Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Elisha Dushku
I thought about that, but I'd rather do a collection if a tier comes out where we get to name a zone/island/house/tavern/whatever. Plus if people are going to contribute I'd rather they just do it now and get the beta/alpha access.
Yeah that would be easier and probably cheaper.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I will say I'm much more excited seeing Ikik & Tiraslee on the team and I hope Tiraslee is designing or helping do raids again. I don't know who Fengrot's child was but that raid was very ahead of its time.

Ikik also designed that isle in VG with the nameds you could farm to summon larger named or the raid boss in the center. That was such a great design honestly, it promoted breaking a camp (the bridge), camping towers for nameds and parts, and then everyone joining up for the raid. The raids Ikik designed also were very different with some having no tanks relying on healer and caster checks, some involved crafting while raiding, and I forgot the mechanic for the earth guy =p
I thought about that, but I'd rather do a collection if a tier comes out where we get to name a zone/island/house/tavern/whatever. Plus if people are going to contribute I'd rather they just do it now and get the beta/alpha access.
The $1000 Originator's pledge lets you name a point of interest. Would that work for you?


Silver Squire
For me

Quests should be epic and grand feeling. Some should absolutely require grouping. These should be well written, have awesome rewards and be multi step and even multi zone works in progress. Appropriate loot on the way. Don't be a loot jew but also don't dole it out like +1 candy. Upgrades should be tangible not tiny / incremental / predictable.

As for leveling, I much prefer making the world interesting and letting us go out there and explore. I felt GW2 had a good idea with events although their system was retarded in many ways it was a good departure from straight up grinding ! and ?. Their issue was there were only a handful of events worth doing and everyone just did those. 90% of that world was empty and not worth bothering with which was such a waste.

Anyway, I'd rather that with deep dungeons and interesting mobs than the traditional ! ?. In fact I'd like to see the !? go away except for epic lines.

I'd also like to see the return of shit tons of named mobs. All with good loot tables. Games these days are so stale, give us some decent to OP loot tables, stick a ton of these named mobs (dungeons, over world, everywhere) with random spawn points and times in obvious and not so obvious places and let people have fun. I should be running and see a named with my group and we should be peeling off at max speed to grab it not just running by because it happens to be some shitty quest mob. Worried about pharmers? If you make spawn points obvious then yeah people will macro them but if you put the least amount of thought into it you can make these mobs very difficult to macro.


What I'm hoping for in the designed downtime bit is that, on average a group of players is unable to win a given a encounter without any forethought. If that means they just have to pause to consider the group make up, their abilities and who is doing what because if they don't the mobs will stomp their ass. Inefficient groups and bad players will cause more downtime. That's what I'm hoping for in that downtime thing.

Remember I said on average up there. Groups of friends that know each other or experienced players are going to get to a place where this stuff gets second nature. It happens to all of us but there's very little that can be done about that other than really ramping up complexity later on (which I'm also hoping for).


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't really think the format of the quest delivery matters that much. .
Yeah. I think this is just a matter of being so sick of WoW's quest. But the fact is, I don't know about you guys, but I loved the first time I logged onto my gay night elf and saw how the quest system in WoW worked. It was quick, refreshing and pretty fun. Also, the quests were interesting---at first. The problem arose when I saw quest chains were like an episodic TV show. They had little, to no, impact on my character or the world, and even the items I got from them were gone in a couple levels. Doing quests in WoW were like watching Law and Order--mildly enjoyable in the moment, utterly forgettable by next episode.

I think that is where modern quest systems fail. By solely relying on quests for leveling, they've come tedious and they can't be impactful to you or the world because you need too many to get where you're going. Everyone points to epic quests, or the Shawl quest as being amazing but what was amazing about them was how memorable the rewards were, and how difficult and consuming they were to complete--the rewards gave you something that forced you to remember the quest for YEARS sometimes, after it was done. However, some of the quests in WoW, like finding the ghost wife of someone, were better written and more compelling, in my opinion (From a writing, not game, stand point). But the impression was just lost in a deluge of shit grinding quests. It's kind of like what happened to items. By making all progression at the end game work through items, they diluted the thrill and power of items. By making quests to mundane building blocks of character progression, they made it so most quests seeming boring, meaningless and trivial.

Hopefully this game will just keep in mind "too much of a good thing sucks". People need some form of absence to incur fondness. If I'm inundated with quests that give me unmemorable trinkets every 2 levels, chances are, I'm not going to enjoy any of them. They also need some form of permanence in changes to make things memorable--again, WoW is episodic TV anymore. Easy to get into, amusing to do a few times...but in the end, forgettable.


2 Minutes Hate
I don't really think the format of the quest delivery matters that much. When you roll into your 5th quest hub and load up 15 quests there's no way to keep those quests interesting. There's basic categories for quests that I see:
1. Breadcrumb quests to zones your level you might not know about.
2. Intra-zone quests that provide the player with level-specific areas to fight in while also providing flavor about the area.
3. Zone-completion quests that provide the player with a huge reward for fixing the most important problems in the zone.
4. Inter-zone epic quests.

#3 and 4 quests are good. It's the #2 quests that can be beautifully written, delivered and executed but when every NPC has one they inevitably devolve into 'collect 10 bear asses'.

Plus it gets to be a hassle where you have to manage a dozen quests and if you fuck up the ordering or miss one you run around like an idiot doing shit you don't care about. Finally it kills player-driven exploration because if there's no quest and you break off the quest-trail to see a cool area your dumb ass will have to go back when you get a quest for the area.

#1 quests are good too, but they're a bit hand-holding and they remove the social interaction of asking people where to go.
The only problem with #2 is that they make you not give a shit about the really good #3's and #4's because at that point you don't care anymore.

Or maybe I'm just a cynic.


2 Minutes Hate
We are all quite aware that you have no integrity or honesty.

I think rerolled should consider collectively donating 10k to design a raid. I'd be willing to donate 100 to Draegen via papal to start it off if there is community interest. Draegen can collect the money via rr PayPal and he or Tuco can take the trip. but we all design the raid here (roughly). Only issue obviously is if it doesn't get funded.
A kickstarter to donate to a kickstarter. So meta.


That's true. I was thinking more of EQ timeline though, before quests hubs was even a thing. I don't love quest hubs though. Or rather I don't like the formula of gather up the 15 quests and heading out to do them as fast as possible.

Then again maybe it's just that I don't like "tasks". I like quests! Adventures! Or maybe I just don't like tasks being labeled as quests.
I'm with you here. Tasks are fine, if they are noted as such, and should be found in towns/villages. Tasks should not give any exp, and should just be a way to gain a little coin, or a simple item. (Spider fang necklace). Some might be a way to raise faction with certain groups as well.

Quests however need to be multi step, and they should not be necessarily related to a "hub". Quests should have all kinds or origins. Books, Random Hermits, Gods, odd items dropped by mobs, or found in out of the way places. The Sol Ro armor quests were great, as they sent you to all of the level appropriate area to gather items, although I suppose SolRo was something of a precursor to hubs. Quests should give a nice reward, faction bumps, and possibly exp, although not so much exp, that quests become the way we level.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
for those who who don't want to listen to the whole thing

so fast Travel: What WoW did. Exactly what WoW did.
Quests: Quality over quantity. No collection quests. High "rewards".
Oculus Rift: maybe
casting while moving: Yes
Project manager: They have one, but he's not naming him.
How far are they: just documentation.
What should we tell them at this point: What makes combat fun. What should the AI do?
AH or Tunnel: maybe both.

He also has some weird as fuck idea about carrying items from A to B for a profit. I have no idea how that is supposed to work in a game with teleportation.

How item stats work: unique and good items will be designed by hand. Cash loot "might seem" randomized.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I didn't quite see the travel system as wow.. sounds like a mix of EQ/VG

l totally get what he is saying for the trading. Just a matter of how it actually works in game..

as far as AI there are little things you can do.. Having mobs run to break a mezz on their mezzed buddy is one.. Little, unpredictable things.


The quests in Rift are what killed that game for me. Being told to go back into the same area multiple times by the same quest giver just to pick up the next piece of some idiotic quest chain was annoying as hell. You could walk around and see objects that you just knew you'd have to return and interact with/pickup but you couldn't because that wasn't part of the quest you were on at the moment.

Crap that drops off mobs should include quest drops. But given a quest drop could quite figuratively be anything, it makes you really think about what to keep, what to throw away and what to try and sell. Besides, as the game progresses and expansions are released who's to say that Clouded EvilEye Cornea you looted months ago isn't suddenly part of some grandiose quest.


I'm not quite sure how you possibly have both the EC Tunnel and AH , short of maybe a silly tax rate on the AH that makes it worthwhile to try and sell it EC style.