Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Trakanon Raider
I did like that they found a conceptual way to make how often you "die" and stand back up make sense without make you some kind of shielded-by-the-gods zombie murder hobo in-setting like every other MMO. Instead, your morale breaks, you quit the fight. Also allowed for non-magical healers, like the captain, which I like. Makes Battle Rez feel a bit less silly when it's "Stop your cowering" instead of "SHOVING SOUL BACK INTO CORPSE, BRB"
But I want to shove the soul back into the corpse. Thats a metal ass way to rez. I can see a berserker class going all like "SOUL! Stand back up you pussy!" as he shoved the glowy spirity shit back into the guy via shoving his hand down his throat.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The year is 2222AD. A man in a black robe approaches the tombstone of Brad Mcquaid and sprinkles crushed opiates and gasoline over the damp, mossy earth. He chants a dark, arcane verse; passed down through the generations - a secret known only by the original pre-nerf Kunark necromancers. The sound of a motorcycle revving up is heard, and the ground erupts in a cadence of flames as a motorcycle -GMRGOD II on it's license plate- appears. "Lord Mcquaid," the shrouded figure bows, "The time of your awakening is nigh. The world is finally ready for a unity-asset driven, diku-mud inspired group-based experience. Your vision will soon come to fruition, my lord."

A bottle of Oxycontin is brought towards the decrepit, rotting face; jaw barely attached to his skull after his final, fated battle with the smedly-tron 4000 so many decades ago. The hideous visage rasps out a hiss.

9/10, could've ended with "this is gonna rock" imo :3


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Pantheon on big Abe! Also an article on MMORPG but I didn't really find it very news worthy so didn't bother linking.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Who is composing the music? Sounds pretty good actually.

Seriously though.

Music composed by Chris Perkins for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen's OST. Copyright ?2015 Visionary Realms, Inc. All rights reserved.


Molten Core Raider
Mod request title change to: The Lamar Odom of MMOs.

It appears to be back on life support.


Trakanon Raider
I was comment on the music at least the point of reminiscing about the music of EQ and even how cool it was when it was being showcased on the original EQ site. You never see that anymore. I can't think of a MMO site that rolls their music while you browse around. Maybe that's a date idea but I always like it at least in regards to EQ. I still like the music and brings back fond memories. Hope Pantheon takes music into consideration and how it adds to the environment and player experience for some.


Pantheon proving once again it's more of a game than EQNext will ever be.
Seriously.. EQN has yet to show any final in-game locations and Pantheon is makingscenes like this. Granted they are using Unity assets, but the EQN team, with their competition slaves, has still not shown anything impressive from their end.

I will never bet on Brad, but I'm surprised Pantheon is still a thing and seemingly making large strides.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Seriously.. EQN has yet to show any final in-game locations and Pantheon is makingscenes like this. Granted they are using Unity assets, but the EQN team, with their competition slaves, has still not shown anything impressive from their end.

I will never bet on Brad, but I'm surprised Pantheon is still a thing and seemingly making large strides.
The background is really nice in that SS. The foreground looks like complete ass and needs their architectural artist to make a redo. The lantern posts on top of stone pillars is off-putting especially with 3 almost on top of each other. It's like a kid with a new toy putting it everywhere. The dock looks like it was half built and then just abandoned and a docking pier is enclosed to where you can't get out. Sure, I sound anal but I really do hope they have someone that does critical thinking on their areas like this.

With that said, they have shown a lot more than EQN but that ship is about half sunk at this point.
