Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
Shawn has a good product there. It will be curious to see how far he goes with it. There have so many games coming out in the next few years. Pantheon has no chance. Riot's MMO is going to shit on everything. They have the funding and the development staff. I want Raid Shadow Legends to make an MMO. it seems to me that Microsoft is going to end WOW's development and focus on a Diablo MMO. I won't be surprised that Dreamhaven bought the rights to WOW for their new studio.
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
I have done a lot of weird stuff in my life and learned a lot of things. People are the same everywhere you go. Someone has a good idea then someone copies it. Someone reinvents the wheel and then someone copies that idea. It's a never-ending story.
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<Bronze Donator>

Neranja I appreciate your concern.​

I am ok. I am ok too.​

Quotes from you like "They want people to think they are human like us." shows us that you are starting to dehumanize other people, which clearly is not sane behaviour. Combined with your stalker-like behavior makes it a safety concern.

This is why you were booted from official forums, because you are a risk to others.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
This dude spewing out shit like a Panda Express Fortune Cookie is why he got banned. lol
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole

at the 17:41 mark. He attacked me and cohh.

Joppa comments all the time why don't they go over there and explore because they are told not to because VR has not built that part of the zone yet. Then they go back to that part the next stream like it was there all of the time. They aren't fooling anyone.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler

at the 17:41 mark. He attacked me and cohh.

Joppa comments all the time why don't they go over there and explore because they are told not to because VR has not built that part of the zone yet. Then they go back to that part the next stream like it was there all of the time. They aren't fooling anyone.

At the end of Being and Nothingness, ... Being in-itself and Being for-itself were of Being; and this totality of beings, in which they were effected, itself was linked up to itself, relating and appearing to itself, by means of the essential project of human-reality. What was named in this way, in an allegedly neutral and undetermined way, was nothing other than the metaphysical unity of man and God, the relation of man to God, the project of becoming God as the project constituting human-reality. Atheism changes nothing in this fundamental structure.

Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
Pantheon Plus's website

still looks like shit. Pantheon had not fixed their website and it was terrible. They wanted to give the state governments the look that they had abandoned the project.

People constantly complained about the website and how outdated it was. So, I stepped up and showed off my site. it was organized and informative. it looked much like this site but with an enjin feel.

Minus got scared and stole my ideas from the site like a video category forum. I offered to help him with the site. Of Course, he turned me down. the forum of my site was the best part but enjin is not WordPress.

Bigger people are going to make database websites in the future if Pantheon launches. Best be sure they are going to get the latest information funnel to the website which minus still owns on the down-low. No one goes back and reads old posts. The library of Pantheon has a nice look but a very poor concept.

You don't need permission to make content for Pantheon but if you want an interview you got to get permission from Kilsin. You don't see Joppa going to Asmon and doing an interview because he knows what would happen to him. you would get another Joe Leonard video.
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  • 1Solidarity
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If you're not entertained by this you got a major case of MCB and a huge stick up your ass. Go play Diablo Immortal like a good cuck.

I keep an updated set of notes.

Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
There are so many widgets in WP they could have made this site so much better looking. They could embed a Discord and Pantheon Radio app as a music player. What don't realize the face of Pantheon is going to change when they open the floodgates, and the people pour in.

Asmon will remember how they tried to shit on his podcast, and I am sure the first words out of his mouth look Unity store assets from 2004.

They need to hit it out of the ballpark this Thursday or they are done. Remember the IRS only gives you three years after the initial grace period of five years to start showing a profit before they close you down for being a holding company. This is why they have the rule of thumb in development in under 7 years. in addition to this statement, this is why they are still in cyberspace now because as soon as they touch down, they will owe money for back taxes and fees to the government.

They are supposedly going to do a cash grab this summer err I mean a new pledge tier system for the players to consume. if they don't make a certain amount they will probably fold shortly after that with the IRS on their tail. I think all of the BOD people live outside the USA now.
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There are so many widgets in WP they could have made this site so much better looking. They could embed a Discord and Pantheon Radio app as a music player.

Good to take notes.

But don't waste your ideas on these Diablo Immortal patronizing mongrels.

They're the problem.

Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
One of the Pantheon crybabies complain about me to the mods because I said "I think" something. Cancelculture crybabies.
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Sox, I'm not sure who you're talking about, but 9 years into this thread there are still no Pantheon apologists here besides Nirgon.

I challenge you to name a "Pantheon Crybaby" on this forum.

You are working really hard to attract a lot of attention, and you seem to be focusing on attracting negative attention.

Couple that with your persecution complex, proclivity for stalking/doxxing/name dropping, and constant reference to threats of violence and legal action, and I can't imagine why anyone here would be hesitant to keep you around.

I was trying to convince you to stay one of the last few times you threatened to leave the forum... but you've converted me.



Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
Just in case anyone forgot. DO NOT post personally identifying information about any member of this board without their explicit permission.

Now back to our regularly scheduled insanity.
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