Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


you're not alone. as much as i want this game to succeed, i'm still on the fence about giving money. as gamers, we support the industry by purchasing finished products. it shouldn't be our job to foot the bill to create the game. i wouldn't give a car company money for a car that wasn't built, nor would i pay $300 for a dinner before it was served.
I mentioned this earlier, but it bears repeating: All of us are working pro bono. None of us has the money to self-fund. If I did, I'd be doing it, believe me.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
you're not alone. as much as i want this game to succeed, i'm still on the fence about giving money. as gamers, we support the industry by purchasing finished products. it shouldn't be our job to foot the bill to create the game. i wouldn't give a car company money for a car that wasn't built, nor would i pay $300 for a dinner before it was served.
I don't even disagree here but consider this... Brad pitched this mmo essentially to Smed and he said good luck! Why? Bc he has EQ and VG.. Doesn't make sense for him to make another..So here we are trying to bring awareness and raise funds so we can get this game made and maybe put some balance back in the industry. Not to mention the you are getting something for your donation. It's up to you on how much you get.

Btw.. Not to make light of these guys and their project bc I'm sure it's a bit of a roller coaster for them but for us??well me..and a lot of the people posting on KS.. This is really good time lol.. Lots of energy.


Potato del Grande
^^. I posted something today in regards to dungeons.. If you guys have one done or partially, it would be great to see a walkthrough....someone to talk about grouping as they show us around.. Doesn't need to be populated just some solid concept art will do with what we should expect to see in regards to challenge and unique encounters, etc..
Eventually I want to see a dev video of the first dungeon and them wiping a few times trying to break a tough room. Because even the best gamers wiped occasionally in EQ, which is one of those things that made it awesome. They need to not give us one of those canned videos where the devs are one-shotting things because they've been auto leveled. Show the game beating down even the devs!


you're not alone. as much as i want this game to succeed, i'm still on the fence about giving money. as gamers, we support the industry by purchasing finished products. it shouldn't be our job to foot the bill to create the game. i wouldn't give a car company money for a car that wasn't built, nor would i pay $300 for a dinner before it was served.
And this is the problem of financialization. It's a Taibbian vampire-squid that attaches its tentacles to any industry and sucks until its bled everything dry. The gaming industry is no longer about videogames: it's about injecting tons of capital (250 million for voice acting in an MMO, yessiree) and extracting as much as possible from any and every IP under the sun. Remember when Nintendo used to release one Zelda, one Mario every new generation? Now they're releasing one every other month. You don't need (or should want) this level of finance, as it does nothing but line the pockets of those financiers. It doesn't produce better games. It produces more terrible, uninspired games that are driven by MBA analytics, and these analytics arenot about the videogames themselves, but that higher level meta-game of financery.

When one game caps out over 10 million players and ferraris rain from the sky, the financiers' spider-sense tingles, and they throw down these massive capital injections. Once there's one injection, it's like a virus that spreads: "We want a bigger ferrari thunderstorm, so let's inject 300 mil and milk an established IP (hi Zenimax)."

Kick out the vampire squids, stopchasingferrari thunderclouds, and focus on making the goddamned product a quality one. No, you cannot make it quality if it's a sequel released 9-12 months after its predecessor.

This is why after a brief time in the industry, I said no thanks and stuck my head into Marxian philosophy to explain why. If you want to see any truth of how a product suffers when there's MORE money involved, look no further than fucking videogames: here we are, wanting a game that cost beans to make over a decade ago, and we're basically asking for handouts just to do it again now.

Sorry for the OT, but this reality STILL pisses me off to this day.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Eventually I want to see a dev video of the first dungeon and them wiping a few times trying to break a tough room. Because even the best gamers wiped occasionally in EQ, which is one of those things that made it awesome. They need to not give us one of those canned videos where the devs are one-shotting things because they've been auto leveled. Show the game beating down even the devs!
Hah I'm all for that dude.. To be mean to Tad it should be a monk trying and failing at FD and wiping his group...


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
All you need a "Dev blog" on, massively, rock paper shotgun and you should be good to go.
If Machail/Aradune hasn't made accounts and posted about Pantheon on the twenty or so MMO sites by the end of this week they don't really want it enough.


Brad I just realized , I don't see any stretch goals for instanced, cut scene stories with tons of voice acting. Key to an mmo , how could this be overlooked ?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
One thing I do miss and hope to see is the noob armor quest.. I loved the one EQ for my wizard.


Molten Core Raider
The noob armour quest when I started was sell rusty 2 handers until I could afford armour from the cloth merchant in Neriak :p


Molten Core Raider
Ah, you damn kids and your loud music!

Well, I let my old guild know about this game. Not even a thread on their forums about this game! United Kingdoms was a pretty big guild, if not bleeding edge. We used to have tons of real-life friends get exposed to EQ and EQ2 by knowing a UK member IRL, and I don't think that's gone anywhere, some more mature guild members have inducted their kids into the guild... So there's a lot of growth potential :p

Just shows how little Pantheon has been pushed. I'd say a lot of the suspects (to use old marketing speak) aren't even aware the project, much less kickstarter, exists. This needs to change. Trust me, I used to work as an insurance agent.


By way of introduction, I started lurking at fohguild in January 2005, when a guildmate in UK EQ2 told me McQuaid was developing a more traditional MMO. Got into Vanguard beta in Dec 05. Been looking to recapture the autonutpunching goodness of LPMUDs ever since. (As in, playing e.g. BatMUD is about as enjoyable as punching your own nuts)

I was almost motivated to post regarding the terrible copyright trap of EQNL (day gig is IPR law/research) but thought it would be more amusing to drink the delicious tears of gamers instead. Now posting in this thread because I want my hardcore LPMUD in 3D, dammit.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If Machail/Aradune hasn't made accounts and posted about Pantheon on the twenty or so MMO sites by the end of this week they don't really want it enough.
Tuco is right. We can spread the word but they (you guys) have to be in overdrive. Get out and about. I've told my old guild in EQ about this. I'm one voice with no influence, but iv'e told over 100 people in less then an hour of my time.

You guys have more sway! Tell the 10 guys you have to post up (not here but everywhere), say who they are, and why they are proud to bring this game to live.

You guys are doing it pro bono. So are we. Heck if you asked, i'm sure you could get 50 of us to fly down to SD on are own and make the game for free.

We believe.

I hope you guys do too.