Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Zoeii left, went to PJP.. she sent me a PM about it..

As for the people continually throwing out the VG, Brad hate.. You're not going to find any converts in that shit so move on already lol..

Has anyone reading been swayed from backing because of people pointing out Brad's history or is more directly related to this project?


Zoeii left, went to PJP.. she sent me a PM about it..

As for the people continually throwing out the VG, Brad hate.. You're not going to find any converts in that shit so move on already lol..

Has anyone reading been swayed from backing because of people pointing out Brad's history or is more directly related to this project?
This can be said about any point made repeatedly, including the ones I've responded with and the ones I'm responding to.

Discussions result in subdiscussions. If you say, "I think this because of X", X may be challenged and discussed too.

I happen to believe the critical issue with the KS is not only the presentation, but also a lack of material to overcome reasonable objections such as trust. Is that valid? Sub-discussion ensues.

Despite being a skeptic, I want Pantheon to succeed. I want to play it. I hope Brad can overcome my objections so I feel comfortable supporting it. I can't believe how much I'm pining for this. I'm about to snap and live on P99 through SOV or something.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Zoeii left, went to PJP.. she sent me a PM about it..

As for the people continually throwing out the VG, Brad hate.. You're not going to find any converts in that shit so move on already lol..

Has anyone reading been swayed from backing because of people pointing out Brad's history or is more directly related to this project?
Cause using history as a basis for predicting the future is quite normal... Now I'm not saying a tiger can't change his stripes but more often than not they go find another bush to hide in.
From KTAM:

-They are considering creating a system where lowbies can group with high level characters and contribute by scaling mob damage/abilities up or down depending on who is targeted, but it's still up in the air at this point and they want community feedback on the issue. However, they don't want to make the game easy.

-Salim said the team's philosophy toward death is "It's hard to respect or fear an environment if you, the player, does not fear death." Then he referenced running through Kithicore are night as an excellent example of how a zone can evoke emotions in a player.

-There will be no "corpse rot" for player-characters.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lol we all get the history. It just keeps coming up and really turning this thread into complete shit. It's so fucking petty at this point..
Someone left for PJP? If you ever wondered what Vanguard alpha forums looked like that is the place to go. It's going be roses and chocolates all day. Brad will go there to bath in the divine light that he can do no wrong.

Here is the deal Convo, right now they have nothing but napkin ideas when we were lead to believe they had 5 months of work behind them. Most those napkin ideas have been overnight knee jerk reaction to what people have been commenting on wanting. That's my issue and why I pulled my 300 dollar pledge.


Someone left for PJP? If you ever wondered what Vanguard alpha forums looked like that is the place to go. It's going be roses and chocolates all day. Brad will go there to bath in the divine light that he can do no wrong.
The community is largely positive for obvious reasons but you're full of shit if you think we're going to silence criticism or promote overly aggressive zealots. I can't watch every single post there but if I ever feel like people are actively being dicks to anyone with a dissenting opinion I'd take action.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's a valid opinion Ag.. But there are people who don't fully agree with it. I think things are in flux and they certainly are making changes on the fly. I'm mainly pointing out the level of hate that exist here. Be critical all you want but if you've made up your mind that Brad can't be, shouldn't be trust and you're not going to donate.. I understand.. Just stop beating the drum lol.. It's getting old after 300 pages of it


You will silence the criticism, you already have been.....
Yeah, now I know you're full of shit. The only modding I've done was when someone repeatedly shit on EQNL in a thread I created for people to say "I'm in alpha, let's play." The thread shitting posts got moved into a separate "hey let's shit on Landmark thread."

People can feel however they want, but if you're hellbent on going off topic I'll step in.
Ya except I watched this shit unfold with Vanguard where we were beating that fucking drum for 4+months while we had people saying give it time it will be fixed. Then the few DICKS or ZEALOTS shut up, guess what happened? I don't see any other way to get shit to sink into Brads head other then beating a fucking gong all day till he understands what he is doing wrong and how to fix it.
More fromm KTAM:

-Rogues will have debuff abilities
-Classes will be strongly defined, but with equipment and rare drops you can bleed out "a little"
-Sal said, "We want you seek out an enchanter because they are good at crowd control, but we also don't want you to be screwed if you can't get a crowd control class."
-Dual Wield, Double Attack, Triple Attack, will all very likely work like EQ1.
-There will be an auto-attack button similar to EQ1.


I'd expect a fan-site to be more positive about a particular game it's made for , Gogo has done pretty well over there though keeping doses of realism in the threads.

On the grouping low levels with high levels , not sure how I feel about that system. I just lean more towards twink your new low level friends , power level them , whatever , but seeing Ang the Lich Dragon take it easy on a member in the group because they are a lower level seems downright silly.


Blackwing Lair Raider
That's a valid opinion Ag.. But there are people who don't fully agree with it. I think things are in flux and they certainly are making changes on the fly. I'm mainly pointing out the level of hate that exist here. Be critical all you want but if you've made up your mind that Brad can't be, shouldn't be trust and you're not going to donate.. I understand.. Just stop beating the drum lol.. It's getting old after 300 pages of it
I agree that the piling on Brad is getting old but lets face facts here. This is entire project is based off hope and faith because it's not like they have any working prototype or something tangible that says 'here is what we are working on'. Then it comes to do you have hope and faith that this guy can deliver what he's selling. Yes, he was a part of Everquest, but that was 15 years ago. His more recent history (Vanguard) has not been good and it's easier to base what is possible off of recent accomplishments than older accomplishments. I guess in a way it's not any different than having faith in someone like Lord British, since he's most known for games that came out a long time ago (ultima) but his recent accomplishment was garbage (Tabula Rasa). The difference is there is tangible work on that KS, there isn't here. So I don't blame people for being hesitant. When your most recent work is a fuckup, you got to show a little more than whiteboard ideas.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Ya except I watched this shit unfold with Vanguard where we were beating that fucking drum for 4+months while we had people saying give it time it will be fixed. Then the few DICKS or ZEALOTS shut up, guess what happened? I don't see any other way to get shit to sink into Brads head other then beating a fucking gong all day till he understands what he is doing wrong and how to fix it.
There is a difference between criticism of the KS or of design decisions and the pure leftover vitriol crowd who aren't happy if Brad has internet access. One is helpful and productive and the other is just venting and emotional self-stroking. With the thread moving 10+ extended pages a day, you can still see the same old trolls happily trolling along on almost every page.
More from KTAM Interview:

-You can choose, for some spells, to target one individual or to target several for an AOE effect.
-You can create "pillars of power" that can take incoming detrimental spells and convert them into outgoing beneficial spells.
-They're really excited about using the Unity engine.
-The ability to make Pantheon run on lower end systems is important to them but they won't sacrifice everything to enable that.
-Even if the KS doesn't fund and an angel investor gives them the cash to continue, they want to offer people the chance to donate money for testing tiers, alpha access, etc.
-They really do want to keep the power in the people's hands, they want backer feedback and want to use our ideas.