makes sense they had the write up ready.. I think they thought this KS was going to sore into the stretch goals right away. I know everyone wants to over analyze all of this, but when you realize they grossly underestimated the support the KS would get, everything else makes sense. I don't think they ever intended to see any of that stuff not hitting it's goal.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Nobody is asking you to shut up. I just didn't understand the logic behind your post. It makes sense they had the write up ready.. I think they thought this KS was going to sore into the stretch goals right away. I know everyone wants to over analyze all of this, but when you realize they grossly underestimated the support the KS would get, everything else makes sense. I don't think they ever intended to any of that stuff not hitting it's goal.
You keep making excuses for them, I understand why you might want the type of game they promise but it seems you are the one defending their choices instead of them learning and improving. You can go back 500 pages or so when we were talking about stretch goals and I was making the same complaint then as were others even on their own kickstarter. That is when you plan on including these things in the game 100% which that have mentioned that intend to do, then they aren't really stretch goals. Then again who fucking knows they have a history of lying, yet you will say no it's all thought out and they intended this to be the case ect, ect.

I say they are liars and you just say well no they aren't liars they are just incompetent, well even if you are right and I am wrong there it still doesn't inspire confidence.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
The truly amazing thing is some of you guys actually want to bypass the failed kickstater and just funnel the funds directly up Brad's nose through his website. That's beyond blind optimism at that point that's some new level of fucking fan boy shit that I just didn't expect from people at this forum.
The irony of a Marxist like Dumar, being so willing to throw money at this man, is not lost on me. Some of these former EQ addicts are just as bad as your typical religious zealots.


Honestly Convo and others here I see their points and get they are trying to be positive about a game they want (I do too , just have gone more negative due to the teams continued KS fumbling) and seem reasonable still on their posts.

This jewel right here is the best illustration I can have of how stupid the KS thread/forum itself has gone.

"This is perhaps the most unique and impressive implementation of Halflings into a fantasy world I have read since Tolkien."

Someone read those couple of paragraphs and just equated it toTolkien.

I'll be at least giving a few bucks to the private site funding to at least follow any closed alpha forums , as it'll be a study in delusion and worth it for that , unless there are enough like Gogo and Convo that will be fans but still in reality land enough to speak up.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You keep making excuses for them, I understand why you might want the type of game they promise but it seems you are the one defending their choices instead of them learning and improving. You can go back 500 pages or so when we were talking about stretch goals and I was making the same complaint then as were others even on their own kickstarter. That is when you plan on including these things in the game 100% which that have mentioned that intend to do, then they aren't really stretch goals. Then again who fucking knows they have a history of lying, yet you will say no it's all thought out and they intended this to be the case ect, ect.

I say they are liars and you just say well no they aren't liars they are just incompetent, well even if you are right and I am wrong there it still doesn't inspire confidence.
Me saying they underestimated the KS backers, is not making an excuse for them.. trust me lol. I'm just pointing out the obvious.. I agree that this KS has been terribly mismanaged... I've made a lot suggestions to them privately. I just don't really agree with your tone towards them. You're entitled to it, but don't act like we should all embrace it. It's fine if you don't have any confidence in them.. I'm not going to sit here and try to convince you. I don't believe they are incompetent game designers. Bad at kickstarters? yea.. But I do think they are capable of creating a fun game. You can counter argue all you like, but we wont know anytime soon. Again, tho.. you're just beating a dead horse with all this man. I give you points for dedication tho..


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm confused by that logic? The plan is to get the stretch goals into the game at some point, no matter what.. So why would they do the write up differently? They are obviously dropping the rest of the info in hopes it generates a little more support for the KS.
They should be dropping details on the base game, not stuff that may be in if they hit stretch goals. Unless the thinking is the game can't be made without the stretch goals, to which then they really aren't stretch goals then.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They should be dropping details on the base game, not stuff that may be in if they hit stretch goals. Unless the thinking is the game can't be made without the stretch goals, to which then they really aren't stretch goals then.
What details do you want to hear about? That they haven't talked about.. Serious question, I know they need to drop the Shaman class but I think most of that stuff is out.


<Gold Donor>
Nobody is asking you to shut up. I just didn't understand the logic behind your post. It makes sense they had the write up ready.. I think they thought this KS was going to sore into the stretch goals right away. I know everyone wants to over analyze all of this, but when you realize they grossly underestimated the support the KS would get, everything else makes sense. I don't think they ever intended to see any of that stuff not hitting it's goal.
Of course they expected to soar into the stretch goals right away. That's why they launched with up to $6M worth of them. They made this bullshit corporate-style PR rollout campaign, and instead of adapting to the utter lack of enthusiasm for their project, they have continued to stick to the course and doll out a bunch of meaningless lore text as if anyone but their small number of true believers care. The stretch goals have been a complete embarrassment to this project after the funding rate fell off a cliff within the first couple of days. They should have removed it from the Kickstarter page completely.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
When's that miracle facelift for the KS someone mentioned
honestly, does it even matter at this point? currently i wouldnt be suprises if this campaign defies conventional kickstarter convemtions by not having a descernable spike of donations in the end, and concludes in a whimper of yet another sub 10k day.


Blackwing Lair Raider
What details do you want to hear about? That they haven't talked about.. Serious question, I know they need to drop the Shaman class but I think most of that stuff is out.
How bout more details on the classes they already revealed? How does their 'lore' explain a dwarf shaman, since that was thought up on the fly? How is combat going to be handled? How is mana regen going to be handled? When they say you can level outside of quests, what does that mean? Alternate advancement? How about concept art on what some of these classes are supposed to look like? How about more details on how they plan to handle end game? How do they intend the initial 800k to be spent?

And yes, I know the answer to all of these questions. They don't know them either. Because they haven't thought that far along. They haven't fully fleshed out what this game is, other than it's supposed to be an EQ clone.

honestly, does it even matter at this point? currently i wouldnt be suprises if this campaign defies conventional kickstarter convemtions by not having a descernable spike of donations in the end, and concludes in a whimper of yet another sub 10k day.
Lets just go with math. There are 13 days left in the KS. Assuming they average 10k a day (which they can't even do now) from now until 3 days to go (72 hours). That puts it at 457000. They would need to get about 350000 over the course of 3 days (over 100k a day). And they are going to need to do all that with what looks like less than 4000 backers.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I know I shouldn't be but I'm always shocked people put this much effort into actively hating something


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
How bout more details on the classes they already revealed? How does their 'lore' explain a dwarf shaman, since that was thought up on the fly? How is combat going to be handled? How is mana regen going to be handled? When they say you can level outside of quests, what does that mean? Alternate advancement? How about concept art on what some of these classes are supposed to look like? How about more details on how they plan to handle end game? How do they intend the initial 800k to be spent?
They've already answered a lot of that stuff man. I guess you make a good point, that all of that info should be on the KS site and not just linking a video to it. Nobody has time to watch all that stuff.


They've already answered a lot of that stuff man. I guess you make a good point, that all of that info should be on the KS site and not just linking a video to it. Nobody has time to watch all that stuff.
They answered it with "more to come later".


Blackwing Lair Raider
They've already answered a lot of that stuff man. I guess you make a good point, that all of that info should be on the KS site and not just linking a video to it. Nobody has time to watch all that stuff.
Exactly. If they've talked and said all this stuff, why isn't it somewhere where I can easily access it like the KS homepage. Hell, I'll take their 'website' as well if they want to put it there. Why does it have to be some sort of scavenger hunt to find some twitter comment or facebook comment? Why do I have to subject myself to watching an 1+ hour long video, I don't got time for that. And I'm someone that wants the game to be made, someone you would call a fan. Now take the average gamer who played EQ, who doesn't frequent message boards and their only point of contact is the KS. Wonder why they only have 2600 backers? That's why, there no information in one place anywhere.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Exactly. If they've talked and said all this stuff, why isn't it somewhere where I can easily access it like the KS homepage. Hell, I'll take their 'website' as well if they want to put it there. Why does it have to be some sort of scavenger hunt to find some twitter comment or facebook comment? Why do I have to subject myself to watching an 1+ hour long video, I don't got time for that. And I'm someone that wants the game to be made, someone you would call a fan. Now take the average gamer who played EQ, who doesn't frequent message boards and their only point of contact is the KS. Wonder why they only have 2600 backers? That's why, there no information in one place anywhere.
The irony is VG's old FAQ was so in depth. I don't how or why they didn't go that route.


Genuinely, it's a little disconcerting to see a few of the constant posters on the KS remark that they are tapped out all the way on the tier they can be in , but they are planning on upping by a hundred or two the next month on the private website. By the way the payment system works ,that literally means they either are using their already max'd credit card and have to wait for a paycheck to pay it down to put some more to it , or they have no CC and are using their debit card and same way are awaiting a paycheck to donate more the next month.

God knows I've made my mistakes with money over the years and took a while to learn to manage it right , but I have a feeling there are some folks throwing a few hundred at it that are to the dime on rent each month as it is.

I've got zero problems with folks paying for betas and buying points in a cash shop all they want , I spend my money on stupid shit I like all the time , but it's discretionary money meant to do that.