Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Yeah, I meant gone as in someone actually gave it. Getting 2 back to back is just suspicious
Surely Kickstarter does some kind of check of available funds? Wouldn't do their reputation any good if you could pledge huge amounts of money then when the end of a campaign comes their charges get rejected and no money appears.


Kickstarter intervened when people got screwy with the Ouya games crap. There's infohereand a lot more elsewhere. My guess is that despite a limited audience, there are some really passionate people who want Pantheon to succeed. Also, some of those passionate people have way more money to blow than others.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Alright, what the hell then.



Hey guys, let's not forget that most of us are here for the same cause, to get this game made! In addition to helping Brad and team by spreading the word, we can also do our part by being helpful when people ask questions (even if it has already been asked 50 other times).

We have people sitting on the fence here, responding with snide remarks probably won't help.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hey guys, let's not forget that most of us are here for the same cause, to get this game made! In addition to helping Brad and team by spreading the word, we can also do our part by being helpful when people ask questions (even if it has already been asked 50 other times).

We have people sitting on the fence here, responding with snide remarks probably won't help.
it is what it is man.. People are going to hate on this thread/game until release.. some people have been trolling it the whole time. As long as the constructive criticism remains we have a fair balance.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
it is what it is man.. People are going to hate on this thread/game until release.. some people have been trolling it the whole time. As long as the constructive criticism remains we have a fair balance.
There really hasn't been much hate from here that I have seen, I mean we've always been a jaded bunch but the only other thread that blew up as fast as this one was EQ Next for a while. If you want to see people hating on a game check out the TESO thread.

That being said we do need the infamous "Two weeks" speech reference in this game, as a reminder of where our hate roots began.


Forget the combat document, I think I need a tier document. The better way to tackle tiers would have been to take the time and get the correct fixes in place the first time instead of Frankensteining it together. I think the way it's all presented is confusing and the default answer is going to be the $45 tier because it seems like the best value.

The good thing for this Kickstarter is that the VR crew have really kicked it into high gear (the community, too) and have kept a pretty consistent flow of money even if it's not shattering records. If they've got a full blown assault starting Monday, Pantheon might still stay steady where other projects drop off. I think if they push that dungeon art out the door that can really serve as a mechanism to bring in more money. Forget all the prototype footage and screenshot stuff, give me some map design.


I normally stay away from forums as much as possible because of trolls, my time is too important to me to give them my audience. However; I have been waiting for a game like this for so long that I cannot help but be here. I've been lurking here from the start of this thread and it actually got me to come out of the shadows and post.

I have seen several people who seem positive about the game, being nasty to other posters. Ain't nobody got time for that shit.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
haha a lot of the internal bickering has moved to other places so it should be a little bit better.. The mods have done a good job at not letting silly stuff drag on too long.

So the team has a whole weeks worth of combat info they plan to show us.. That's going to be a big week for backing if they get the delivery right. Hopefully the tier stuff is cleared up next week as well.


Yeah there needs to be no more screw-ups KS wise. It's got to get more clear tier wise and seem more organized from here on out.

I've seen on too many forums it said "If they can't manage a KS then how are they going to make the game ?"


Yeah there needs to be no more screw-ups KS wise. It's got to get more clear tier wise and seem more organized from here on out.

I've seen on too many forums it said "If they can't manage a KS then how are they going to make the game ?"
You do know that Kickstarter does not allow them to edit any tiers right? Well, they cannot edit the text, from everything I have heard about it. I would suggest that they make a tier breakdown in the body of the page like other Kickstarter campaigns.


You do know that Kickstarter does not allow them to edit any tiers right? I would suggest that they make a tier breakdown in the body of the page like other Kickstarter campaigns.
Yes I know that , thus it's already screwed somewhat and makes it even more important that they cannot afford to fuck it up more.


You do know that Kickstarter does not allow them to edit any tiers right? I would suggest that they make a tier breakdown in the body of the page like other Kickstarter campaigns.
So once it's added nothing can be done? All the more reason to get it right the first time. Tears from tiers.

Everything from here needs to be a carefully orchestrated plan of attack. I fully believe Pantheon can be funded, but it needs to be done with a precise round of attacks to keep new backers coming and get current backers to up their pledge.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Oh god are you in the wrong place.
No kidding, if he's been here lurking long enough you would almost expect some shit from posters. Hell Zoeii you are on your way to people jumping your shit and calling you out as a shill. That being said this forum wouldn't be this forum if everyone wasn't jaded and skeptical. Many of us have been burned by shit game after shit game for ages now, and as much as we moved EQ and supported Vanguard ect.. it's damn hard to buy into MMO's anymore. I used to buy damn near every major MMO release now I am hard pressed to even take a 2nd glance at many of them. Which again is why dropping cash on an idea is a tough sell to many on this board.

Now that being said expect people to ask the same questions over and over because your more casual among us isn't going to research various threads and topics or even go back 40 pages to read whats be listed, and they will get their questions answered even if they get a snide remark or two, but this group isn't rainbows and sunshine. Hell just thinking back to some of the more famous rickshawed threads we are some evil cunts here in this little gaming community.

P.S. There needs to be a NPC who bitches about killing some epic monster and only getting a cloth helm.


Yeah Gogo , once one backer does a tier you can't touch it. So that confusing shit has to stay as is unfortunately.

Only thing you can do is lessen the number of slots on the tier that haven't been sold. Or add more.

No kidding, if he's been here lurking long enough you would almost expect some shit from posters. Hell Zoeii you are on your way to people jumping your shit and calling you out as a shill. That being said this forum wouldn't be this forum if everyone wasn't jaded and skeptical. Many of us have been burned by shit game after shit game for ages now, and as much as we moved EQ and supported Vanguard ect.. it's damn hard to buy into MMO's anymore. I used to buy damn near every major MMO release now I am hard pressed to even take a 2nd glance at many of them. Which again is why dropping cash on an idea is a tough sell to many on this board.

Now that being said expect people to ask the same questions over and over because your more casual among us isn't going to research various threads and topics or even go back 40 pages to read whats be listed, and they will get their questions answered even if they get a snide remark or two, but this group isn't rainbows and sunshine. Hell just thinking back to some of the more famous rickshawed threads we are some evil cunts here in this little gaming community.

P.S. There needs to be a NPC who bitches about killing some epic monster and only getting a cloth helm.
This x1000. One of the main reasons I followed FoH for so long was the entertainment along with the actual information.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Going back to the tier discussion, I think adding more $45 pledges was a great idea. 750 was too low and realistically, there's not much further up the chain you can go with a limited reward like that. Games sell for $60 normally so why jump on the KS? Cheaper game, and some very small benefits added on. Jacking the price up while leaving such piddly rewards? Isn't going to help add backers. The diehards will support and at greater prices anyways. KS needs benefits to get other people to jump aboard. This tier is a benefit that is low enough people can look past other issues.

They now need to add more and better rewards.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Going back to the tier discussion, I think adding more $45 pledges was a great idea. 750 was too low and realistically, there's not much further up the chain you can go with a limited reward like that. Games sell for $60 normally so why jump on the KS? Cheaper game, and some very small benefits added on. Jacking the price up while leaving such piddly rewards? Isn't going to help add backers. The diehards will support and at greater prices anyways. KS needs benefits to get other people to jump aboard. This tier is a benefit that is low enough people can look past other issues.

They now need to add more and better rewards.
I know one person that missed out on the $45 and didn't buy anything else. when they added more he jumped on it so.. Definitely a case where it worked..


I still say add some middle tiers that match the current ones but with physical swag. The shit sells. I know it's a hassle , but if printing up a nice map and signing the things gets you +100 extra over a another tier then do it. It's about making the money however you can.