Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


lol! yeah, because no one in the business world has ever been given a second chance! or a third, or a fourth, or a fifth....
Hey, if plenty of people who want to finance rich former game developers out there, then more power to Brad and his peers, especially if they can get a few million for a no risk venture.

All I keep thinking is how much money exactly did Brad get from Microsoft and what happened to it? Personally, I won't give cash to wealthy former executives of EA or Sony, although Chris Roberts tempts me as I'm still in love with Wing Commander, Privateer, and Freelancer to this day.


Elisha Dushku
Why not? SOE pretty much owes everything to EQ. All they had before that was Tanarus and Infantry. They would never have Star Wars Galaxies, DCUO, etc... if not for EQ.

Similarly to how Valve owes its entire empire to the guys who made Counter-Strike. If they had chosen a different engine for that mod, hardly anyone would have installed Steam.
I'd rather SOE had nothing to do with this game. Smed has the Mr. Hankey touch - everything he touches turns to shit.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Why not? SOE pretty much owes everything to EQ. All they had before that was Tanarus and Infantry. They would never have Star Wars Galaxies, DCUO, etc... if not for EQ.

Similarly to how Valve owes its entire empire to the guys who made Counter-Strike. If they had chosen a different engine for that mod, hardly anyone would have installed Steam.
I agree. SOE owes much of everything to EQ.

BUT! Smed doesn't fund SHIT. Smed has to go to board meetings and get down on his hands and knees to even get money for EQN.

The board would never approve "lending" a former employee thier new tech. Anyone who thinks this has zero sense of reality.

They might sell him a licence but I can't imagine Brad could afford it.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Werent behind-the-scenes ties to SOE rumored/inofficially confirmed in the first half of this thread? Too lazy to look really. Until there are details that confirm this is going to be a world first and game second I feel kinda meh about it because it's really the only shot at an immersive world we have for about a decade or so.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Jesus christ, are you serious? A loading screen "kicked you in the balls"? WTF? If a loading screen pisses you off you have no business in this thread at all. Seriously.
I know, right, like seriously! The only thing better than zoning back and forth between areas in a game is having it completely seamless and having the game freeze up for a good 5 seconds as the new, ummm, NOT-a-zone loads. Both were much better options than eliminating harsh transitions and loading between areas of the game, right?

How about they just figure out a way to use terrain to create natural passages between areas and a method of dynamically loading 'zones' to avoid the game feeling like it's from a fucking decade ago. Hell, then as part of a collector's edition they can add in loading screen art for you to nerd-fap to! That way everyone wins!


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I just think so much more can be done without levels from a development side of things. We spend years creating content for a 1-50 experience that players blow through and then it's mostly never used again. Factor in the fact that you're making low to level zones for 2+ factions/starting areas and you spend all of that development time on content designed to advance a number. Content for max level players usually suffers, at least the amount provided at launch which leads to people getting bored and quitting not long after.

Levels also cause artificial barriers that help prevent players playing together. Your new buddy just started and you want him to come play with you and your friends but you can't because he's level 1 and you're already 35. Sure there are bandaids like mentoring but that is extra systems that need to be built because of levels.

You can still have progression built into the game. Stuff like having abilities, items and other forms of power boosts found out in the world where you have to find them and it's not just handed to you because your level went up by 1. Add in an AA system similar to EQ and you can still give players the feeling of character progression without them needing to level.

I don't know. I just want a well built world where from day 1 I log in and I'm sent out into a dangerous world to explore and conquer. I don't need 50 levels of grinding to get to the badass part. When I say no levels, I'm also suggesting the world be dangerous enough and your mostly grouping even in "overland zones". You're not running around doing trivial errands, you're out front at the gates where it's like stepping foot into the plane of fear for the first time. Maybe this is why I'm not allowed to be in charge of shit
Sooo, instead of a group looking for a certain level tank, they'll be looking for a tank with a certain number of powerups. And you're going to go back to your noob zone with all your powerups and what, not out'powerup' the content? It's just a different name for the same mechanics, and why spend time investing in lipstick for a pig when you could be fattening the pig up for slaughter.

There are plenty of ways to handle lower level content becoming obsolete. First, make a game that everyone doesn't rush to max level and quit after a month (in part by making it take much longer to reach max level). Even years after EQ launched it wasn't that hard to find low level groups. At some point, though, yes, those levels become obsolete from a exping standpoint, but if there's faction in the game and random/rare clicky type of items and crafting mats and stuff like that lower level content can still be relevant if you look at it from the perspective other than JUST exping.

Or, my favorite thing is when they re-purpose older, lower level zones into higher level areas to accommodate where the bulk of the players are in levels.

Artificial level barriers won't exist in your powerup system? Your friend makes a new character but meanwhile you've gotten 10 powerups and 3 rare abilities and 50 AA's...... how would there not be a power difference? At least with levels you have the ability to mentor down levels in a way that is somewhat controllable so you and your friend CAN play together.

How does having levels prevent a dangerous world to explore? You seem to say you don't want levels because you want a dangerous world that doesn't have trivial errands, which makes no sense. In short, your argument makes my head hurt and seems to be little more than the personal connotations you've attached to the word levels. Sounds to me you just don't like the term levels, and aren't seeing that levels is just one name for a system that WILL be present in any game of the genre. You don't want to "grind" levels, but if it's powerups, hey why the fuck not grind all day?

I'm getting sick of games that instead of making the necessary evils more tolerable, simply call them something else and pretend they've revolutionized the genre. I'd rather they just stick with levels, call them levels, and focus on more important things than trying to semantically trick idiots into thinking they aren't leveling when they're gaining power at a per-determined rate.


I'm Amod too!
Why not? SOE pretty much owes everything to EQ. All they had before that was Tanarus and Infantry. They would never have Star Wars Galaxies, DCUO, etc... if not for EQ.

Similarly to how Valve owes its entire empire to the guys who made Counter-Strike. If they had chosen a different engine for that mod, hardly anyone would have installed Steam.
Does Microsoft give out it's current tech to the developers who made Windows 1.0? I don't get why some people in this thread think SoE will be willing to let Brad walk out the door with the keys to the kingdom 'just because'. If Brad has access to SoE tech it's because he's paid for the license to use it.


I know, right, like seriously! The only thing better than zoning back and forth between areas in a game is having it completely seamless and having the game freeze up for a good 5 seconds as the new, ummm, NOT-a-zone loads. Both were much better options than eliminating harsh transitions and loading between areas of the game, right?

How about they just figure out a way to use terrain to create natural passages between areas and a method of dynamically loading 'zones' to avoid the game feeling like it's from a fucking decade ago. Hell, then as part of a collector's edition they can add in loading screen art for you to nerd-fap to! That way everyone wins!
Its a niche game right? Brad and co are not going for the $200 million dollar AAA title, and no one that is looking forward to the possibility of a new game from Brad really wants him to explore all these new ideas and concepts, we want an updated Everquest. He doesn't have to reinvent the wheel here, just produce a quality game that returns the genre to the concepts that actually worked. All this discussion over seamless worlds (which for the record, was the initial idea for Everquest) and no levels is the polar opposite of what we want from a new game. All the new concepts and ideas that have been instituted in today's newer games simply do not work. People play for a few weeks then quit. Over and over and over again companies are spending millions and millions and millions of dollars making all these newer ideas the core of their games, and for the most part, the ideas fail time and time again.

Its not that I'm against seamless, but as we have seen from Sigil and 38 is a total failure due to funding. I want Brad to succeed and the key to that is going to be keeping the game on track, on time, and on budget. Lets go small, simple, and inexpensive. I'm not sure the technology exists at this time to make a seamless world that can run on today's systems inexpensively. Anything that keeps the costs and development time reduced is the direction Brad needs to go.


Molten Core Raider
Hopefully our industry moves past "levels" as progression.
Levels do not bother me as long as they are eventful... what do i mean ? Leveling rapid fire with no new abilities and character progression sucks. I want old school LONG ass levels with meaningful leveling points. i.e. in vangaurd there are no talent points, just stats you allocate which was fine but every other level you are getting new skills that is great... not this new thing where you have the majority of your abilities by level 10.


Trakanon Raider
They didn't worry about leashing mobs , trains , people throwing out level 50 chloro and rubicite twinking their lvl 1 warrior , etc because they were just concerned with getting a 3d version of a class based fantasy mmo going. The accidental things they said they didn't expect was half the damn fun of EQ. Fast forward years later, tons of dev time is spent making safety rails instead of just letting happen what happens.
This is genius... I could not have said this better myself and I have attempted to articulate this point for years on this board. Send this to Brad with all of our names signed to it....


Silver Knight of the Realm
It is kind of amazing just how many of things that made the game fun to play were unintentional. Nowadays balance is too much of a concern, everyone needs to be equal and do everything, blah.


What do the new SEC laws do to crowd-funding and this project? Cause if your only allowed to raise 1 Million a year we wont see anything anywhere near Star-Citizen like. Maybe it wont be an issues as the funding goal wont be that high.... anyway seems interesting, I think all that will happen is kickstarter and companies will have to "be based" not in the USA to avoid this law.

Heres a link to the new laws.
SEC Proposes Crowdfunding Rules - Forbes

Any predictions on funding targets?


It is kind of amazing just how many of things that made the game fun to play were unintentional. Nowadays balance is too much of a concern, everyone needs to be equal and do everything, blah.
Didn't they say FD pulling wasn't intentional? FD pulling is an art form. Genius whoever first started the idea.


Elisha Dushku
It is kind of amazing just how many of things that made the game fun to play were unintentional. Nowadays balance is too much of a concern, everyone needs to be equal and do everything, blah.
And that's the problem right? If you've got more than two classes - you can't ever actually balance. The best you can do is RPS - Warrior beats Ranger who beats Cleric who beats Warrior.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Didn't they say FD pulling wasn't intentional? FD pulling is an art form. Genius whoever first started the idea.
Pulling anything wasn't intentional. They had no idea separate groups of players would sit at a static area of a dungeon and pull mobs back to them.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
11,823 one that is looking forward to the possibility of a new game from Brad really wants him to explore all these new ideas and concepts, we want an updated Everquest. He doesn't have to reinvent the wheel here, just produce a quality game that returns the genre to the concepts that actually worked. All this discussion over seamless worlds (which for the record, was the initial idea for Everquest) and no levels is the polar opposite of what we want from a new game. All the new concepts and ideas that have been instituted in today's newer games simply do not work. People play for a few weeks then quit. Over and over and over again companies are spending millions and millions and millions of dollars making all these newer ideas the core of their games, and for the most part, the ideas fail time and time again.

Its not that I'm against seamless, but as we have seen from Sigil and 38 is a total failure due to funding. I want Brad to succeed and the key to that is going to be keeping the game on track, on time, and on budget. Lets go small, simple, and inexpensive. I'm not sure the technology exists at this time to make a seamless world that can run on today's systems inexpensively. Anything that keeps the costs and development time reduced is the direction Brad needs to go.
Not having loading zones between every area, dungeon, cave and hole in the ground isn't exactly reinventing the wheel. Seems to me it's pretty basic stuff these days, and there's a big difference between reinventing something and risking its failure (Vanguard's chunk system) and simply not taking huge steps back in game design by copying something from 15 years ago.

So, you too want an updated Everquest.... which is why you're not sold on the ideas of levels? Despite them being sort of the entire foundation of EQ's structure compared to, say, UO. But DO think there should definitely be a ton of loading screens.

I'll just attribute this to some sort of language barrier and move on, because you're using all the popular buzzwords, but I can't make much sense out of what you're saying.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
This is genius... I could not have said this better myself and I have attempted to articulate this point for years on this board. Send this to Brad with all of our names signed to it....
The ironic thing is arguably two of the games that allowed for the most outside-of-intended mechanics were both Brad projects. Vanguard was also pretty interesting with finding unintended ways to accomplish things due to it's chaotic development 'cycle' and the fact there were never enough devs around trying to fix things.

The key now is to consciously back off and not suffocate the game design and try to replicate the environment where the devs either didn't know better or were under too much pressure/chaos/misfunding to do anything about it.


Trakanon Raider
I have never really seen the point of essentially automating most of the social processes of MMO's. To me everything they have streamlined has really made the game painfully linear. I may be the minority with some of this but I don't like the idea of standing in one place and waiting for a windows to pop to take me to my group to some far off land that is actually an instance. You may as well go back to Diablo and let us hang out in a chat room until someone wants to play a dungeon.

The summary stated earlier is the ticket.. (SoE / EQNext is already getting too complicated in my opinion). Get the classes right, get the world right, and turn us loose. We'll do the rest. The only thing I would like to see modernized in the housing and the use of housing to sell goods or provide trade skill services. I like EC Tunnel and everything but I think you should have a house in the world, not an instance, and instead of mercs, hire a shop worker that sells your items (and takes a cut) and/or provides service based on what you (your character) has trained them to do which also costs and they receive the cut. Naturally you can provide these services yourself but this would require your time but you're not giving away a cut of the money. That's my only idea in terms of what I would like to see added from 1999ish MMO's.