Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Blackwing Lair Raider
Something else that I've seen other KS projects do, show where the money is going. Since this is crowdfunded (at least initially), show how your end budget is going to be divided. How much do you think you'll need for infrastructure, licensing, world building, staff, etc. I think that's what annoys me about the stretch goals. Saying it takes x amount of money so that you can get a ranger or an extra continent, etc. Why does 4 million to get a certain class, yet other classes are less/more? How is a bard cheaper than a monk? One of the goals (UGC server) gives me the impression this is leading to a dedicated server game instead of an MMO, has that been clarified?


Trump's Staff
Just curious Brad said he was only going to be the CCO of this project. Yet it seems he is currently essentially chief of everything. Will this project be getting some big marketing/business ect.. heads? I wish they had someone with a background in this before the KS.
It's a 10 person project. It most likely doesn't have a defined organizational hierarchy yet. If they do indeed acquire a professional project manager, he or she certainly won't do it for free. Hence, the kickstarter.


Elisha Dushku
It's a 10 person project. It most likely doesn't have a defined organizational hierarchy yet. If they do indeed acquire a professional project manager, he or she certainly won't do it for free. Hence, the kickstarter.
They've said they're looking for a CEO. Tough to find one who will work for absolutely nothing.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Wasn't the $45 thing almost sold out yesterday (less than 100?) now it's back at 300.... Or am I mistaken?


Silver Knight of the Realm
Should have put it back up at $60 and shown the sold out $45 so people know it gets more expensive if they wait. Right now they are just boning anyone who saw it was sold out and bought the $55


You miss Kreugen's point though. That only benefits the ones that go first or second, and in today's MMO world, it's usually one group of people all the time. What happens to everyone else then? Sucks for them, play a different game?
An item loses value unless your the first to loot it or first to kill it? Ehhhh?

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
If you don't back this project, you're facing the same unsolvable problem I mentioned before. I understand the criticism - it's warranted. You should be critical to a degree. The problem is, criticism doesn't occur in a vacuum. When you criticize, what are you comparing it to? Vanguard was a massive fuck-up of epic proportions, yup, but what exactly is an example of success?

World of Warcraft was a financial success, but post vanilla and after early TBC, it was not a success for the players: REAL players, not the casual crowd. In terms of time played, did you play Vanguard less than TOR? It's about the same for me, and TOR sunk a ship of 250 million. Are you comparing to 38 Studios, whose assets are now auctioned off? How about TESO, which is a failure so big it depresses me even thinking about it. Terra? Wildstar? Any in the F2P crap pile? How about EQN, which might possibly have potential, but still looks and will probably play like a Disney movie. So by what measure is this criticism?

EVERYONE in this industry has failed - except for four fucking games: Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, DAoCamelot, and EverQuest(and EVE to an extent), and even those eventually failed because they jumped down the casualness shithole and never looked back. UO and EQ survived with their integrity intact the longest: those two games held out and kept their difficulty and respect for their own world more than any other to date. UO caved when it was consumed by the EA behemoth and Trammel/Felucia was born. EQ caved with the PoK and post PoP gameplay.

If you value this industry at all, if you want an mmog to play,this is your last chance. This is it. Do you get it? There's ISN'T anything left. There's nothing. You may as well pack up and go home permanently if you don't support Pantheon. Nothing is coming out for another decade at least. How much older will you be before another mmog, let alone one with the gameplay we're looking for, is even announced? How old you will be then? 40+, 50+? You'll probablybe deadbefore another real mmog comes out, and fucking sadly no, that is NOT hyperbole. That's the state of the industry we love today: complete and utter garbage, complete. and. utter.

Blizzard will not help us. They've gone the way of EA permanently, so if you're somehow grasping at some hope that whatever sauce they're trying to cook post-Titan will somehow be gameplay we're all looking for, then you're even MORE easily deceived than by Brad. They're building FB2.0 with some graphics in the middle.

So you have a choice before you: back this game with whatever hope for this industry you have left or leave it altogether. I don't blame you if its the latter, but you have to fully recognize the latter: that there's nothing left for us and this is the only chance at a real mmog game we'll have... ever.

... and EVE to an extent ... you might not like it but EVE stands above those other four games you listed for not caving in while they have, and actually being ONE world for all players instead of segregating people into their own little cozy servers. Give credit where it's due, Dumar. That aside, good rant.


Curious about the PC Gamer thing. This going to be a website digital only reveal , or Brad and Co actually talked with them ahead of time and are getting something into print ? He have some old time friend high up over at that publisher who sticks Pantheon on the front cover or large spread article? Would be a nice surprise....

And on the contested content bit , move to a fucking different camp or area. You shouldn't be guaranteed access to every fucking thing every fucking second of the game. I know that's a shocking idea to those of you who want a personal instance for every thing you do , but this isn't being designed like that.


Should have put it back up at $60 and shown the sold out $45 so people know it gets more expensive if they wait. Right now they are just boning anyone who saw it was sold out and bought the $55
I agree with this. A lot of KS will follow this method and keep uping the price. Should have just kept going up by $5 and they could have done that all the way up to $70 since the $55 tier does not offer alpha. Also creates a sense of urgency


Agreed Troy. They keep leaving money on the table. Just as the early tester access should have been a 350-400 tier with the lifetime sub.