Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


So Smed just posted pictures of new companies office hasn't given us a name or what they are doing. Says they won't have internet until Wednesday so I doubt we will get any updates for a while.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Even though i'm a little burned out from EQ2 I do think it is the best of both worlds. It has a bit of an old school feel to it but still offers a lot of what newer MMO's advertise. I still believe EQ2 does the best with Housing than any other MMO and I like their Auction House better than any other but I guess it's all in what you're use to.

I don't think Smed is wrong but I think the better way is to say the audience became more diverse. Our kind are very much still presence but we were invaded by a different breed once WoW hit. Computer gaming was it's own community and niche for a long time but Blizzard built a bridge and appealed to an entirely new group of gamers. If you want to see the worst of them, go play LoL. I think a lot of things happened at once actually. Our culture changed, the gaming world evolved, and not to mention we aged 10 or more years.

I don't think MMO players changed but the makeup of the audience changed. To make a successful MMO, by WoW numbers and standards, you have to appeal to a group that want and easy path, instant gratification, and no consequence. That's a very different game that we played and for some reason we can't seem to find some middle ground.
Very well said


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think a major hurdle is that many people our age grew up where tedium was hand-in-hand with gaming in general. The games on the NES/SNES/Genesis that many people our age grew up on lacked a plethora of convenience features that the the 20-ish crowd takes for granted. They expect auto save, not to be kicked to title screens after failing a few platforms and they expect a certain amount of hand holding and instant gratification. The concept of playing a game for 20 minutes just to get to the same spot you kept failing is foreign to them but it was something many people our age had to do while playing older console games. So when we grew up and EQ and other "old school" MMOs came out it was second nature that the game was somewhat tedious. We expected it and we enjoyed it. But now that same crowd is married, has children, have a 40 hour job and are busy on the week days and week ends. Most of the crowd that played tedious MMOs simply lack the time to invest in a tedious MMO even if it is still what that player considers fun. The market that could play a tedious MMO enough to be a subscriber (which I also feel the sub model is dated as well -- most expect a F2P model at this age) isn't satisfied with the delayed gratification model of older MMOs. The MMO genre isn't dead completely but it does need to be revitalized in some fashion. Going back in time is not the answer.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
The economic collapse fo 2008 was what killed MMOs in my opinion, more than anything else.

Just less free time and more hardship overall out there. The majority of people don't have the luxury to sit around playing games all day anymore in that same way. That's why games like the MOBAs have gained in popularity. You can hop in, play a few rounds in an hour or two, hop out and go about your other business much more easily.

Just a hypothesis but I noticed a huge decline in MMO popularity around that time.


Flying mounts killed WoW for me. =p
I liked flying mounts in TBC because they where expensive and you only got them at the end of the leveling curve in the expansion. Also TBC was designed with it in mind so that was also cool, They did of course shoot themselves in the foot with it future expansions. It ruined world PVP of course.

You know...come to think of it. Mounted Combat would be a really cool mechanic to work off of in an MMO, People Jousted in PVP all the time, what if they actually made that a mechanic?

A game where you could use almost any ability on a mount with penalties and bonuses would be fun.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Flying mounts killed my immersion. All these gorgeous landscapes and frightening mobs.

Naw fuck it... let's just fly over everything.

Frodo was an idiot. He should've just got his middle earth flight training.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Flying mounts killed my immersion. All these gorgeous landscapes and frightening mobs.

Naw fuck it... let's just fly over everything.

Frodo was an idiot. He should've just got his middle earth flight training.
Seriously I was thinking this the other day when someone mentioned Lord of the Rings. Just hop on a bird, take it to the top of the mountain, chuck the ring in the fire, and be done within about 45 minutes. Back in time for mead and 2nd breakfast.

What an idiot.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
I don't think MMO players changed but the makeup of the audience changed. To make a successful MMO, by WoW numbers and standards, you have to appeal to a group that want and easy path, instant gratification, and no consequence. That's a very different game than we played and for some reason we can't seem to find some middle ground.
Yet that "instant gratification" group, as you phrase it, was around in EQ1, and a lot of them just didn't want gameplay that was the equivalent of standing around with your dick in your hand for hours at a time, or even worse, taking said dick and slamming it in a drawer repeatedly. People tend to forget just how much vitriol there was aimed at EQ1, and Furor's 14 day rant didn't resonate with people because they wanted instant gratification.


Yet that "instant gratification" group, as you phrase it, was around in EQ1, and a lot of them just didn't want gameplay that was the equivalent of standing around with your dick in your hand for hours at a time, or even worse, taking said dick and slamming it in a drawer repeatedly. People tend to forget just how much vitriol there was aimed at EQ1, and Furor's 14 day rant didn't resonate with people because they wanted instant gratification.
You are correct that those instant gratification people existed in EQ1 as well but you also have to remember that the game didn't push end game content on its players at that time. The majority of players back then would never hit lvl 50 or ever go into a planar raid until way later. They where happy enough to log on their 30ish toon and hang out with guild mates or do a dungeon or craft or roleplay. It was a totally different environment in the original EQ.

Back then they said it straight up that most people would not see Veeshan's Peak or they would not see Sleepers Tomb and that was fine most people didn't care, You still see it today on P99 most of the people don't give a shit about "raiding" They like farming shit for some reason


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Honestly, early Vanilla WoW had that as well.

The vast vast vast majority of players weren't at level cap, and spent most of their time pvping and crafting and just doing dungeons with their friends, etc.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't know about that. I don't know how you're defining the "vast vast majority" nor the timeframe you're giving them to reach 60 but since there wasn't an XP penalty in WoW you could freely fuck your way up to 60. It took longer since leveling back then wasn't quite as quest driven as it is now but it isn't like getting to 60 was an accomplishment or any indication of class knowledge.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Mebbe I'm misremembering. Up through Blackwing Lair though, which was a solid what, 6-8 months or so after the game launched? It seemed like most people were level 60, and certainly weren't raiding.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
You are correct that those instant gratification people existed in EQ1 as well but you also have to remember that the game didn't push end game content on its playersat that time.
I have to ask you what you mean when you say "at that time", though I suspect you mean early EQ1. I'd say that later EQ1 was totally different and apples to oranges in a sense, but then again, it was that later EQ1 that people left WOW for.


I don't know about that. I don't know how you're defining the "vast vast majority" nor the timeframe you're giving them to reach 60 but since there wasn't an XP penalty in WoW you could freely fuck your way up to 60. It took longer since leveling back then wasn't quite as quest driven as it is now but it isn't like getting to 60 was an accomplishment or any indication of class knowledge.
Leveling to 60 definitely wasn't rocket science and worlds easier than leveling in EQ. It did take awhile to hit 60 though, much longer than 1-100 in today's WoW.