Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Potato Supreme
Ramsay: Has crowdfunding proved markedly different from chasing publishers?

McQuaid: Oh, yeah. Boy, where to start? There's so much more information on our Kickstarter page, not just in terms of quantity but also in terms of quality. We have more detailed systems than when we talked to Microsoft about Vanguard. With Pantheon, we're much further along.
If that's true, then I am forced to assume that what he went to Microsoft with was a bar napkin with his name on it and a budget number. LOL @Microsoft indeed.


Molten Core Raider
A couple of telling quotes from that article:

Regarding getting a deal for Vanguard. It seems he was hoping for a repeat of last time.
Ramsay: Did you have a prototype or a first playable demo?

McQuaid: Not at that time. Not that early. We would eventually take the Unreal 2.5 engine and heavily gut parts of it to make a seamless world and add new shader technology, like bump mapping and specular lighting.But other than documentation and our reputation, we really didn't have anything when we cut the deal with Microsoft.
Regarding Vanguard's poor launch:
McQuaid: ...The word just never got out. When you lose momentum, it's almost impossible to recover.
Which is also true for a crowdsourcing campaign.


Musty Nester
The problem with Vanguard launch was that the word DID get out, not that it didn't.

This really was the last chance.

Brad just needs to make EQ in a browser with Tyen at this point. There's some money in that, and pulling the strings to get it so that Sony won't sue his ass off is probably the only thing Brad's name is good for anymore.

They can call it EQScape to Norrath


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
The article link on that last page has the Pantheon KS video. I can't believe I haven't watched it until now, they all look so tired and not so motivated in it. It reminds me of that Vanguard release video where the developers sound so un-enthused: "Here, uh, you have an uh, skeleton......<long pause>"



Right, what did Brad do?
Smed approached Brad about making an MMO. After that, Smed just wrote the checks and hired the rest of the team. So yes, without Smed there would be no EQ. But without Brad and Steve (Clover), there also would not have been an EQ.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Smed approached Brad about making an MMO. After that, Smed just wrote the checks and hired the rest of the team. So yes, without Smed there would be no EQ. But without Brad and Steve (Clover), there also would not have been an EQ.
Without Smed, Brad cannot make a game. EQ, Vanguard. At least Smed was smart enough to avoid this thing.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
If that's true, then I am forced to assume that what he went to Microsoft with was a bar napkin with his name on it and a budget number. LOL @Microsoft indeed.
If this is true we're in the wrong business. Anyone want to get in touch with Microsoft about the Rerolled MMO? I'll supply the napkins, and split the $30million with whoever wants to come.


Without Smed, Brad cannot make a game. EQ, Vanguard. At least Smed was smart enough to avoid this thing.
Yes, without investors games cannot be made. And I don't think Smed has a choice. Sony is going all in with EQN and cutting most other divisions to free up resources so it wasn't going to happen with Sony.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
One of the best parts of that interview.

Brad McQuaid_sl said:
But the new team came along and said, "You guys are late and over budget."We didn't understandand it was downhill from there. They clearly didn't want to make a MMO.
This guy can't grasp simple concepts like being late and over budget, so clearly it was because they didn't like MMO's.


One of the best parts of that interview.

This guy can't grasp simple concepts like being late and over budget, so clearly it was because they didn't like MMO's.
lol, to be fair how many MMO's come in on time and on budget? I think WOW did? Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't remember any others that did. I suppose you could name a few but when you have $200 million it certainly makes it easier wouldn't you agree?


<Gold Donor>
One of the best parts of that interview.
This guy can't grasp simple concepts like being late and over budget, so clearly it was because they didn't like MMO's.
I bet they were shown a sample and asked themselves, WTF is this shit? We asked for a wow clone and you give us this 1/2assed brokeback piece of shit?


Lol I am pledged to that, I am lord british fan of all his single player games and UO.
Haha I think its frikkin great! My problem is, I can't stand PVP. But UO was pure genius. I would pledge if the dude wasn't filthy rich to began with. Doesn't seem right to ask for donations when you can drop a cool $50 mil to cruise to space. I do hope the game succeeds though.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I bet they were shown a sample and asked themselves, WTF is this shit? We asked for a wow clone and you give us this 1/2assed brokeback piece of shit?
Actually you are closer than you realize.

Brad McQuaid_sl said:
If they were going to be forced to make a MMO, they wanted it to be as much like World of Warcraft as possible. We weren't really in the mood to change our game like that.
So he could have stuck with Microsoft made his game somewhere between Vangaurd and Vanilla World of Warcraft and probably made a mint. Instead he went crying to Smed.