Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Did it rock?



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I dunno why but EQ1 graphics and animations are still more preferable than this, to me. I'm not trying to jump on board the hate-train, but dayam.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Looks like they're just remaking EQ. I am on board if so. No other MMO out there has me excited or even a little interested.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Been watching draft all night. What did I miss? Why doesn't it look good?
I think they thought Vinyard's video was the update. I could be wrong though.

In case someone's missed it, here it is.
June 2016 Early Gameplay Stream of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - YouTube

I'm really loving what I see. I am mostly interested in combat when it comes to MMORPGs and what I see is perfect for me. It resembles EverQuest a lot and this is exactly what I want. The resources regenerates slowly, there is downtime, the classes and the time it takes for monsters to go down in a full group. I also love to know they are working on a faction system. If they showed me this video on their kickstarter two years ago I'd have backed their project.


It's like someone said "I saw this cool video on the interwebs. Can you make a game that looks like this?"

I like the YT version better though. You can shoot some hoops, sneak into the house, raid the fridge and drop a deuce under some kid's couch cushions when no one's looking after you're done with the dungeon.



Blackwing Lair Raider
So... I suppose the main point of the demo was to display basic mechanics, like aggro, grouping, pulling, combat, etc. I guess in this regard they seem to have a pretty decent spiritual successor to EQ. Who knows what it feels like to actually play the game, but on the surface they pretty much cloned EQ and added a few new features. I don't say this to be derogatory-- this is what they were going for, so I think they succeeded.

It's kind of hard to get a real grasp for what to expect since we are told all of the following will be changing:
- Character models
- Animations
- Spell effects
- Combat sound effects (hopefully)

Some of those things are going to make the game feel better to play in addition to making it look better.

There are also a ton of minor things that need to be changed that I'm sure they have on tap. But for Christ's sake, please change the color of PC or NPC names. Such a simple change but it would make a huge difference.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
If they can pull off meaningful gameplay. I can ignore just about any level of shitty graphics. But I won't hold my breath!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh I don't know. You could pull some armies in EQ pretty easily. But if you are saying EQ was just tuned a little better than VG as far as aggro radius/pathing/linking then I agree.

There is a lot of shit they will need to fine tune to get that "EQ feel" correct because EQ did some of those things *really* well. Aggro, pathing, factions, mob AI, hp/dmg ratio, exp/reward/risk, itemization, spell variety ect ect.

VG definitely had its good points, but it never matched EQ in most of those things.

TBH it will be way easier for VR to get the "big" things right than it will be for them to capture all of the small things that made EQ feel like EQ


Golden Squire
I certainly liked the pace and gameplay they showed. That said, their last live stream was of level 7 content, this one, was level 10. While I understand they are a small team, trying to get the mechanics right etc etc, the pace they are moving at, is really really glacial. Given they even showed us all the same classes as last time, pretty much all the same spells etc., it is pretty hard to not be concerned that this might compete for GOTY 2032 with Star Citizen rather than be something we see this decade.

They seriously need to get a cash injection so they can hire about 100% more devs/ artists/ level designers or this thing is not going to finish before it's target demographic is too old to see their screens.


<Silver Donator>
Pantheon: Rise of the Multiboxer
Which might not be a bad thing, no? Watching COH right now. Guy is really trying too hard not to be the sponsored content shill he is all the time. Anyway, game is pre alpha and hell might turn out to be a nice niche game in two years, who knows. They are really redoing EQ somehow, even the faction messages in the chat window are the same.