Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


you can't be that fucking stupid. just because brad couldn't get the money with a failed KS that was horribly put together doesn't mean the market doesn't exist.
Nah, you're wrong. This wasthechance to get your shitty, arse-backwards S&M poopsock MMO built but (surprise!)the market doesn't actually exist.

You lose, good day sir.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Damn some guys in this thread seem to have gotten pissed the fuck off between yesterday and now. I am sorry that you are now 30ish working in a cubicle with a fat wife, and a couple of shitty kids and the glory days of when you were a 20ish college dropout working in a cubicle with a less fat girlfriend and camping Lodizal for phat lewtz isn't coming back. But I assure you it will be ok.

Anyone with half a brain already knows EQ:Next isn't EQ:3, we know it isn't going to be an old school MMO but that doesn't mean it won't be a fun game. We will just have to see how it turns out but some of the ideas are a step forward as mkopec attempted to point out. Some ideas are a step back, people bitching about the graphics are just whiny cunts though. Most of us didn't like the cartoony feel of WoW but it worked for the environment of that game, just as the characters seem to fit the environment of EQ:N. I would love to see a more realistic EQ:3 game just as I would of loved to have seen a darker mature Diablo III, but guess what boys we're no longer the prime demographic. Video games as a whole are still marketed towards teens and early 20's, large companies like Sony, EA, Activision are only going to make MMO's that can potentially reach the largest audience. If that means Solo-ability, Instancing, LFR, then that's what they will do. The only games that might have old school mechanics are going to come from Indie studios, or sub branches like "Verant Interactive" respectively, and if they are successful they will be bought out by the larger companies. Just because Brad McQuaid is a talentless hack who Sony doesn't even want to keep on staff doesn't mean that some other team can't make a spiritual successor to Everquest. Again, calm those tears it will be ok.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think we call all agree only idiots don't understand how a KS campaign is a representative sample of a larger group. That doesn't mean an oldschool/hardcore/group/whatever game would be a smash success, but there's more interest than the Pantheon abortion indicates. Actually, a good argument could be that there WAS more interest, but now won't be. Thanks Brad. By trying to give us the game we wanted, you managed to keep that game from never coming. A SECOND TIME!
Which is why this whole thing is disappointing, because we likely will never know. I have no doubt there is more interest than the KS indicates, but how much more? How much has the KS cost in potential backers? 3000 more? 10,000 more? Anything is a guess because this KS has been garbage.

When this started I asked what makes people think Brad is going to deliver the game that they want and the answer was EVERQUEST, THAT'S WHY. Completely ignoring the 12 years that have happened since he caught lightning in a bottle.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Nah, you're wrong. This wasthechance to get your shitty, arse-backwards S&M poopsock MMO built but (surprise!)the market doesn't actually exist.

You lose, good day sir.
Except there are like 30 or 40 funded kickstarters working on shitty, arse-backwards S&M poopsock MMO's that did get funded and will continue to as long as there is a demand for it. Just because this one boiled down to a scam and lies from a fraud of a developer doesn't mean much.

I mean shit World of Warcraft currently has 7.6 million subscribers. Picking off 1% of that group is 76,000 subs, and that's not even the total MMO base, again any game that is fun to play can score 100-200k subs it's such a small number that you guys don't even realize it. I mean for fuck sakes if Candy Crush can make roughly $800,000 dollars per day and shit like Flappy Birds can make $50,000 per day. I am sure there is enough disposable income for a Niche MMO.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Which is why this whole thing is disappointing, because we likely will never know. I have no doubt there is more interest than the KS indicates, but how much more? How much has the KS cost in potential backers? 3000 more? 10,000 more? Anything is a guess because this KS has been garbage.

When this started I asked what makes people think Brad is going to deliver the game that they want and the answer was EVERQUEST, THAT'S WHY. Completely ignoring the 12 years that have happened since he caught lightning in a bottle.
Again the dude is the George Lucas of MMO's he got lucky despite himself, he had one idea and a team of people who made it happen while he bumbled around. Sadly, he wasn't even smart enough to keep ownership of his own creation. (which as a few have pointed out might not of even been his to begin with. Is Brad McQuaid the Shia Labeouf of the industry?) The fact that Sony doesn't even want to keep him around should be enough to show he isn't useful.

What's pathetic is the guy is riding on the Everquest name but he didn't even have enough integrity to stay a part of it and own the thing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Which is why this whole thing is disappointing, because we likely will never know. I have no doubt there is more interest than the KS indicates, but how much more? How much has the KS cost in potential backers? 3000 more? 10,000 more? Anything is a guess because this KS has been garbage.

When this started I asked what makes people think Brad is going to deliver the game that they want and the answer was EVERQUEST, THAT'S WHY. Completely ignoring the 12 years that have happened since he caught lightning in a bottle.
We won't know.. For the record.. Unlike 99.9% of you.. I'm still riding the pantheon wave. Call me dumb, but it's still the only interesting thing out there besides EQN for me.. I just don't think people should be blindly throwing money in at this point.. But it's their money heh..I guess that's a weird position to take but the effort hasn't been good enough thus far. I don't know what kind of boom they will get the last week on the KS.. The only thing I could even think of, and it's still a long shot,was another boogie interview. Brad would have to push a sense of urgency message tho and I don't know how that would be received..either way.. I made that suggestion to him the other day.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
We won't know.. For the record.. Unlike 99.9% of you.. I'm still riding the pantheon wave. Call me dumb, but it's still the only interesting thing out there besides EQN for me.. I just don't think people should be blindly throwing money in at this point.. But it's their money heh..I guess that's a weird position to take but the effort hasn't been good enough thus far. I don't know what kind of boom they will get the last week on the KS.. The only thing I could even think of, and it's still a long shot,was another boogie interview. Brad would have to push a sense of urgency message tho and I don't know how that would be received..either way.. I made that suggestion to him the other day.
Another Boogie Interview.. This could turn it around for Pantheon.

But really an interview with Jesus Christ couldn't get this thing funded, they might want to take a step back and start with a



Blackwing Lair Raider
We won't know.. For the record.. Unlike 99.9% of you.. I'm still riding the pantheon wave. Call me dumb, but it's still the only interesting thing out there besides EQN for me.. I just don't think people should be blindly throwing money in at this point.. But it's their money heh..I guess that's a weird position to take but the effort hasn't been good enough thus far. I don't know what kind of boom they will get the last week on the KS.. The only thing I could even think of, and it's still a long shot,was another boogie interview. Brad would have to push a sense of urgency message tho and I don't know how that would be received..either way.. I made that suggestion to him the other day.
He's already did that with the 'angel investor' tweet, he doesn't need a boogie interview. That tweet is code for 'we don't have enough people backing this thing'

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Im beginning to thing this had nothing to do with it. I think the entire premise was flawed since the beginning because Brad McQuaid and Vanguard. Its as simple as that. For some reason that just sticks in everyone's minds and people dont forget.

Youre only as good as your last MMO.
Nope, it's the KS. More accurately their expectation to get money first and work later and the resulting half-assed weekend effort they put forth. You want my money, convince me that you can accomplish what you set out to do.

- Have a detailed plan for your "give me 1-6 millions dollars" presentation that runs for 5 weeks: failed
- Have a detailed plan for the incentives you put on your presentation to get people to give you money: failed
- Have enough work done that claiming to work hard on it since september actually sounds true: failed
- Have a solid common sense to not put up a presentation that most of your potential backers would be ashamed of if it was their project: failed

And that's just for the KS itself. I'm not even going into the vagueness and backpedaling regarding the game concepts as well as starting to design based on polling the audience for core features like dungeon finder with ports or not. Which in itself is a topic that given your targeted niche is crystal clear.

They basically went to school without homework and claimed the dog ate it, and thought they would be off the hook with that explanation.


Another interview:
The Inside Story of How a Major MMO Went Wrong - IGN

McQuaid: We had approached a couple of publishers, Steve and I, with the WarWizard game, but I guess RPGs weren't that exciting at the time. We had almost given up hope, so I said to Steve, "Let's just put it out there on the Internet for people to download. We'll put up a cover letter with my contact info just in case anybody likes it and wants to talk to us about it." Somehow John Smedley, who had left Park Place Productions for Sony Interactive Studios, found the game on the Internet, played it, saw the cover letter, and gave me a call.

Smed was impressed that we were able to put together a game and a demo with just a few of us.Milo Cooper, a good friend of mine who had done the art, was working for him at the time, so Smed just talked to Milo and asked, "What do you think about Brad and Steve?" Milo gave us the thumbs up. So, when Smed called me on a Saturday afternoon in February 1996, he offered us a job to work on what was pretty much a graphical online Multi-User Dungeon (MUD). Since Steve and I were just doing business programming during the day and games at night, we jumped at the opportunity. We joined Sony Interactive Studios, which later became 989 Studios, in March 1996.

Im not impressed you cant do that now.


Trakanon Raider
I'm about to change my avatar from "Support Pantheon" to "I Supported Pantheon and All I Got Was This Avatar."


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
That interview actually made me think Smed is worthy of a lot more adoration for EQ than Brad ever was. Smed basically made it happen.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I think we call all agree only idiots don't understand how a KS campaign is a representative sample of a larger group. That doesn't mean an oldschool/hardcore/group/whatever game would be a smash success, but there's more interest than the Pantheon abortion indicates. Actually, a good argument could be that there WAS more interest, but now won't be. Thanks Brad. By trying to give us the game we wanted, you managed to keep that game from never coming. A SECOND TIME!
He dimished the chances of any investors supporting the idea - I dont think that he has done much damage to future kickstarter projects (by other teams) that are actually All In for their goal.


Ramsay: Has crowdfunding proved markedly different from chasing publishers?

McQuaid: Oh, yeah. Boy, where to start? There's so much more information on our Kickstarter page, not just in terms of quantity but also in terms of quality. We have more detailed systems than when we talked to Microsoft about Vanguard. With Pantheon, we're much further along.

We've also had to identify what people are looking for as rewards for pledging. We've been doing all these interviews that Ben has set up. We did a Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA), too. And, yeah, we're really reaching out to players and asking them to spread the word. And then there are a lot of people on message boards telling us how we can make the Kickstarter page better. For me, that's been a big learning experience. I mean, I can make MMOs, but crowdfunding is not as simple as I thought it'd be.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ramsay: Has crowdfunding proved markedly different from chasing publishers?

McQuaid: Oh, yeah. Boy, where to start? There's so much more information on our Kickstarter page, not just in terms of quantity but also in terms of quality. We have more detailed systems than when we talked to Microsoft about Vanguard. With Pantheon, we're much further along.
Sal essentially said the same thing in the last twitch video.