Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
After the bullshit that had been shoveled out by major budget mmo's (SWTOR,WAR,GW2 and so on),the past several years why wouldn't some of us who prefer old school style mechanics and a virtual world over twitch,hub based,instanced everything, no real world PVP crap throw a few bucks his way?

I blew 150 on a CE for a game that proved the more money you have to spend on a mmo the stupider it gets. To this day Vanguard feels and plays like more of an actual mmo than the 200 million dollar+ shitfest known as SWTOR.

He might fuck up whatever the new project is , he also might not , but currently once I get tired of FFXIV I've got Vanguard to go back to for an actual fantasy virtual world and looking ahead a Disney Minecraft with EQ names slapped on.

Yes ,at the moment , this unknown project has the best chance to make a game Ill actually enjoy , and I really don't need it to be more than niche. Or want it to be to be perfectly honest.
Haters gonna hate man.. A lot of people fail at things their first go around.. That's why there are all kinds of cheesy quotes out there to motivate them to try again.


"a challenging game &not a game that tries to be all things to all players

This, this , and this.

The exact fucking opposite of what Butler and Om are pushing (I honestly give Ponytail a small pass on this as it seems he's the one closest on the whole Disney EQ team who doesn't really want it to be Toon Town Online.)

But what McQuaid is saying is what I want to hear the most from a mmo dev.

Quit trying to make a game for everyone.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well a lot of us realized that niche needed to happen. I think people in the industry are starting to agree. Brad is just one of those people who decided to do something about it. It's ok if the big guys want to continue to make their broad MMO's. I'll probably still try some of them but I'd prefer to have something more along the lines of what Brad is talking about.


Golden Squire
I'd say it'll be a new IP. With EQN coming out, I don't know why SOE would let them use the EQ name. And VG has nothing but bad connotations for the most part associated with it.

As far as feature list, I'm guessing the following can be expected:

-Probably wide variety of races
-Probably wide variety of classes (if one was going to get the chop, this one, due to keeping the scope down, I'd think)
-Emphasis on grouping (possible solo options for everyone, but if so, pretty inefficient outside for maybe specific classes)
-No instancing
-"Seamless" world - although hopefully actually seamless instead of VG's "we're calling it zoneless except the fact that the entire world is equal size square zones"
-World built so that it looks good when in first person, not suffering from MMO gigantism
-Actual interesting dungeons that are fun to crawl

If I had to put a minor wish list:
-No bear ass quests - the only questing would be, actual, ya know...quests. Not tasks.
-Less canned armor options - I'd like to quest for actual good gear, and then wear it a long time. Like EQ's epic weapons, sol ro armor, monk headbands/sashes/robes
-Less whack-a-mole combat, more slower paced, with time to type while fighting (typing in VG can be pretty hectic, so I don't think all of this is a given)


A conservative on welfare railing against entitlements will get you negs every time. Just saying...
I'm not on welfare you moron. WIC isn't fucking welfare, and its for the mother. Although I have been known to partake in a glass of government milk now and again.

Back on topic though, I don't really see the point in submitting a question. All he has to do is look at this thread, or the EQN thread and there is about 500 different ideas on what constitutes an old school MMO that many of us have been craving. Although I'm sure he already has.


Trakanon Raider
I'll be happy if it's not hyped as "the greatest thing to happen to gaming since...!!!11", doesn't try to bite off more than it can chew or reinvent wheels that weren't broken. I'd rather be it marketed as "we're going to try to make a good game" rather than it feel like a kids cereal commercial.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I wonder if it will be an "EQ Classic" recreation in forgelight with prior EQN art assests, a VG 2.0, or an entirely new IP using Sony tech (possibly crowd-built assets) but without the EQN sillyness.
god, next gen EQC, you're cruel to even suggest the possibility of that


I'm not on welfare you moron. WIC isn't fucking welfare, and its for the mother. Although I have been known to partake in a glass of government milk now and again.

Back on topic though, I don't really see the point in submitting a question. All he has to do is look at this thread, or the EQ2 thread and there is about 500 different ideas on what constitutes an old school MMO that many of us have been craving. Although I'm sure he already has.
And at the same time read the EQN Reddit slurping as the anti-thesis of what it needs to be.


Golden Squire
Back on topic though, I don't really see the point in submitting a question. All he has to do is look at this thread, or the EQ2 thread and there is about 500 different ideas on what constitutes an old school MMO that many of us have been craving. Although I'm sure he already has.
The point of these isn't to actually get information out about a game, or for them to get feedback. Same as the EQN Roundtable garbage. It's just get people to *feel* like they're being involved, to get people thinking about the game, to give a reason to make news about the game, etc. It's just part of advertising. Not saying that's bad or wrong anything, it's just a different marketing technique as opposed to static flat news announcements.


-"Seamless" world - although hopefully actually seamless instead of VG's "we're calling it zoneless except the fact that the entire world is equal size square zones"
I'm not sure this can be done on a smaller budget. I for one do not care either. If we actually get a current game to replace what EQ and Vanguard offered run by a competent company who gives a shit about games, I'll be happy to spend a few extra seconds zoning.

No, Vimiseh has never been negged for posting conservative ideas in the politics thread. People that actually have reasonable arguments actually have discussions.

Merlin shows up, copy pastes Rush Limbaugh, then claims it's his own idea.
Vimiseh is about as conservative as Harry Reid. No surprise he is popular among liberals.


Trakanon Raider
Massively has most of it:

I wonder if it will be an "EQ Classic" recreation in forgelight with prior EQN art assests, a VG 2.0, or an entirely new IP using Sony tech (possibly crowd-built assets) but without the EQN sillyness.
has to be a brand new IP. has to. SOE is already making the abortion known as EQN, and VG has too much negative stigma surrounding it. start a brand new IP in the tradition of an EQ and or VG (lots of classes/races, class interdependency, PVE focused, group oriented, death penalty, DIKU style combat, limited or god willing no instances, rare/meaningful loot, etc...). do even half of that, and i'd be willing to throw money at this project. gotta be honest, i like what brad's saying so far. i think he may be the only person in the MMO industry right now who actually understands where the MMO genre needs to go (back to its roots).


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'm not sure this can be done on a smaller budget. I for one do not care either. If we actually get a current game to replace what EQ and Vanguard offered run by a competent company who gives a shit about games, I'll be happy to spend a few extra seconds zoning.
Thinking just briefly about the 'seamless world.' I thought it was a great idea back in the day, because zoning could be annoying. WoW did an interesting take on this with the chokepoints, Vanguard did Chunking, later on you could just fly both around and it's pretty much completely seamless (well, it still chunked in Vanguard). However, now I've been messing around in FFXIV and it's not seamless at all, there are definite ZONES and LOAD TIMES - and it really has not bothered me at all. Hell, I had not even thought about it until just now. The load times are so short now with current tech it really doesn't matter much. I guess to get to the point - I can't say I really care at all if it's seamless or has zones.

What made zone lines interesting (and completely immersion breaking) in Everquest was that there was also no leashing. Zone lines were the only thing that saved you from certain death - and it was completely jarring because of this. Of course, simply having every enemy forget about you after 15 steps is probably even more so.


I honestly would take the "zoning" trade off easily for zero instancing of dungeons and/or "East Commonlands 3" etc.

I put very high importance on it feeling like a virtual world, but see the technical issues with trying to make it completely seamless. There were sometimes huge zone lines between East/West commons as an example , other times you went around a bend through a mtn pass and zoned in that way which made it seem a little less intrusive.

Anyway I've got zero issue with occasional zoning if it lets you make the world more dynamic/different while keeping performance reasonable too. Zoning through pure open world > instancing any day for me.


Golden Knight of the Realm
If he will have access to Forgelight, doesnt that support a decent sized open-world?

My guess is maybe he'll have a special deal to license it from Sony, and possibly deal on Storybricks too


What made zone lines interesting (and completely immersion breaking) in Everquest was that there was also no leashing. Zone lines were the only thing that saved you from certain death - and it was completely jarring because of this. Of course, simply having every enemy forget about you after 15 steps is probably even more so.
I would take zoning any day if it gets rid of leashing.


I would take zoning any day if it gets rid of leashing.

I enjoyed the whole , let's set up a group camp near the zone line and try and pull some extra tough mobs mechanics , plus the damn funny trains you'd see going through various areas.

Leashing ruined a large chunk of pure fun.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If he will have access to Forgelight, doesnt that support a decent sized open-world?

My guess is maybe he'll have a special deal to license it from Sony, and possibly deal on Storybricks too
I doubt Sony will lend any of its Tech to a former employee. What Brad should do IMO is what Neos Land is doing. He does the Class design and lets the players build the world and help develop art assets.
This way he gets to control the important parts without blowing a huge budget. Plus it keeps people WAY more interested if there is three years left (or more) in development.

I just don't see Smed lending any help to his competition. I'd like to be wrong


I'm not sure this can be done on a smaller budget. I for one do not care either. If we actually get a current game to replace what EQ and Vanguard offered run by a competent company who gives a shit about games, I'll be happy to spend a few extra seconds zoning.
Bam! I'd rather have a smooth game with zones, than some choppy laggy "seamless" world. To be perfectly honest, I miss the social scene you could find at some zone lines, and I also miss committing the occasional mass murder by train and the ensuing nerd tears. If the zones are large enough, who really cares; it's not like they actually making a spherical game world that you can circumnavigate. Save the cash for important shit, like sparkly ponies, and cut scenes.

Frankly, I'm getting old, and my poor worn out bladder can only hold 3-4 beers at a time now...I need those fucking zone lines. (edit: Wait does that make me a "casual"?)


Bam! I'd rather have a smooth game with zones, than some choppy laggy "seamless" world. To be perfectly honest, I miss the social scene you could find at some zone lines, and I also miss committing the occasional mass murder by train and the ensuing nerd tears. If the zones are large enough, who really cares; it's not like they actually making a spherical game world that you can circumnavigate. Save the cash for important shit, like sparkly ponies, and cut scenes.

Frankly, I'm getting old, and my poor worn out bladder can only hold 3-4 beers at a time now...I need those fucking zone lines.
Running for your life to a zone line or guard was epic. Good times! How many times did we get within feet when the mob put the final death blow on us haha