Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Nap Bearded.

In for 150 for myself and my son. Time to introduce the boy to why he was ignored all these years.


Hey all. I just wanted to drop by and thank you all for providing me hours of entertainment and information regarding Pantheon. If Mr. McQuaid follows even 50% of the suggestions mentioned in this forum, Pantheon will be a superb game resurrecting our beloved genre from ruin.

I long for the days of strong communities, difficulty, vast exploration, lack of modern fast travel, and meaningful consequences for failure. Thus, I put my money where my desires lie and opted for the $150 Kickstarter pledge. Let's do this!


Really weird problem , nothing major but anything that puts off a potential backer who stumbles upon it might be worth noting,

The audio for the video on the Kickstarter page won't work in Firefox for me (tried a second machine and same thing in FF.) Video plays but no sound. Plays fine in IE though. Might be a known thing or not , just figured worth pointing out.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
That is the general consensus for sure. I think 150 is a good one myself. The $45 alpha could be limited and once sold out be bumped up. At least that's what some people seem to think.

I'm sure there was a ton of thought put into the structuring. There has to be 100k old EQ people there missing these games. Toss 20 at it and we are funded!
If this tops 15k backers I will be surprised and 20k I will be shocked. Star Citizen only got 34k during the KS.

I know right!? I'm half thinking this day 1 stretch goal listing is a troll to all us early backers and they come out in a couple days with "HeHaw, here's our real stretch goals". I mean some KS dont even bother listing stretch goals till they're fully funded.
It's not a troll but I would expect to see some fine tuning on a number of items. Here's the thing that I would have expected to have been better presented: No one is going to contribute just so everyone can play classes and races that are expected to be part of any Fantasy MMO, like Ranger and halfing, especially if they don't plan on playing them. They need something to pull them into contributing towards it based upon something *they* want for themselves.
minimap: no... if you have to have it make it a skill for rangers tracking or something. that they have a minimap doesn't bode well (insightwise/ target audiencewise)

highfantasy + wowgraphics is an oxymoron to me. would prefer a more stylized vg style.
edit: eh, i guess it is just some of the concept art that's more wow than any of their ss. still though, the style isn't .. unique enough to distinguish an identity


Trakanon Raider
Alright.... what's the guild name? I'm ready for Alpha, Beta, or something :p

Anyone remember last day of beta on EQ? Didn't they spawn Inny or maybe a giant orc. Sad I can't remember. EQ beta was a blast though.

Still reading everything and going to sleep on this before I write my book of a first impression and questions for Brad :p


Everyone needs to calm down. There are 40 days on this Kickstarter. It's not going to fund in the first day. It was a nail biter on the Camelot Unchained KS, it may be the same for Pantheon.


Really weird problem , nothing major but anything that puts off a potential backer who stumbles upon it might be worth noting,

The audio for the video on the Kickstarter page won't work in Firefox for me (tried a second machine and same thing in FF.) Video plays but no sound. Plays fine in IE though. Might be a known thing or not , just figured worth pointing out.
I had the same problem. Worked on my wifes computer using Firefox. She mentioned something about lightwave. Some kind of player I guess. I dunno...was to lazy to install it. I just watched the video on her computer.


Yea I don't see them asking is to pay a sub for beta after we already donated to get in. I'm not concerned about this hitting its goals. It will gain traction. Just think some of the stretch goals should be reserved for after the game launches like the air and water content..
I think that air and water are ok as stretch but some of the new adventure zones should not be stretch but ex-packs or add ons for later on. I really would not mind if there but only one continent in game for launch something modest just to accommodate several thousands of players, then add to that over time once the subs start to kick in...


Some sort of physical swag needs to be thrown in for the 500 or so tiers. Decent 30x20 artwork print of something iconic to the game and signed by the crew or something I think would sell many more of these. Or something along those lines , just as a suggestion as there are lots who when you mix in a tangible item like that , soundtrack CD for the 300 etc , the 20-30 it might cost to make and ship , well get a better chance of someone bumping from 150 to 300 or 500.


Minimap and upper left char info are garbage. Keep players looking at the world, not at crappy UI representations of it. Reduce screen clutter, and make players look over their damn shoulders.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
.... was thinking of this being a KS I actually contributed a decent amount to , but the tiers past the 150 range really
don't have much that goes , wow I want that...
Had the same experience. Was giving myself a vague budget of $500 going into this. Settled on the $100 for now just because nothing above that was very interesting to me. I don't want to pretend I'm a dev and name an item or make some poor company have 'popsicledeath' in their credits (because it really is my actual name). I'm not sure what more I wanted, not overpowered items, not nerd bragging rights like my name engraved on a shithouse (tombstone, maybe), not to think I'm 'in' by being in the dev guild chat where I'm sure we'll see a lot of people thinking they're hot shit and 'know' the devs because of it.

I think I'd be more excited if we could pledge directly to certain things. Let our money talk by seeing if people really are willing to fund air/water combat, or gnomes, or monks. I'd pay double if my gnome pledge took away from the monk pool.


Golden Knight of the Realm

Im just another voice here so I don't really expect a response. All in all it seems like you are already headed in a direction that I can get on board with so I wont sweat the details. There is one thing that I'm going to step out and ask for. Dedicated server GMs with names and a presence in the server community and not just faceless customer service. Bring back the events too. I was one of the lucky few to snag an artifact, and that event and story changed not only my experience, but everyone's around me. Bring that back.