Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Silver Squire
Good luck with your project Brad. Hope you get it right because I need a game worth playing and the entire genre needs an enema.

Watching your project closely. Wish you the best.


Sorry, read that wrong. Pretty much the same answer, though. We will have a FAQ on the page once we launch it, where we'll be answering the community's questions. If questions pop up about the past, I have no issue answering a few. It's just not going to be the focus by any means and I won't let it get out of hand. The KS page is for people to learn about the game. Message boards, formal interviews with the press, etc. is where questions about the past should primarily be answered.



the description is the most important part

that picture is the top part of the chick who hovers over the god king


Fair enough but I'm a lot more concerned with whether or not you figured out that Vanguard was a glorious example of the Second System effect (aka scope creep) and you all plan to focus on being more focused instead of big for the sake of being big.
We have to. This game has a target audience -- it is not designed to be a huge all-things-for-all-people game. It needs to be focused, and that focus needs to be making sure we're we're making a game that that audience wants. This game will be smaller, it's feature set specific, and the focus will be on making it fun first for that audience. Feature creep would destroy this game, period.



Lord Nagafen Raider
We have to. This game has a target audience -- it is not designed to be a huge all-things-for-all-people game. It needs to be focused, and that focus needs to be making sure we're we're making a game that that audience wants. This game will be smaller, it's feature set specific, and the focus will be on making it fun first for that audience. Feature creep would destroy this game, period.

Yo Brad is this Vanguard 2?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
If I need to, yes. I really don't want to dwell on the past -- it's time to be forward thinking and to get excited about the future. That said, you guys need to know that we've learned from our mistakes so some discussion may be appropriate. If we aren't honest and we don't learn from the past, then the past was simply a failure and a defeat. I refuse to look at it that way and we won't be defeated by the mistakes of the past, because we are going to learn from them and do a better job this time. I've learned so much, especially about myself, because of both my successes and my failures.

For me it all came in a frustrating sequence. 9 times out of 10 a person fails, fails, fails, and then succeeds (if he ever succeeds at all). For me it was 1. huge success (half a billion dollars of profit for Sony, etc.), 2. Commercial failure (I say commercial because I still think VG was awesome in many ways and I?m still proud of it)

Anyway, the success first and failure second really jacked with my mind. I became extremely arrogant, thinking whatever I touched would turn into gold. And then when things didn't work out so well on my second try it was really quite a blow to me because I had deluded myself big time. I ended up in a bad place and I never want to be back there again, ever.

But also in learning more about myself over the years, I know this is what I want to do for the rest of my life: make MMOs that I and other gamers want to play. It's just who I am and it's the only thing that professionally makes me happy.

I just don't want to get bogged down in the past too much. If it makes sense to discuss something about the past, then I'll participate. But to be totally upfront and honest, I'm here primarily to promote my new game. It's a blast talking with you all, and I'm here for that as well, but let's spend most of the time here together facing forward. We will need your feedback and opinions in order to insure we make the game you guys want and that I want. It's about community building and being accessible.

Anyways, I hope that makes sense.

Well I respect you for at least coming back into this community as we aren't really the most welcoming bunch. Good luck with the Kickstarter and your game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I hope we will see a true EQ/VG successor. I think their issue will be what has to make it in a launch and what to leave out till later.. Systems like crafting for instance.. Personally I'd like that in for economy reasons but whatever gets this game launched..


Lord Nagafen Raider
I hope we will see a true EQ/VG successor. I think their issue will be what has to make it in a launch and what to leave out till later.. Systems like crafting for instance.. Personally I'd like that in for economy reasons but whatever gets this game launched..
bro i am pretty sure its going to get put into the breadcrumb meat grinder and you will never have your fucking EQ or UO back again because you are so used to accepting what ever shit they spit out bugs and all.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
bro i am pretty sure its going to get put into the breadcrumb meat grinder and you will never have your fucking EQ or UO back again because you are so used to accepting what ever shit they spit out bugs and all.
Ha that's not true in my case.. I hardly play mmos for this reason..


I appreciate the candor. Though this place can be critical (compared to places like reddit where it turns into an upvote hype cesspit), if you read some of the threads, you'll see that the underlying trend is that a lot of us are very let down by the MMO genre and desperately want something we enjoy like we did back in the EQ days. Good luck on the KS!


I feel like playing a forum game "Count the Buzzwords".

GL with the game Brad and you will probably get my money, but damn son.