Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Blackwing Lair Raider
Errr that's not what he said and I'm pretty sure you know this.
This is what was said and it's flat out false.

WoW was action based BECAUSE the gamer spammed abilities non-stop on combat. The players ability to spam abilities mattered more than the development of the characterBECAUSE two max level characters of the same class in WoW played the exact same, and the difference was based on the players ability to spam abilities.
I mean, what the point here, that the abilities are the same at max level?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, that's categorically false. Each iteration of wow has seen cases where stat breakpoints and scaling would change priority on abilities and using the wrong ability would gimp dps badly. In fact I'd say the most recent xpac probably put the largest crush on that. Yes, wow is definitely more actiony but to say that character development doesn't impact that action is fucking false. Fuck, character development and trinkets can make wild swings between specs of the same class.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Spamming abilities is not really much of an ability or skill. If you're seriously too old to hit a bunch of keys repeatedly, maybe you should just retire. Or use macros.


Trakanon Raider
I'm dead certain that boosting my STR (as a rogue) did exactly fuck all to my max damage on a backstab (and autos), it only ever increased the minimum damage I did, bringing up my overall damage. I used three buttons in combat as a rogue, auto attack toggle, backstab and hide, I used them on cooldown, like clockwork and never skipped a beat. The only stats I gave a shit about was STA and +HP.

As a Combat rogue (read: not assassination or sub) I need to have my AGI as high as I can get it, while having Hit and Exp at 7.5%, then Haste as high as I can get it, followed by Mastery and lastly, Crit, if I feel like it. Assassination doesn't have the same stat priority, but AGI is still it's primary stat, and Subtlety doesn't have the same as the other two (bar AGI, obviously). Combat plays differently to the other two specs.

My EQ1 rogue played the same at level 8 until I quit playing him at 65. Autoattack on, backstab, autoattack off, hide, autoattack on, backstab.
The players ability to spam abilities mattered more than the development of the character BECAUSE two max level characters of the same class in WoW played the exact same, and the difference was based on the players ability to spam abilities.
Enchanter, Bard, and Monk would like to have a word with you. The difference between an average player and a great player at each class was huge. Most other classes in EQ played the exact same way at max level. Two Clerics in a CH chain were doing the exact same thing. A Mage was just spamming damage and summoning mod rods the same way. Not sure what your point is there.

Anyway, so yeah WoW did give all classes more emphasis on player skill. That is not a bad thing as long as it isn't "skill at performing a dps rotation, just because".


Ben responds:

At what point are they going to learn to not release incomplete shit? Yes, in general, feel free to explain shit you're releasing instead of just shitting it out and being like 'oh, what, what is going on here, oh goodness, let us explain!"

Let me guess, they're also not forum experts?
I was laughing when I read that, but then again, it could be worse. It would appear that tossing $300 million on a web site sometimes just isn't enough:
Although the federal government has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into the development of Oregon?s exchange, it was not ready for its Oct. 1 launch and remains unable to enroll users in health care plans online as intended.
According to the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services, Oregon received more than $300 million in federal grants to create the Cover Oregon exchange.

That includes a $226.4 million phase two grant in January 2013 to cover expenses related to testing, training and implementation of the online exchange.
Even as sloppy as Brad is, I'm positive he could make us an MMO for $300 million!


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I am pledged for $250, and I have no intention of removing it. When the kickstarter fails, I intend to go pledge my $250 on their web site, and I will be signing up for the monthly subscription to the elite forums.

I WANT Pantheon, and I believe in Brad's vision. I will pay the $15 a month to be there in the real forums to make sure to keep my voice heard, and monitor their performance. When they falter, I will make sure they know it.

To me, I am investing in a hobbie that I love. $250 buy in and $15 a month is cheap to be able to be a part of the development of what I spend a good portion of my free time enjoying.

Try offering $250 and $15 a month to the publisher of your favorite tv show to get to be behind the scenes during production and giving advise and comments. See if they ever get back to you.

You people just don't get it. You're comparing this to a normal MMO development process, and it is anything but normal. This is so far out of the realm of how things are done that it's down right revolutionary. There's no doubt that Brad and company are making up the rules as they go because this has never been done like this before. We are in on a new mmorpg BEFORE the design has been finalized. This is every mmorpg geeks wet dream. You all go to mmorpg betas and say this should be like that and so and so, but the reality is that in beta there are next to no design decisions left to be made. This where Pantheon is right now IS when the design decisions are made, and you dipshits are so stupid you can't see it.
Maybe we should have a Rerolled forum badge for people paying for a Pantheon [forum] subscription. That way we don't have to read their posts before realizing they're idiotic and not worth reading.

Even most shitty tv shows don't want a bunch of idiots thinking they're "giving advise" to the production staff. Only MMO designers with nearly 2 decades of experience wouldn't know what the fuck they were doing enough we'd believe it would be legit, not to mention useful at this point.

Sorry, but having common sense, business sense, and not being a fucking charlatan has certainly been done before.... oh, maybe that's why this is so new?

Are you really Ashton Kutcher?


I think people's love affair with crowd funding may be coming to an end... Based on the January numbers, projects simply aren't getting funded, regardless of their merit or presentation. Look at this gem that is struggling:

Cradle by Mojo Game Studios Kickstarter
It's a beautiful engine and concept art, but they don't go into much detail about gameplay. But yeah, I'm much less likely to Kickstart than I was before.


WoW brought a new genre to the MMO space; Action-RPG. By all rights, it should have been coined a MMOARPG...
I don't want to be a jerk, but you are so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to begin. But, I know where you should. You should start playing some MMOs because you very clearly don't. To lump WoW in with the "action RPGs" is 100% retarded by any standard.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Some new screens. Maybe its because I've played the Wildstar beta lately... but I like the fact that it's not flashy or over the top. Just enough brown.




Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They look great. Probably best piece of art they've put up. Dead horse.. Had the ks launched with pics of that quality and some race, class and armor concept art it would be in great shape right now.


2 Minutes Hate
You can make that screenshot in Unity in about 20 minutes. Looks like random terrain, grassy plains texture and a single prefab tower that seems to have been placed a few times on top of a few different hills.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You can make that screenshot in Unity in about 20 minutes. Looks like random terrain, grassy plains texture and a single prefab tower that seems to have been placed a few times on top of a few different hills.
Do it up man! I know you're working in it.


Trakanon Raider
You can make that screenshot in Unity in about 20 minutes. Looks like random terrain, grassy plains texture and a single prefab tower that seems to have been placed a few times on top of a few different hills.
To me, this is part of the problem. Brad suggests they have been "hard at work" and i'm not downing their efforts but they can't fool people with some of their releases. The shot was fired prematurely. Their releases are all first day level information. This isn't what you expect to come in at the end to save the day. I hate to continually be harsh but I really wanted this to work but they have brought much of this on themselves. I hope they get something together in the next year to redeem this project but I think it is going to be hard to stay interested.


<Gold Donor>
I don't want to be a jerk, but you are so wrong on so many levels I don't even know where to begin. But, I know where you should. You should start playing some MMOs because you very clearly don't. To lump WoW in with the "action RPGs" is 100% retarded by any standard.
Maybe not compared to Tera, but compared to EQ? It was action as fuck, man.