Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Dindu Nuffin
Michael Bay confirmed director. At least it won't be too brown.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ok.. So we have a challenging, group focused game that appears to be set in a world with lots of gods??


Buzzfeed Editor
Bring back fun loot please. So tired of item budgets.
I just hope that loot isn't so ubiquitous in the game that it essentially has to be produced on an assembly line. I want loot to feel more like the kind of stuff nerds who thought of D&D campaigns created, inventive and unique. Leave the rewards for simply playing to experience or soft cap gains, or unseen pieces of gear. While loot (Displayed loot at least) should be rare, and powerful.

So you don't go to dungeons for the loot, but instead to get your next level. The actual shot of getting a nice piece of loot would be too rare to plan around, but just common enough to make grinding in dungeons more productive than safer places. Hopefully in a system like that, you won't have to whittle loot down to badges, and make items nothing more than statistical increases rewarded per unit of time expended. You can actually have a loot system where a treasure literally is a treasure.

Anyway, just something I think has been lost in the translation from Table Top to games. But I agree, loot needs to be fun again. But that would mean Brad has to rediscover the joys of being a DM, and making loot so it fits into a world, and not just a game :p....Have you brushed up on your table top, Brad?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
He should of stuck with Pantheon. Rise of the Fallen is up there with Attack of the Clones and shit like that. Pantheon: Lowering of the Raised.

I want to read into it that its going to be about a bunch of Gods playing with our merely mortal lives very directly.


Trakanon Raider

My concern is the push to make things bigger, with a plethora of options, and continuing to push the limits far beyond the initial building blocks of the MMO genre. One aspect I felt Everquest did well was really focus on the simple concepts of D&D/old school RPG's and brought those into a massive world. How do you see the "roots" of the genre making its way into the game? I'm all for bells and whistles and pushing the limits but think of what we didn't have 1999 yet it worked. Not saying that we haven't seen good changes and ideas but there have been moments I have felt they came at a price. Example: This is strictly looking from the outside in. SWTOR, gave us hours and spent millions for Voice Overs and cut scenes. Now I have no clue how that impacted development but did that take us to the next level of MMO's? Could the money and/or resources been used more effectively? As the consumers, I found a lot lacking in the game yet I found one of their most touted and expensive idea as a waste of time.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Voice overs and cut scenes are kind of like when TVs started adding 3d features. It's like they ran out of ideas for the current design and needed to buy time. Waste of money


He should of stuck with Pantheon. Rise of the Fallen is up there with Attack of the Clones and shit like that. Pantheon: Lowering of the Raised.

I want to read into it that its going to be about a bunch of Gods playing with our merely mortal lives very directly.
I've got money on it that Pantheon alone wasn't available. Also, Rise of the Fallen is the perfect metaphor.

Also, agree about the loot Lithose. I don't need a shiny, fancy-named weapon for every quest I complete.


Elisha Dushku
Michael Bay confirmed director. At least it won't be too brown.
Gold is the new Brown.

@The Name - Pantheon of the Ancients was one of my favorite leveling zones of Original VG. Then it got gutted by SOE and turned into a grindy blechy high-level zone. So with that as bg I view the name as an un-intentional screw-you to Silius and the SOE team that destroyed VG, thus I like it.


Trakanon Raider
If I need to, yes. I really don't want to dwell on the past -- it's time to be forward thinking and to get excited about the future. That said, you guys need to know that we've learned from our mistakes so some discussion may be appropriate. If we aren't honest and we don't learn from the past, then the past was simply a failure and a defeat. I refuse to look at it that way and we won't be defeated by the mistakes of the past, because we are going to learn from them and do a better job this time. I've learned so much, especially about myself, because of both my successes and my failures.

For me it all came in a frustrating sequence. 9 times out of 10 a person fails, fails, fails, and then succeeds (if he ever succeeds at all). For me it was 1. huge success (half a billion dollars of profit for Sony, etc.), 2. Commercial failure (I say commercial because I still think VG was awesome in many ways and I?m still proud of it)

Anyway, the success first and failure second really jacked with my mind. I became extremely arrogant, thinking whatever I touched would turn into gold. And then when things didn't work out so well on my second try it was really quite a blow to me because I had deluded myself big time. I ended up in a bad place and I never want to be back there again, ever.

But also in learning more about myself over the years, I know this is what I want to do for the rest of my life: make MMOs that I and other gamers want to play. It's just who I am and it's the only thing that professionally makes me happy.

I just don't want to get bogged down in the past too much. If it makes sense to discuss something about the past, then I'll participate. But to be totally upfront and honest, I'm here primarily to promote my new game. It's a blast talking with you all, and I'm here for that as well, but let's spend most of the time here together facing forward. We will need your feedback and opinions in order to insure we make the game you guys want and that I want. It's about community building and being accessible.

Anyways, I hope that makes sense.

On a personal level, I hope everything works out for you. I think most of us know the stories (true or not) and I don't think anyone wants to see people in a bad place.

Professionally, you still have our attention and it is also with good timing. The industry is pretty frustrating at the moment but with that comes a crowd waiting for something worth playing. I think that brings double-edged sword. At least speaking for myself, I'll try about anything but I would be pretty quick to say it is just another one those mediocre MMO's.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I've got money on it that Pantheon alone wasn't available. Also, Rise of the Fallen is the perfect metaphor.

Also, agree about the loot Lithose. I don't need a shiny, fancy-named weapon for every quest I complete.
Yep.. We had this convo a few pages back. Tad even added xp/coin being the norm for a quest reward. +1 to rare loot
Immediate disclaimer: I'm not going to be able to answer much of anything until the KS site is up. I just figured I'd pop in here and there. I do read threads like this one and elsewhere. I hope that me popping in to say hello doesn't just frustrate you guys -- if so, apologies in advance.

Unity has aWeb Player. Any chance you are creating the spiritual successor to EQ, in a browser?


Elisha Dushku
Yep.. We had this convo a few pages back. Tad even added xp/coin being the norm for a quest reward. +1 to rare loot
Noooo. No XP for quests, and quests should be uncommon (not rare, just uncommon). The quest grind to cap is a horrible creeping virus that swallows all joy out of an MMO. Also, quest drops from mobs without needing to be on the quest (EQ style).


I want EQ style questing, for clarity. No symbols over the head or anything. If I get some money I want it to be pocket change that offends me more than anything. Item rewards could be handed out if the line was exhaustive enough to reward the effort.