Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We've lost Convo to the Kool-aid.
I'm just in a no win situation at this point. It's not as cut and dry as people think but w/e. I'd rather watch it play out. Trying to bring any reason gets me shot down as a fanboy lol.


Probably more in the design doc department, ya. I know I have at least 200 pages written about races, settings, lore, and general gameplay systems & mechanics. Started about 6 months ago when I heard about Landmark

I'm not in the biz though, and have no technical expertise. My ideas may be totally unfeasible.
And comments like this totally bring the point home. A single person working on a project as a hobby can show more work than these so called professional vets in the gaming industry. I mean their total lore is one fucking paragraph long! They only have one piece of artwork to show after 6+ months...really? Fuck man I had a friend when I was living in Europe who drew manga art to earn some income. He drew tons of pictures every day and had huge portfolios of his work. Their graphics guy has just one image to show us? No concept armor or weapons or classes or anything? And still after $130,000 jack squat is still on the table.

If you take a look at what is going one with pantheon, you do not get the feeling that here you have a group of hard working and dedicated individuals who are living and breathing this shit to get this game produced. No it's more like one day Brad was in the middle a circle jerk session with his closest friends and asked if "hey guys, you want to be rich? Let's make an mmo." (Circle Jerk response) : "Sure man, but we never developed a game before, we have no idea what to do." Brad: Dont worry. I will make you all developers and you wont have to do one bit of work because this shit is going to sell because people will see the name Brad McQuaid and will beg to throw money at us. We'll even have a website where people can donate directly to us and develop our game for us."

I bet that the face to face meeting probably dealt with them starting to freak out that they might actually have to start doing some work. I doubt we will see anything more significant from these guys. Like Dahkoht said, I cant wait to see the response of the chosen followers once they see for themselves the train wreck that this really is.


But again , I'm still sorely tempted to sub 15/month for just a couple months just to watch this train wreck first hand and not have it relayed. Seeing the slow realization from some of the true believers that they have been fleeced , will , WILL begin to creep in and show in the posts there.
I think that realization is already happening for some. There will always be people that will defend them no matter what the circumstances, but even looking at the tone of some of the posters at the official forums or PJP (for clarity I've already given a heads up to the owner that I'll no longer be modding or have any real role there), you can see some attitude shifting already. Confidence is waning even harder. And for motherfucking shit's sake, how can the tiers be even more blotched on the website? WHO ISN'T TAKING CARE OF PROOFING THIS CRAP?

Now the Kickstarter is over but they are still working with crowdfunding and are still failing to operate like a company working with community money. I keep hearing about this meeting, but what did it entail? What about that meeting couldn't have been done via Skype and if they're already back home, what revelations were unearthed that justified that cost of other people's money for travel and expenses?

If it was role assignments, that should have already been done but also doesn't require in-person meetings. And it sounds like they've now got an office, but only a small portion of the already small time is in San Diego, right? The nature of independent development is to stay cheap and lean, even if that means a couple of guys are working in a garage space. Three people leasing an office in San Diego seems like a huge waste of money.

You've got dipshits making YouTube videos upset that anyone dare give constructive criticism. That was a horrible video but all the constructive criticism should stop because it's not being listened to. Now there's an inside community of $15 a month forum goers that'll parrot and go along with anything the Pantheon team says. That's thelastpeople you'd want giving feedback. "So guys, what do you think about this?" "OMFG so awesome i literally just shit everywhere and smeared a heart on my monitor."

I loved the idea of this project and was hoping the world from it (hope and expectations are two different things). I don't want to just fling raw hate without reason, but eventually enough is enough. I don't think a big enough deal was made about the promised mounts that are no longer going to be available on the website. There were a lot of people that put money toward an item that the team later said would never actually be in the game. You can say that about this whole project, but that's the first confirmation of taking money for something with no intentions to ever deliver it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Pantheon backers future.

Lost Ranger_sl

It's not like he's doing anything illegal. It's just scumfuckery.
I do think they have opened themselves up to a future lawsuit. They haven't done anything illegal (yet), but they have now taken peoples money. Which is why going off kickstarter was just beyond foolish. Kickstarter is there to try and protect both parties for a reason.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Actually.. I was debating even posting any updates here, but people were asking. I didn't think the last thread should of been rickshawed. The needle for a lot of you will move until the very end. If you're going to make that projection when someone post anything positive, I'll stay out of it and not post.
What updates have their been outside of them having a meeting? Why is it that they reference things that they are working on (maps for instance) and nobody is able to see any of that, even a concept drawing? Have the devs been openly communicating with backers about what they are doing since the KS ended? I wouldn't know but I'll be damned if I'm paying for forum access and it's not like they update their website homepage with anything.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What updates have their been outside of them having a meeting? Why is it that they reference things that they are working on (maps for instance) and nobody is able to see any of that, even a concept drawing? Have the devs been openly communicating with backers about what they are doing since the KS ended? I wouldn't know but I'll be damned if I'm paying for forum access and it's not like they update their website homepage with anything.
I haven't looked, but can you see the news section without logging in?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, that's not a large number.
That's 10% of what Star Citizen got with an actually promising page and a video game legend at the helm. 3k is pretty big given Brad had his shit name and nothing else. Keep in mind how many people instantly turned away from the prospect just because Brad.

There were 500k people playing EverQuest at some point as well. You really think they did that just because they hated it less than they hated what the competition had going? These people are still around and I'm pretty sure not the entire 15-25 audience right now is railroad gaming trash.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think that realization is already happening for some. There will always be people that will defend them no matter what the circumstances, but even looking at the tone of some of the posters at the official forums or PJP (for clarity I've already given a heads up to the owner that I'll no longer be modding or have any real role there), you can see some attitude shifting already. Confidence is waning even harder. And for motherfucking shit's sake, how can the tiers be even more blotched on the website? WHO ISN'T TAKING CARE OF PROOFING THIS CRAP?

Now the Kickstarter is over but they are still working with crowdfunding and are still failing to operate like a company working with community money. I keep hearing about this meeting, but what did it entail? What about that meeting couldn't have been done via Skype and if they're already back home, what revelations were unearthed that justified that cost of other people's money for travel and expenses?

If it was role assignments, that should have already been done but also doesn't require in-person meetings. And it sounds like they've now got an office, but only a small portion of the already small time is in San Diego, right? The nature of independent development is to stay cheap and lean, even if that means a couple of guys are working in a garage space. Three people leasing an office in San Diego seems like a huge waste of money.

You've got dipshits making YouTube videos upset that anyone dare give constructive criticism. That was a horrible video but all the constructive criticism should stop because it's not being listened to. Now there's an inside community of $15 a month forum goers that'll parrot and go along with anything the Pantheon team says. That's thelastpeople you'd want giving feedback. "So guys, what do you think about this?" "OMFG so awesome i literally just shit everywhere and smeared a heart on my monitor."

I loved the idea of this project and was hoping the world from it (hope and expectations are two different things). I don't want to just fling raw hate without reason, but eventually enough is enough. I don't think a big enough deal was made about the promised mounts that are no longer going to be available on the website. There were a lot of people that put money toward an item that the team later said would never actually be in the game. You can say that about this whole project, but that's the first confirmation of taking money for something with no intentions to ever deliver it.
You have access to Brad man, why don't you toss him that post in an email?

Btw.. what item wasn't going to be in the game?


You have access to Brad man, why don't you toss him that post in an email?
I've got an email, but it's not my job to continue to repeat what's already been said. They're going to do what they're going to do and we'll find out what the end result of that is. They need to exercise way more caution than they've been doing though now because they've crossed over from potential money to actually taking people's money and the repercussions from that can really damage careers. I'm not talking about one individual, I'm talking about the full staff.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That's 10% of what Star Citizen got with an actually promising page and a video game legend at the helm. 3k is pretty big given Brad had his shit name and nothing else. Keep in mind how many people instantly turned away from the prospect just because Brad.

There were 500k people playing EverQuest at some point as well. You really think they did that just because they hated it less than they hated what the competition had going? These people are still around and I'm pretty sure not the entire 15-25 audience right now is railroad gaming trash.
Wow, this again. First of all I wouldn't be bragging about having 10% of anything. Second, the KS is over and it didn't fund, the relevant number is what's on their site now and last I checked that's sitting at 1029. Third, can we move off that notion that 500k who played everquest are still interesting in playing that type of game today? I'll buy that perhaps 10% of that number is interested but even that is pushing it.


Finally bothered to check out the website. What a joke. The 'item shop' is the pinnacle of sleaze. I like how the icons for the membership tiers are cropped sections of the same 3 concept art images they keep recycling. If anyone is curious, the CMS they're using for it is out of the boxSocialEngine PHP Social Network Software | Community Softwareand costs $700. So at least some of the money hasn't gone to online pharmacies.

From the bottom of the registration page:
I wonder if some questionable charges would show up on your phone bill if you rang that number?


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I'm just in a no win situation at this point. It's not as cut and dry as people think but w/e. I'd rather watch it play out. Trying to bring any reason gets me shot down as a fanboy lol.
Just report the news.

You're not really bringing much 'reason' by saying it's a positive step etc to have the team announcing what they should have done months ago without an announcement. And you're not going to win any points looking like you're doing anything close to defending BradCo. If you say 'I like the new art' or something, nobody cares. The second you try to defend BradCo it sounds like the same bullshit BradCo is doing by announcing and defending and explaining things that shouldn't need anything but information that stands on its own. If this were a positive step, the information alone would represent that fact, and it wouldn't need any defense.

Just reporting the news and being a messenger doesn't usually get people killed around here.