Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
'and perhaps I've said too much..' Brad continued as he longingly gazed at the licence plate, which read G4MRG0D, of his long-since repossessed Ferrari, now nailed to the wall of his single vehicle car port and ground zero for development and corporate headquarters for Pantheon: Fall of the Fallen.

as we parted ways, I could hear Mr. McQuaid muttering to himself 'yeah, yeah, this is the kind of stuff people have been clamoring for. slash! slash!' as he brandished an imaginary sword, walking back inside his bay area duplex.


Who loves ya baby?
That resistance feature screams trying to be different for the sake of being different. Deep six that shit, stat.


That article, jesus. Who thought of that title? Out of the whole interview, all you got was "build up resistance in a desert".
Careful, you/I/others are inciting the locals on the offical KS forums. There are multiple posts referring to the tone here on RR. "They" are watching , if you anger them too much who knows what could occur.........


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Interesting how your character is affected by the environment. I was always bothered by my Half Elf not needing any cold gear when journeying to Halas. That's a pretty cool addition that is definitely in line with old school MMO challenges
The system sounds like a somewhat cumbersome way of buffing. I would have much preferred if they went the route of having to adapt your equipment/clothing, put on a fur coat which has +5 to Frost or some. Maybe not even with the stats, just clothing that is labeled for certain climates. Another incentive to gather loot/gear.

I myself love having lots of inventory slots and fumbling with equipment but others may think differently. You would off course also need a lot of inventory space for all your climate clothing but that could be another gameplay incentive: get larger bags, get a mule, stuff like that.

Also, I simply can not get rid of the feeling that Brad and co are just making this shit up on the fly right now.


Got something right about marriage
"Doing a Kickstarter project is different for us because we're very early in the development process and yet we're revealing a lot more information because we want people to get excited." Normally, he says, this is the kind of thing that press and players wouldn't even hear about until the project was in a workable state.
At least he's being honest about the project not being in a workable state?
The climate changes I can deal with. Depending on how it's done. I really don't like the fact that you get "acclimated" to the conditions. It sounds like just another grind. Make it permanent (I always have to wear my fur cape in cold zones) otherwise I lose stamina quicker and require a fire to rest and warm up to get my stamina back up to fighting levels. You can buy the fur cloaks for cheap but they have no stats and as you adventure in this frozen tundra you find magical artifacts and armor that have mysterious warming powers to replace the statless furs. This whole "buff" thing is just tedium with no real gameplay benefit. People are going to AFK the buff up.

Seems everyone skimmed over this tidbit though:

McQuaid also spoke of craftable or lootable weapons that would deal bonus damage to specific enemies, such as swords that unleashed hell on giants

Welcome back bane weapons....
Good call, I did miss that!


Lord Nagafen Raider
That resistance feature screams trying to be different for the sake of being different. Deep six that shit stat.
I disagree, this is the kind of stuff we need. Difficult items needed to proceed along the lines of epic raidzone key quests.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Shillington McShillsalot
Well that's the beauty of Kickstarter, not everyone has to believe what you do, if you feel they need nothing then all you need to do is plop down a measly $608,729 to make it a reality. It's just a fact of business in general and not even MMO's you need to be a salesman first and foremost if you want others to fund your dreams.


Got something right about marriage
Also, I simply can not get rid of the feeling that Brad and co are just making this shit up on the fly right now.
They are, he even admitted it throughout the entirety of that article.

He's giving interviews about climate acclimation and bane weapon "maybe ifs" instead of talking about the world and core gameplay mechanics like combat, travel, world size, group size, raid size, itemization philosophies etc etc etc


Why pie in the sky? That should not be too difficult or time-consuming to code. Is it fun/useful/practical would be the more important question.
What I mean is its "wouldnt it be cool if we did this" barstool talk instead why you would want to buy/play the game Im making. What is lacking specifically in the current market and what we are going to do to fill that role. If there is intentional downtime to encourage socialization, then what exactly we have in mind to accomplish that. If there is an incentive against dying ingame then what specific system we are looking at implementing. And then explain to me why these systems are better (without buzzwords) than what is currently being offered. And so on, and so on.


Whole article is about climatization (which sounds cool) but has this line: "It's an ambitious idea; so much so that McQuaid wasn't ready to talk about it when we spoke with him earlier this month. McQuaid isn't even entirely sure if it will work once they make the leap from the concept to player interaction on the beta servers." Heh. Commit to having it in there if you're going to hype it up (which he has considering how often he mentioned the PC Gamer article).
This is the catch 22 though. Everyone wants them to tell all about the game. Everyone wants to be in pre alpha and alpha. Everyone will scream murder when features discussed in pre alpha get changed or don't make it in the game because they did not work.


Well that's the beauty of Kickstarter, not everyone has to believe what you do, if you feel they need nothing then all you need to do is plop down a measly $608,729 to make it a reality. It's just a fact of business in general and not even MMO's you need to be a salesman first and foremost if you want others to fund your dreams.
Salesmen, yuck.

I have half a mind to create a KS with the goal to supplant capitalism. The goal needed might be a little high, like in the multiple hundreds of trillions. We can make it if everyone pitches in - even you, Lithose!


Was this article submitted to PC Gamer on an Applebee's napkin? I still can't believe they ran an article on a theoretical system on a theoretical game that isn't even projected to meet its goal.....


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The system sounds like a somewhat cumbersome way of buffing. I would have much preferred if they went the route of having to adapt your equipment/clothing, put on a fur coat which has +5 to Frost or some. Maybe not even with the stats, just clothing that is labeled for certain climates. Another incentive to gather loot/gear.

I myself love having lots of inventory slots and fumbling with equipment but others may think differently. You would off course also need a lot of inventory space for all your climate clothing but that could be another gameplay incentive: get larger bags, get a mule, stuff like that.

Also, I simply can not get rid of the feeling that Brad and co are just making this shit up on the fly right now.
Well, he said that nothing is set in stone right now. So it could turn out just as you would like, if we will actually get to the point of implementing/playtesting systems in an alpha...


I am frustrated with PC Gamer. If what Brad says is true, they gave PC Gamer exclusive info and they are likely holding back on giving us more info until that article drops. It's a bad showing on PC Gamers part. Shame on them, this article is important for this Kickstarter.
How are you going to feel when the PC gamer comes out and it's like one question "Tell us a little about your game!" "Let us introduce the Crusader!" with the same blurb as the dark knight but with a different made up god name and all references to dark things replaced with shiny light things?


This is the catch 22 though. Everyone wants them to tell all about the game. Everyone wants to be in pre alpha and alpha. Everyone will scream murder when features discussed in pre alpha get changed or don't make it in the game because they did not work.
The 'feature' might be amazing. It is only a theoretical pipe dream at this point though. That isn't a major article. That is a forum post here or on a blog somewhere. There is barely information out on the core of the "game" and he is bringing up hypothetical concepts that are barely fleshed out and told us all that would be a great article? Come on now.


<Gold Donor>
Meh, the resistance thing is not a bad idea. Didnt old school Ultima games have some shit like this? Having to wear certain clothes to be in certain environments and such? It definitely adds depth but it remains to be seen if it just another cumbersome thing you have to deal with.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
How are you going to feel when the PC gamer comes out and it's like one question "Tell us a little about your game!" "Let us introduce the Crusader!" with the same blurb as the dark knight but with a different made up god name and all references to dark things replaced with shiny light things?
it already came out and was worse than that