Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I don't think the issue is that Brad hasn't been thinking. That's not it at all. Thinking about something doesn't mean planning, though. Thinking is fun. Planning is facing reality, something I think many of us feel Brad isn't good at, and why he needs a counterpart that can pull his ideas from the atmosphere into something tangible.


GI Bill paid for it and I wasn't planning on going to school otherwise, and wanted to write and teach English. Shit done changed, but it was a calculated mistake.
Teaching English abroad?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So long as it doesnt mem blur, that pulling would be fine......and make it where monks FD actually was needed (raid mobs etc who cant be blurred, soothed etc).


Gotta have multiple starting cities.

Brad, gotta have multiple starting cities.

Brad... gotta have multiple starting cities. Brad.
So it sounds like the "Battle Cleric" is the default clerical role then the Curate is the thing you can do if you get the rare drops. They also mention a Prayer Book you can get to help you specialize for that class.


<Gold Donor>
Disappointed about smaller amount of starting cities.

They say they'd rather build more dungeon, but they can make cities important if they want to.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Jesus fucking christ. HOW can a troll or dark elf start in the same town as a fucking human?!
This. I think brad will follow through with this idea though, I have a lot of doubts but this isn't one of them. I haven't heard the video yet however.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Teaching English abroad?
Wasn't really into that, though I did look into ESL as most of those students were awesome. Really, what killed me is I love English and teaching, but hate students. A more ungrateful lot than mmo players! And of course like everyone else ever I wanted to write fiction, but wasn't motivated enough to stick out the impossible odds. So now I'm just ruined and can't take my Engrish cap off long enough to really read anything and not be annoyed, which is why I don't like a lot of quests in games, as I feel guilty that I skip them or groan a lot. And find my English degree has helped me in every faucet of my personal and professional life, often in very tangible ways, but is still mocked (even by me, hah). Oh, and technical writing is a fucking bore. I took some classes and did a lot of it on various jobs, but fuck, talk about soul sucking, but it's the kind of thing that makes ideas and complex systems/tech/whatever into understandable realities. Soul sucking and you get no credit and you're shit on, so no thanks. Kinda how some people talk about the in-the-trenches coders for games?


I don't want the planar wasteland where everything is destroyed and there's one city left because there aren't enough art/design resources to create what was produced in 1999.

Trolls and humans hate each other. Dark elves and humans hate each other. Trolls and dark elves barely tolerate each other. If there isn't racism in this world, factions are without teeth.


Trump's Staff
Jesus fucking christ. HOW can a troll or dark elf start in the same town as a fucking human?!
Pretty easily.

Nobody is a 'resident' of Terminus. Frank the troll didn't grow up down the street from Joe the Elf in downtown Freeport. They were resurrected by Nexus and found themselves in this new world. They probably start at some sort of shrine to Nexus in a central city, that is then subdivided into racial districts.

But you're right, it wouldn't make sense if the lore was similar to EverQuest or Vanguard.


So from here on out, everything they come up with they are just making it up?? I disagree but if that's new sticking point, so be it..

Not that it really bothers me much as we had a certain company(SoE) take a very similar approach in regards to EQN..
Give me a break, Convo. I know you really want this game to succeed, but I've read your posts and you're a smart guy - take off the McQuaid-colored goggles.

First, when it comes to clarity of vision, EQN is in a totally different ballpark than Pantheon. In fact, Brad should have looked hard at their SOE Live presentation and taken a page from that book. Regardless of what you think about the quality of EQN's design goals and ideas, they were presented brilliantly and in crystal-clear fashion. Ponytail came out and, with great passion, stated everything he and his team thought was wrong or underdeveloped with MMOs, translated those thoughts into "pillars" of how they wanted to evolve the genre (life of consequence, destructability, changing world, and evolving the core game) and then gave a specific example of each (emergent AI, voxels, rallying calls, and multi-classing/deck building/horizontal progression.)

The ironic thing is that Brad has always attempted to associate himself with being a visionary, but the thing is, there's no vision here. Or, best case scenario (and I don't know why we'd give him the benefit of the doubt by applying a best case scenario, but whatever), he's building the vision as he goes forward. All we heard in the beginning is he wanted something like EverQuest that had a lot of grouping. That was his pitch. And, oh yeah, he's Brad McQuaid.

This is far more than just a communication problem. This is a vision problem.

Imagine if he were pitching a sitcom. This is what it would be like:

"Hey guys, I'm writing a sitcom. It's going to be like Friends, but with a bit of Seinfeld."
"Ok, what's the plot?"
"Who are the characters?"
"Let me get back to you in 48 hours... (48 hours later) Ok, so there's a Ross and a Rachel, and a Chandler, but there's no Joey."
"But we love Joey, we really want a Joey character in the show. I'm not sure if we can give you money for this since there's no Joey."
"Just kidding guys, there IS a Joey. He's part of the Chandler character. See? Innovation! Vision!"

The way they handled the entire warrior/crusader thing is so indicative of the fact there hasn't been a vision at all. Someone with a vision sees complaints and says, "You know what, I hear you guys, but we made this decision because of X, Y, and Z." Or they might say, "You know everyone, our vision was X, Y, and Z, but you all make a good point. So we're going to find a way to incorporate warriors into that vision."

What they don't do is say, "Uhhh yeah... actually, that was part of our vision all along, guys! We just didn't reveal it yet! But here it is! Yeah! See, we're thinking really far ahead!"

And that's the issue. Not that they're adding things to the game as they go along. It's that they came into this with the fucking hubris that Brad's name alone would be enough to carry it, were totally unprepared, totally vision-less (from the guys who claim vision is everything), and are now pretending that their vision is far more concrete than it actually is (see: combat update) and hoping that everyone following them is too fucking stupid or naive to notice.

They're charlatans, preying on the nostalgia of their audience.


Where are there 22 classes listed? I count 7.

Do you not know the difference between a class and a sub class/specialization? In Wow, is a feral druid a different class than a resto druid?

Do you not play MMORPGs? I don't get what's so difficult to understand here.
It helps if you assume he is shitfaced drunk every time he posts.


Would it mean each racial area of this city is its own zone? Maybe it'd have multiple noob leveling areas branched out in different directions to deal with overcrowding