Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Potato del Grande
No one wants you. Fuck off.
How about you fuck off?

Mr Sox is a bizarre but well meaning source of entertainment, I want him here.

Do you just want to drive away all the interesting characters so it's the same closed group of people parroting the same tired opinions?
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
How about you fuck off?

Mr Sox is a bizarre but well meaning source of entertainment, I want him here.

Do you just want to drive away all the interesting characters so it's the same closed group of people parroting the same tired opinions?
How is that drivel interesting? I'd ask what the fuck is wrong with you, but you're also one of those "interesting" characters you speak of.
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Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
Zaide has been autistically building his mmo following for over a decade. Put in context it’s like swimming a lot of circles in a really small pond and he could have done something much bigger in a bigger pond, but we probably has the self awareness on that to not care and he just loves eq and pantheon. Genuine.

so there’s genuine aspect, along with multi decade focus, and results.

you made one cross dressing vtubr video with a pirate girl and expect to be famous?

be aware of the fallacy of overnight success
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
How about you fuck off?

Mr Sox is a bizarre but well meaning source of entertainment, I want him here.

Do you just want to drive away all the interesting characters so it's the same closed group of people parroting the same tired opinions?
Fuck off
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I care so little about this I can't even be bothered to look up the last shitpost I made about Mr Sox and continue going with whatever it was.

You know what that's fair, and the correct amount of effort this thread deserves.

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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I watched that zaide guy on pantheon for a few minutes. He was trying to climb a cliff and kept falling back down. Eventually fell and died. Looked terrible, stopped watching.
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
Real truth here.

I was bored and watched all of Zaide's drama quests and I was also a member of Faceless on Bert, Zaide.

Zaide. It's not a contest in Everquest anymore man. So, what if you are the first on the server EQ is being designed for everyone to win now. if all of the major guilds are beating all the major events on the server by the time of the next expansion, what seriously? what does it matter? Can you take it to the store and buy your groceries with it? Slap your E-Penis on the countertop and see what happens. What you fail to realize is that we live in a different society and cancel culture runs wild, but I also understand it is a personal achievement and nothing is wrong with obtaining your personal goals. The way you went about it was your demise with all of the underhanded sneaky bullshit. Frank the bank is not far behind you. Be a step above the crowd. Sieger realized that and is from a different cut player than you and that is why he is still there, and you aren't. You got burned out. Btw, it's not about you, I guess you can make it seem like it that way. Your stardom burned too bright.

It's about us. Yes, I have made the same mistake too. I am not perfect.

I have no doubt you were an exceptional player, but do you want this to be a legacy? A series of broken dreams. I hope you take Pantheon differently from now on. Be the way.

This thread would have died a long time along without my postings of truism. I have obtained legendary Cult status just below Steven Shariff now.

I found your podcasts entertaining being a former old school player. I am sorry you got butthurt.
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The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Real truth here.

I was bored and watched all of Zaide's drama quests and I was also a member of Faceless on Bert, Zaide.

Zaide. It's not a contest in Everquest anymore man. So, what if you are the first on the server EQ is being designed for everyone to win now. if all of the major guilds are beating all the major events on the server by the time of the next expansion, what seriously? what does it matter? Can you take it to the store and buy your groceries with it? Slap your E-Penis on the countertop and see what happens. What you fail to realize is that we live in a different society and cancel culture runs wild, but I also understand it is a personal achievement and nothing is wrong with obtaining your personal goals. The way you went about it was your demise with all of the underhanded sneaky bullshit. Frank the bank is not far behind you. Be a step above the crowd. Sieger realized that and is from a different cut player than you and that is why he is still there, and you aren't. You got burned out. Btw, it's not about you, I guess you can make it seem like it that way. Your stardom burned too bright.

It's about us. Yes, I have made the same mistake too. I am not perfect.

I have no doubt you were an exceptional player, but do you want this to be a legacy? A series of broken dreams. I hope you take Pantheon differently from now on. Be the way.

This thread would have died a long time along without my postings of truism.

I found your podcasts entertaining being a former old school player. I am sorry you got butthurt.

Careful bro, he may try to dox you. Many such cases.

Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
As a posed to me doxing myself. They call me Soxx the Doxx remember? Carpe diem.
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Mr. Sox

Mr. Poopybutthole
what just one? what? the fourth Female pirate. Mackensie. Now not Appearing. More Updates incoming.

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