Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Humble Brad received $50 from me. Humble Brad turned future CEO shitting out content made in a day in attempts to hide that they had nothing more than an idea to begin with (which I was fine with, but they seem to really be avoiding that fact) does not get $50 from me. I canceled and bought EQNL instead. Its pretty fun for a paid alpha.


Humble Brad received $50 from me. Humble Brad turned future CEO shitting out content made in a day in attempts to hide that they had nothing more than an idea to begin with (which I was fine with, but they seem to really be avoiding that fact) does not get $50 from me. I canceled and bought EQNL instead. Its pretty fun for a paid alpha.
Then they didn't need you to start with , you are just a hater , you are just a troll , you are too negative and we don't want you around , Brad shouldn't have to show you anything , you are asking for too much , LOL TEE HEE this is getting made without you anyway , Brad knows what he's doing.

I think I covered each of the responses the true believers are spouting on the KS forums atm.


The best part, and I know you've seen it too, there are quite a few saying they can't wait till the KS ends and it's only "real fans we have to talk with on the closed paid forums".

Out of touch doesn't define it.

They completely miss the fact that their little closed circle of a 1000 or so is not going to fund this game , and no angel investor is appearing to swoop in and drop 5-10 million on it. Yet they truly are ready to throw a party for the closed/sub forums to be rid of all the "trolls" , with trolls being defined as anyone who doesn't cheer at anything VR says or does.

"Yes, SOE isn't involved. Finally. Free at last of corporate BS and bullying. Stupid decisions by stupid management.

Long live Verant. Pantheon will continue with us behind it. I'm in no rush."

Chuckle. Again , while I'm disappointed at the fact this game isn't going to happen ,it will provide entertainment while it languishes for a few months at least.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Loaded up p99 Finally. Free at last of kickstarter BS and lies. Stupid decisions by stupid management.

Long live 15 year old elf simulators. I will casually grind to 60. I'm in no rush. See you in Thurgadin.


Molten Core Raider
It's been said before, he was playing with house money when he was making Vanguard. It doesn't matter what decisions were made there, he was always given the benefit of the doubt until it flamed out in the end. Now it's different, he doesn't get to use the 'I made EQ ' card on everyone (except 2800 or so). The lesson here is this was his chance to make people forget about Vanguard and it hasn't, it just reminded people how that project was mismanaged.
Vanguard was my favorite mmo from a design perspective. All you guys are doing with your vitriol is supporting the established MMO industry and the idiots that fund and control the designs which have destroyed a genre.

But hey let's shit all over someone who is trying to build a game no publisher would fund that takes us back to what MMOS were supposed to be about , social interaction.

Did Brad steal your lunch money or something ?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
. All you guys are doing with your vitriol is supporting the established MMO industry and the idiots that fund and control the designs which have destroyed a genre.
Being critical of this sorry attempt at a Kickstarter is not endorsement of anything else. It's not an either/or situation.


Silver Knight of the Realm
2 minutes of research would have shown Brad that Star Citizen launched with this trailer.

Assets rendered in game was like the dubstep drop in a room full of people on ecstasy.

I contrast, Brad launched with an interview where he said "grouping" a bunch of times. It's sad because Brad came up in the Dot.Com bubble, where money was as easy to get as he seems to think it is today. Unlike the rest of the market, his industry, due to a few key successes, was seen as one of the bright spots of said "internet market" after the collapse of said bubble. So unlike the other start ups, the scrutiny that became the norm in the market was never applied to him when he went to pitch for MS, I bet. That's why he can say he literally got funding based solely on his reputation and probably why he was "confused" when MS actually started acting like a publisher and scrutinizing his work done and goal posts for the project.

He used poor research, like NOT seeing that Star Citizen had working demos and in depth documents, to convince himself that the KS capital line was like the old days of your name being 99% of what got you through to the money people with no questions asked. The sad part is, that had he just, you know, asked a few people here to proof his concept--or tapped a marketing agent with some KS or Viral knowledge, he'd have easily averted this. Or hell, spent 30 minutes really studying some nuance in what successful KS campaigns did.

In fact: Had he launched with a sloppy, generic, Unity demo, his name, and a fleshed out design document--as well as a working knowledge of how to use social marketing? He'd have easily blown away his funding quota, I think. The fact that he didn't even have these laughably basic things, and still raised 400k, is fucking astounding to me. It really speaks of the HUGE opportunity he probably missed here--all because he expected this to function like the good old boys club of his younger years. The fact that he believes he can be a CEO with that kind of poor due diligence in some basic research and market organization? Is shocking.
Dislike all the hate in this thread, however this is Spot on. +internets.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Vanguard was my favorite mmo from a design perspective. All you guys are doing with your vitriol is supporting the established MMO industry and the idiots that fund and control the designs which have destroyed a genre.

But hey let's shit all over someone who is trying to build a game no publisher would fund that takes us back to what MMOS were supposed to be about , social interaction.

Did Brad steal your lunch money or something ?
You are right, Brad deserves every dollar he will get from this kickstarter.


Molten Core Raider
The best part, and I know you've seen it too, there are quite a few saying they can't wait till the KS ends and it's only "real fans we have to talk with on the closed paid forums".

Out of touch doesn't define it.

They completely miss the fact that their little closed circle of a 1000 or so is not going to fund this game , and no angel investor is appearing to swoop in and drop 5-10 million on it. Yet they truly are ready to throw a party for the closed/sub forums to be rid of all the "trolls" , with trolls being defined as anyone who doesn't cheer at anything VR says or does.

"Yes, SOE isn't involved. Finally. Free at last of corporate BS and bullying. Stupid decisions by stupid management.

Long live Verant. Pantheon will continue with us behind it. I'm in no rush."

Chuckle. Again , while I'm disappointed at the fact this game isn't going to happen ,it will provide entertainment while it languishes for a few months at least.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass.


Molten Core Raider
2 minutes of research would have shown Brad that Star Citizen launched with this trailer.

Assets rendered in game was like the dubstep drop in a room full of people on ecstasy.

I contrast, Brad launched with an interview where he said "grouping" a bunch of times. It's sad because Brad came up in the Dot.Com bubble, where money was as easy to get as he seems to think it is today. Unlike the rest of the market, his industry, due to a few key successes, was seen as one of the bright spots of said "internet market" after the collapse of said bubble. So unlike the other start ups, the scrutiny that became the norm in the market was never applied to him when he went to pitch for MS, I bet. That's why he can say he literally got funding based solely on his reputation and probably why he was "confused" when MS actually started acting like a publisher and scrutinizing his work done and goal posts for the project.

He used poor research, like NOT seeing that Star Citizen had working demos and in depth documents, to convince himself that the KS capital line was like the old days of your name being 99% of what got you through to the money people with no questions asked. The sad part is, that had he just, you know, asked a few people here to proof his concept--or tapped a marketing agent with some KS or Viral knowledge, he'd have easily averted this. Or hell, spent 30 minutes really studying some nuance in what successful KS campaigns did.

In fact: Had he launched with a sloppy, generic, Unity demo, his name, and a fleshed out design document--as well as a working knowledge of how to use social marketing? He'd have easily blown away his funding quota, I think. The fact that he didn't even have these laughably basic things, and still raised 400k, is fucking astounding to me. It really speaks of the HUGE opportunity he probably missed here--all because he expected this to function like the good old boys club of his younger years. The fact that he believes he can be a CEO with that kind of poor due diligence in some basic research and market organization? Is shocking.
Well said sir can't argue with that summary.


Trakanon Raider
He'd have easily blown away his funding quota, I think. The fact that he didn't even have these laughably basic things, and still raised 400k, is fucking astounding to me. It really speaks of the HUGE opportunity he probably missed here--
This..... He "could" have done this easy. I still cannot believe he missed this opportunity. I'm not surprised but I can't help but want to grab him and shake the life out of him.

Instead of things getting better, it slowly became worse. Disappointing, again not surprised, but there are too many other options out there and some on the horizon for me to just throw any significant cash towards this "vision".

I tried to fan boy in the beginning and look at everything from a positive light, but you eventually have to step into reality. I think it is completely fair from a business perspective and as a consumer for there to be some level of accountability and it never came to light.
I guess the Dumar was right, and there is no hope of a game for us grognards. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm proud to be a grognard. But... fuck me, if the people digging the current crop of MMORPGs don't remind me of the guys who, back in the 80s & the 90s, played sports games and maybe some RAD ACTION PEW PEW WOAAAH FUTUFUTU game.

Like Lusiphurus here

He actually could hardly bear the idea that someone would actually like needing and having situational awareness and gaining exp by killing mobs. It made him 'barf a little in his mouth' that Ihad a preferencefor leveling by killing mobs, not running fedex errands.

Since that sort of MMO consumer is more numerous than the one coming from strategy (not RTS, different animal entirely) or RP (not ACTIONrp) games, the MMORPG genre is done and MMO-action-adventure-games is what we'll have in the foreseeable future, or am I being overly pessimistic?


<Gold Donor>
Im with you brother, and so are others here. Keep up the good fight.

But sadly this and Brad is not the answer. But there is still a slight glimmer of hope.

See dudes like the ones you linked will eventually get it as well. It will just take them a few more boring ass games to finally get it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
It's hard to convince people to pledge when you don't have a game to show off. I only back games where the team have invested already in their project and the game is at least 20% complete. You create a kickstarter page asking for $800,000 and you show nothing but dreams (and some screenshots of a Unity Engine with graphics/animations purchased from the Unity Store). If you expect your kickstarter campaign to kick off you're insane.

Add horrible PRing and retarded release timing (with EQNext Landmark's alpha release) there's no doubt this campaign is going to fail miserably.

I would pay $1,000 to Brad but only after I am certain his project would be executed (and I can SEE it) and only if I am guaranteed to play the game within a few months period. But asking me to throw money for something that would take (at beast) three years of development... that's insane.