Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


This could really turn it around for Vangau....rd....................
What would be commendable is if he actually did devote himself to turning Vanguard around. This generic game doesn't even looks much better graphically, if it is at all.

Surely starting over is harder than trying to fix Vanguard. There's probably tons of systems and assets that would give them a huge leg up. Have SOE pretend to give him the rights, crowd fund the Vanguard restoration project, turn it into the spiritual successor to EQ it was supposed to be.

Or just make an equally terrible game again, this time off the backs of the public


Elisha Dushku
Reality landed and suddenly people are realizing that Brad won't be making the game of their dreams.
Wrong as usual. As has been stated by everyone at the outset Brad is an ideas guy not a manager.

Visionary needs to stop everything and hire someone who can manage the project and then have that person manage the project.


I agree the KS could use some re-working, but I think what hurts it more is they need to get on every gamming site and promote it. Get the word out there as there are many former eq/vg players who dont come to rerolled and probably arent aware of the KS but would donate if they knew. Or might find other new players out there who want something different from all the other wow-clones.
this thread went weird.

one minute. "zomg take my money", with what I too thought fairly mediocre KS pitch.
But, we then went full tilt the other way to rage and trainwreck.
What happened is people who are both invested in the game and have a level head took a hard look at the KS and came to some worrying conclusions. It can take some time for constructive criticism to come in. It's much easier to just have a knee-jerk reaction.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Been thinking about it for a couple days now but can't find the want to put anything in over the $45. Advertising a group centric game then having classes be stretch goals just seems completely wrong. oh well, $45 is no big loss but it indeed put me off on the project quite a bit by having what I would consider core functionality be stretch goals.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
From what I've seen on kickstarter, most successful projects have some sort of working demo/prototype. This KS had literally nothing except some generic Unity crap and a bunch of guys saying how awesome it was going to be.


I'm Amod too!
Wrong as usual. As has been stated by everyone at the outset Brad is an ideas guy not a manager.

Visionary needs to stop everything and hire someone who can manage the project and then have that person manage the project.
He's not even an idea guy. Idea guys occasionally have new ones. He's had the same idea, borrowed from MUDs I might add, and the same people riding his coat tails (I'm looking at you Silius) for the last 20 years. Maybe it's time to magic up a new idea.


<Bronze Donator>
My biggest concerns regarding the Kickstarter;
1. Videos were too scripted
2. The alpha/stock screenshots are going to leave a terrible first impression. I think it'd be better to wipe those and just have the art.
3. The page feels cheap. Look atThe Repopulationfor instance, it looks far better.

They've really gotta start feeding info to the Massively's/'s of the world, not everyone that is interested is on these boards (or shit maybe they are). Surprised Brad linked his personal FB to that page also. Either way I pledged $45, I didn't really feel the want to pledge more aside from the $1,000/$10,000 goal which for obvious reasons I will not contribute. Kinda wish they would've taken more time now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I hope they're planning on doing daily or even more frequent updates... release more screens, talk about more features, do some dev live streams, etc. Over the course of the KS... Marc Jacobs had to basically run a marathon every day to get Camelot funded... I think Brad needs to do the same. Give the media something to report on every... day.
All these years eveybody and their dog has complained about how WoW destroyed the MMORPG industry and how they wish someone would take things back to the days of Everquest instead of making yet another WoW clone.

Well here it is finally. This is what you people have been crying for for the past decade, and all we have is a little over 500 people willing to reach in to their pockets the first day and support what they have been begging for the past decade?

Stop being hipocrits and fucking pay the man you lazy ass bitches. $45 is fucking cheap as hell to support a change in the industry. Even if it did not work out on THIS project, we can at least show the industry that there are people out here that WANT the old school diku mud DnD style MMORPGs.

By not supporting this project, you are telling the industry that you actually do want more WoW clones. For once in your pathetic lives, do something to help instead of being whiny little bitches.

Does Brad have it all figured out just yet? No.
Does Brad have the art work down pat yet to put up awesome screen shots? No.
What Brad has is a desire and passion to give us what we have been asking for the past ten years. I for one am more than happy to donate $100 to let him try!


Yeah that was my thoughts. Most of us here have lamented the direction of the MMO genre over the past 10 years, and this is the best bet we have at a MMO we'd be interested in beyond a month. Put up or shut up seemed appropriate.

It could just be that, as much as none of us like it - the demand isn't there to create even a small-scale niche-MMO that's basically a prettier EQ. We'll see in 39 days!
I think demand is there, but I don't think enough people have any clue about what Brad is doing. It needs a massive advertising campaign, forums, word of mouth, etc.....
From what I've seen on kickstarter, most successful projects have some sort of working demo/prototype. This KS had literally nothing except some generic Unity crap and a bunch of guys saying how awesome it was going to be.
Nah, that's not true. Many of them don't. In fact, plenty have gotten millions with no demo at all. Pantheon is further on the development path than Might Number 9 was, so that's not a problem IMHO.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Having read everything since the kickstarter double post, I have to say

- I wish that stupid screenshot hadn't been part of the KS page. GPS Minimap, WoW player stats window in the upper left, the slash thing. I pretty much dislike the entire screenshot. I can't imagine the purpose of it, if all of these features are not going to be part of that game.
- Q&A1, he weasles out of a lot of the questions, such as the Sand giant question at 5:50. Yeah, no shit we can walk into a zone that is too high level and just die, that wasn't asked. Will there be single mobs of much higher level than the area they are in, and will they attack players on their own was the question.

What is risk if the death penalty doesn't actually hurt because that's "tedious"? What are we actually RISKING by engaging something more rewarding? We know in EQ we risked 1-2 hours of corpse recovery on every wipe if it went bad and really everyone was dead. That was tedious except for those few guys who actually did the CR. However, it was also very social. More information required. I don't remember what the Vanguard penalty was.

I don't mind zone based with loading screens.
I don't mind no custom UI as long as the standard UI is good.
I don't mind some instances as long as you can't fish the best loot from those instances. A good mix can work out.

I hate, as pointed out, the screenshot.
I hate their pompous super epic legendary megalore. What's so wrong with a basic high fantasy world with no special megashits overwriting everything like some horrible fantasy novel no one wants to read? Why is no one giving that a shot anymore?

I don't see enough information yet to make this thing take off. The little footage has to be dismissed as playing around in unity3d. They need to tell us more and not weasel out of the good questions.

I don't know what the other places this game is being talked about has for subjects, but what we talk about isn't covered at all yet, it seems.

I also don't like the name.

I don't think I'll fund unless Q&A2 blows me away.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
All these years eveybody and their dog has complained about how WoW destroyed the MMORPG industry and how they wish someone would take things back to the days of Everquest instead of making yet another WoW clone.

Well here it is finally. This is what you people have been crying for for the past decade, and all we have is a little over 500 people willing to reach in to their pockets the first day and support what they have been begging for the past decade?

Stop being hipocrits and fucking pay the man you lazy ass bitches. $45 is fucking cheap as hell to support a change in the industry. Even if it did not work out on THIS project, we can at least show the industry that there are people out here that WANT the old school diku mud DnD style MMORPGs.

By not supporting this project, you are telling the industry that you actually do want more WoW clones. For once in your pathetic lives, do something to help instead of being whiny little bitches.

Does Brad have it all figured out just yet? No.
Does Brad have the art work down pat yet to put up awesome screen shots? No.
What Brad has is a desire and passion to give us what we have been asking for the past ten years. I for one am more than happy to donate $100 to let him try!
I agree that people here should fund this game but you're creating a false dichotomy between WoW clones like TESO and Pantheon. Also if people believe this game, if funded, would produce a poor entry into the 'old school MMO' genre they should be afraid that it would poison the well for several years and make publishers believe that the community doesn't want an old school MMO. Finally, we don't have enough information to say this is what our community wants.