Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I wouldn't mind seeing low level raids, nothing fancy, just like two group raids, in low level dungeons. Imagine something like the gnoll commander from blackburrow requiring a two group raid. Good way to foster community at low levels.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think a lot of people (and that includes myself) can't get a handle about the action/reaction aspect of the combat description without thinking twitch. Going to need to see it in action - I would almost have just left it at "modern improvements" until you could show a demo ;-)

I will bet an additional $50 to the kickstarter that the action/reaction question (what does this mean exactly?) will come up a lot!
reaction in EQ was: A kor ghoul wizard begins to cast a spell
Press kick.

That wasn't twitch at all, since dangerous spells had multiple seconds of casting time. The threat was you being an idiot and spamming kick, then not being ready to interrupt


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Fuck it, I'm in for a $1,000. Anyone up for helping develop a quest line where you try to win the love of a beautiful girl only to find out at the very end that she is a tranny. I figure the quest giver NPC can be called Fedor.
LOL, now we only have to sell this to Brad. C'mon Brad! There's trannies in your Planescape world. You know there is.


Trakanon Raider
Whats wrong with being in love with a tranny? What a horrible discriminating quest, next you will post that you are paying another 1000 to make a quest where a female character finds her prince charming only to find out he is black.


FoH nuclear response team
He was in a dark place? What about all the people who got fired in a parking lot that he didn't even show up to? Dark place as a millionaire. I have even less respect for Brad than I do Schilling (and EVERYONE here hates Schilling) because at least Schilling spent most of his own fucking fortune on his idea. Brad just waste's other people's money - and now he is here asking for yours lol.
We get it you don't like Brad and you don't want to donate, stop fucking posting here if you have no interest in the game.

EDIT: late to the party, looks like Tuco used his voice of reason.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Whats wrong with being in love with a tranny? What a horrible discriminating quest, next you will post that you are paying another 1000 to make a quest where a female character finds her prince charming only to find out he is black.
Well if there are blacks in Pantheon I'm damn sure not going to play it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I really dont think that this will be EQ at all. I think you guys have this all wrong if you think that this game will teleport you back to 1999 and your wonder years when you firs opened up a fresh EQ box.

But what I do think is that it will be different enough from the shitty WoW and clone formula that we are stuck in for the past 10 yrs. And this, my friends, is enough to warrant at least $45.
I agree.. I'm not trying to relive anything.. Just because Brad is building a game more inline with what EQ did I don't expect the same experience.. There will be new ones of course but it wont replace what EQ was. I think there is also a lot of people who feel this game won't be casual enough for them.. I disagree based on what Brad has said before. With different achievement unlocks with in a level you most likely can progress your character in small play sessions.. You just won't be progressing as fast as you do in today's mmos.. If the game is fun, who cares really? The level gap won't be as bad so it shouldn't be a big issue..


2 Minutes Hate
Found a cool summary of the game. I wordsmithed it a bit.

"Pantheon is a harsh and difficult high fantasy MMORPG with old-school sandbox elements, plenty of lore and exploration, a focus on grouping, and clearly differentiated classes?but peppered with modern improvements, like a more action/reaction-based combat system."
That's a little wordy in my opinion. I'd use this:

"Pantheon is a modern, high-fantasy MMORPG that strives to inject high-tension gameplay back into online games. As a spiritual successor to Everquest, Pantheon is focused on developing an online world that is both dangerous and exciting that relies on group-focused tactics with an updated action/reaction based combat system."


Mr. Poopybutthole
That's a little wordy in my opinion. I'd use this:

"Pantheon is a modern, high-fantasy MMORPG that strives to inject high-tension gameplay back into online games. As a spiritual successor to Everquest, Pantheon is focused on developing an online world that is both dangerous and exciting that relies on group-focused tactics with an updated action/reaction based combat system."
That's a little wordy in my opinion. I'd use this even wordier blurb that I came up with.


Golden Knight of the Realm
There would be mechanics in game to level the mount, to slightly increase it's move speed, and increase the amount of time it could be used in game before it got tired ect. However, if it died, you'd need a druid, or shaman to either res them, or use a resser in town which means you'd lose a lot of "horse experience" (heh.)
I initially thought I could level up my horse in VG. Being a Varanthari, whose lore says they are nomadic horse people, they had a starting area quest to save a horse in beta and i think live, and eventually you got it as your 1st mount. Its description also had something alluding to it would get better.
I found out later you just bought a new horse to upgrade, but I always thought it would have been cool to level that initial guy up, sorta like leveling pets in vanilla WoW.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Ugh, I'm just hoping Brad isn't wearing some of the rose colored glasses that are prevalent here.Some slight downtimeis definitely wanted in groups but 'watching the wizard's ice comets, shitting it up at a campfire, etc?" Fuck no. Mumble and other voice chat allows you to actually 'communicate' with each other without sitting around half the damn time. If YOU want to do that with some friends then by all means do it! Don't make everyone sit around all the time just because you need friends. I also like combat to actually be a bit intense and hectic. It's combat right? Slow ass combat just sounds wrong. That's just one of many reasons feign pulling is shitty.

Mounts can be done right but it has to be an important initiative and not the mindless idea that WoW endorsed. Mounts could have HP, stamina, etc. Mounts could get skittish around any light blue and up cons with a strong ability to throw you. Mounts could die. Expense related upkeep. There are so many options that having mounts isn't a problem. Putting them in the right way is. I like mounts.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Freaking money is crawling today....slow progress. I am glad I am not Brad, the suspense would suck.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think designed downtime means medding from good encounters and planning on how to tackle certain areas/mobs. That's what I got when I read between the lines.

Nobody wants EQ downtime. I hope not anyway.. But some of my favorite down times were after a fight that taxed all our resources and we almost wiped. That equal good downtime