Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Yeah and I won't write it off if it doesn't get an immediate spike , but it's got to at least trend upwards in numbers of backers starting after that interview. It'll be at the halfway point and start getting too much behind the 8-ball if it doesn't.


Rogean and Co. doing an interview with the Pantheon team, and they are doing item giveaways if p99 players attend. There has been a spike since that has happened, everyone on the forums over there pretty positive about it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
All depends on what kind of PVP you enjoy,

Personally I'll take Zek (any of them ) and Vanguard PVP over any "designed" PVP.

Designed PVP usually means instanced , balanced crap that is boring to me. The idea of doing PVE while always having to look over your shoulders and protect your group makes PVE x1000 times more fun. While at the same time being able to gank someone who took your camp , kill every gnome you see , and so on is the fun kind of pvp. Never knowing when it will happen nor from where or who. No to little rails in PVP just as PVE should be also.

Capture the flag,10 on 10, in a colorful little instanced zone is boring as all hell on the other hand.

Basically I enjoy PVE with the PVP turned on and nothing else changed. I don't really call them PVP games , just PVP is occurring in the midst of PVE.

Separating them takes away the fun to me.
I could not have said it better. +nets

EQ pvp was just pve on steroids imo. Just added that extra layer of unpredictability.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So what stage is this thread at currently?

The kickstarter is still running, so I'm leaning toward bargaining.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Pledge $60 or more
5000 left of 5000
Risen's Pledge - Seeker's rewards, PLUS: Alpha invite, Digital copy of the game (including 30 days of game time), in-game title "Pantheon Explorer!", in-game illusion item for all characters, and an additional character slot. (Note: these items are also included in the $45 pledge)

also looks like the $900 tier is gone, no more phone call from Brad lol


I guess every time they add something to any of the lower tiers they come up with it at least sweetens the deal I'm in on (currently the combo 375 one).


Golden Knight of the Realm
New tier chart, also has this at the bottom for "after KS"*, alpha**, and beta***:
*Available shortly after the project is funded
**Available in 2015
***Available in 2016


Wife just linked me this:
Class System | Nexus

And this, is exactly why we have to keep hoping and praying that Pantheon sees the light of day:
You get to collect all of these classes. As you are adventuring through the world, you will have the opportunity to find and collect these classes. Every class is advanced individually, so you may have a Tier 4 Warrior, and a Tier 2 Wizard, and a Tier 1 Rogue. You can choose who you play at a given time, swapping between them with relative ease outside of combat. We're still working on all of the technical issues with that, but it is important for us for you to have the freedom of choice.
I don't even know what to say at this point.

We want you to play what you want, when you want, regardless of whether it is a raid or a group. EverQuest Next does not require the use of tanks and healers. Our combat mechanics and our AI do not support dedicated healers and focused tanks. It doesn't work. We don't want a group of be stuck not being able to do the content that you want because your buddy didn't log in, and he happens to be the one role that you need.
The more I read, the more I want to throw up.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Dood seriously, throwing 50 bucks at the last hope for a group based MMO is nothing. All you will have for the next XX years is solo to cap crap. That alone makes it worth it even if the rest of the game is EH. Dungeons, groups = win.

50 bucks is not a big deal to me for something that might actually demonstrate why i loved MMos in the first place and the bean counters have overlooked for years.
If you don't believe they're capable of actually following through and having the game made, there's no point in throwing them 50 bucks. Better to buy 50 lottery tickets and hope to fund it that way, honestly.


Trakanon Raider
Wife just linked me this:
Class System | Nexus

And this, is exactly why we have to keep hoping and praying that Pantheon sees the light of day:

I don't even know what to say at this point.

The more I read, the more I want to throw up.
You were confusing the hell out of me at first; I assumed you were posting pantheon class information I did not know about.


Flex while I'm with you and Merlin on preference of class systems , you know damn well if there's a PVP server where you can burn down the gnome castles and pillage the landscape you'll try it.....

BTW did you go in at the 500 tier for Pantheon ? Trying to find out if the NPC naming bit is first and last name , might bump up to it from the 375 tier (assuming it gets funded of course)......


I hated the part of VG that was: "Run out and do quest X." "Come back out of the dungeon, turn in quest X and pick up quest N." :Run back down to where you just were and complete quest N." Rinse and repeat over and f'ing over.
A couple of quotes regarding questing related to EQ and VG:

Brad - "The game is not filled with quest hubs and a bunch of tasks to do."

Brad - "Yeah, we went that way with Vanguard, but now, looking back, we prefer the EQ 1 style quests over the lots of little mini-quests."

I am happy they are doing away with quest hubs, can't stand another game with a million quests to do. I would rather find a camp and grind mobs all day. Epic-style questlines are a good thing though, gives you other stuff to do as you are leveling up. Ideally, it wouldn't be all of one thing to level, there should be multiple ways to get experience.