Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Oh, wait, subscription forums and tons of stupid shit to buy on the site... Nm, they already are squeezing them. They'll be fine!


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Sub-based games are very difficult to launch and sustain. Games like WoW are still above the critical mass where they can justify a sub. Almost every game had to bite it, and move to a non-sub model.

I probably said that before, but you need to design your game from the ground up as being a F2P/P2P game. Even if you want a sub, your game is going to go F2P soon, and if you haven't designed it for that, it will struggle to adapt.
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<Gold Donor>
Nahh, just make the game good and not trash and people will gladly pay, reason most, 99% of mmorpgs, go to F2P is because they are trash tier wow clones with nothing new to show, just a copy pasta boring ass theme park on rails experience with shitty end game to boot.

There is like 50K peeps still paying $15 per month on EQ, which is like what? 18 yrs old now?

Why pay a sub for a shitty wow clone when they can go play the real thing?
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
do we have any actual evidence there are 50k active subs to EQ?

I'd honestly curious how much Daybreak makes off of EQ. They seem to make enough to pump out expansions with that Empire of Kunark shit they are releasing.

The cosmetic store prob prints cash too. I see tons of skins and shit around.


<Gold Donor>
Planetside 2 was actually enjoyable, good idea and all that. Played it hardcore for about a year a few years ago. Problem IMO was the shitty engine, it just felt clunky as all hell for a shooter. Plus they could never figure out a meaningful meta for it. You just gathered up a big posse, got into your big jets or convoy on the ground and took bases. Sometimes getting into a good fight, but then you logged on 8 hrs later or whatever and all that shit was taken back by another opposing posse. There really was no purpose behind any of that land grab.

Later they introduced alerts, those were fun, basically every few hours they would have a timed land grab battle on a certain map, so everyone went to that map and started taking bases to see which side was best. this lead to some epic fights, sometimes even 3 way battles. then the whole continent was locked for a certain time after by the winning side. But they could never figure out that meta. Dont get me wrong, that game was all about those epic 100 vs 100 or more battles, and with that it delivered in spades, so many good memories of some truly epic type battles, its just that they could never figure out a reason behind it, so after playing it for so long you just lost interest.

The game also had many skills to master, basically like a Battlefield in space, You had your infantry, which consisted of the standard battlefield classes, like medic, engineer, heavy, dude with jetpack and smg and of course sniper that could go inviz for short periods of time. Then you had your heavy equipment operatives like single person tank, dual person tank, sunderer (mobile spawn platform) and all of your jets. So there was plenty of roles to fill out and plenty of niche expertise to commit to if you wanted.
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Sub-based games are very difficult to launch and sustain. Games like WoW are still above the critical mass where they can justify a sub. Almost every game had to bite it, and move to a non-sub model.

I probably said that before, but you need to design your game from the ground up as being a F2P/P2P game. Even if you want a sub, your game is going to go F2P soon, and if you haven't designed it for that, it will struggle to adapt.

I'm not sure I agree with this analysis. $10 sub for a quality game is viable, imo.
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<Gold Donor>
Millions of people gladly pay for subs every month for games. shit at its pinnacle WoW had like what? 12mill subs? Granted China, blah, blah, but a sub is still a sub, no matter how the rangs pay for it. shit even at its pinnacle EQ had 400K subs, and mind you this was in late 90s early Y2Ks where internet was way the fuck more expensive, and computers were not prolific as they are now.


<Gold Donor>
Im betting you will be the first on the bandwagon, brosephias. Youre still paying for an EQ sub right now, lol.
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The Big Mod
Im betting you will be the first ont he bandwagon, brosephias. Youre still playing for an EQ sub right now, lol.
Nah my stint on Agnarr ended a week after it began. I would be happy to check this game out if it does the impossible and ends up being a great game at launch. Thing is though, you need to do a fuck ton of mental gymnastics to convince yourself that will happen. How many MMOs have launched and attempted a sub model since WoW? Several dozen. How many of them are left? Zero. How many of those games had actual, legitimate game studios behind them? Quite a few. Who is working on Pantheon? Retards like Convo. What happened the last time Brad McQuaid tried to make a game on his own? Abject failure. Who calls the shots now that the company has accepted funding from accredited investors? The investors. What is the first thing that the investors will do when the game isn't getting them the return they want? Make it F2P.

Basically you have to ignore all the facts of reality and convince yourself that past performance means nothing from both an industry and personnel perspective to think that this game has a chance at success.
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<Gold Donor>
LOL, im not saying this will be a great game, bro. I have my doubts too. Im just arguing a point that all games these days have to be P2W or F2P or whatever to survive. All im saying is that you make a great game, people will fucking pay to play it.

Im just glad at least someone is trying to recreate the old school mmo, thats all. So its got my interest.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Basically you have to ignore all the facts of reality and convince yourself that past performance means nothing from both an industry and personnel perspective to think that this game has a chance at success.
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<Gold Donor>
What happened the last time Brad McQuaid tried to make a game on his own? Abject failure.

See you can look at it like you have been, Brad mcfailed his last mmo, went on binge, fucked his secretary while high, fucked over his entire crew, blah, blah, sure. But I look at it like this. Mcquaid rode high on his ferrari after the success of EQ. and it got to his head. Left sony, got a deal with mcrosoft, took a leave of absence and let his underlings make a shit tier game while he was getting high offf the profits. Microsoft came and looked at shit tier game and pulled support, so he then struck deal with old pals at sony to release his 1/2 finished shit tier game. Then game failed hard, like hard hard, so hard mcquaid had to sell of his Ferrari hard.Then hard times followed, so hard this one time gaming titan, worth millions, now had to take a lowly dev job at sony making pumpkin models for Halloween events.

Then probably some introspection happened. Looking back over his 40 some years, 20 years in the games industry, his success and his fails, doing some yoga, drinking green tea to clear the mind, etc. And hes back. Fresh, and looking to seal his legacy in the gaming industry, after all its his last chance.
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