Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Whoa...what? Did someone say PvP? My only problem is I don't think I can play a game with Everquest stamped on it if it is absolutely nothing like Everquest.

IDK, if I can burn down villages AND have a trunk of heads, I'd give it a rethink.

btw I'm finally have a computer again and no longer have to post on my shit Tamagotchi tablet


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I'm actually really impressed that he reached out to Boogie. Boogie is an old school gamer but he's typically a Blizzard guy.
I have to say this and reaching out to GU comics, and Boogie, or any other very popular figure is the first bright move I have seen from these guys so far.. Bravo.


For Flex and the others about the PVP remarks today from Smedly.

"Tell us something about PVP in EQN.


[?]j_smedley 38 points 4 hours ago

It won't be an afterthought. We are going to make PvP matter in an Everquest game or we're going to die trying.

I actually have two questions...

The thing that excites me most about ever quest next is the creation and destruction of cities. How open to our whims will the world truly be? Will we be open to build and modify anything or can we rampage across the countryside?

The reason i ask is the thing I'm most excited for in EQN is players coalescing to form towns and their own societies, and other player groups deciding for whatever reason they don't want that player group to exist in that spot, and the political intrigue and eventual mass war it would take to fully level the original city.

I really hope there are "PvP" servers where everyone can create or destroy any terrain or house at any time. Perhaps something you can buy to place limited protection on a thing, but it would also need a way to be undone so the war isn't stalled by one child's home.

Creation and destruction is going to be the major selling point of this game. It has the glorious potential to be a medieval Eve Online in scope and scale of the player created content.


[?]j_smedley 15 points 4 hours ago

I agree completely and fear not.. this is the focus of PvP.

Whether it's just words or not we'll see, but worth noting.

Apologies for the EQ stuff in here , back to Pantheon and my waffling self thinking about getting back in with the better signs that are being shown.


You know....Smedley spends quite a lot of time with Hilmar Petursson over in Iceland at CCP games. Rumors had bounced around for sometime about SOE acquiring (or at least heavily investing in) CCP Games. There you've got that still-touted-but-never-goes-anywhere World of Darkness MMO plus god knows what else in their closet.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Just saw that Tweet back and forth with Brad and Boogie. The dude has 1.6 million subscribers and so many animated gifs from his videos that it actually could make a difference in this whole campaign. Fucking hell Brad, you really are pushing the good word.
If this was a Con game it would be called expanding the pool of suckers

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
A relaunch is not, and has never been necessary, nor is it a good idea.
I concur. If Brad wasn't attached I'd be along many of you advocating this, but seeing as this is all about second chances and free press due to Brad's involvement, I think it'd be unwise.


I think EQN is going to be better than my expectations coming out of SOE Live, but who the fuck knows until it actually hits (Iksar look awesome). Until then I'll defy the MMO gods by playing Landmark and maybe even enjoying myself.

And yeah, still never support the relaunch idea.

If this was a Con game it would be called expanding the pool of suckers
Whatever the case, it's the stage he's been asking for.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Things are slowly improving. Brad is working his ass off for this. I never thought taking down the KS was a good idea and still don't.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
If this was a Con game it would be called expanding the pool of suckers
Well of course, I mean funding or not everyone pledging cash after seeing how little they have are willingly taking it up pooper.. but you have to admit this was a smart business move on their part.



Elisha Dushku
Lore nerdism is funny, even if irrelevant.

Lore is something to be quickly clicked through before getting on with playing the game.

Just tell me what to kill npc, don't blather on about your god or sister or the evil overlord. You are just wasting my time. Mmogs should be required to have a "turn lore off" toggle.

Oh noes you messed with Evil god Thrashixeus, you better do something fast to get into his good graces otherwise random npcs who are told to love him will try to kick you in the balls.

People really care if the background for their character is a fallen immortal or a peasant pig farmer/fucker?
No. No. NO. NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo........ (<- tiny O's not periods. Need a 4k monitor to see)

Lore should be relevant. I'm not disagreeing that this is the status quo, but I am saying this is one huge area that MMORPGS can actually improve on - making lore that matters.