Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Didn't Suing post a few pages back that donating to yourself was against KS policy?
I do not believe he was donating tomhself. This was an additional round of financing onc ks was completed. It would be like brad promising to invest 500k once the ks completed


I most definitely would not at that point. If they can't come close to $800k, which again, isn't even for a game - there's no way they'd ever get funding to finish it. It'd be throwing money away.
My thought process would be unlike ke the money can go to work right away, thus allowing them To create in game assets which could be leveraged to bring in more funds.
To be fair my pledge is only $45 which makes my ridk to reinvest daily easy compared to those will hundreds. Just the marked improvements by a ingle well versed dungeon designer is impressive.

If in three weeks the is fails but they put up their own paypal site with the the same rewards i snap call my $45 paypal pledge which would include some add one.

The thing with moving from ks is the money becomes usable right away and does noth have to come in single large chunk
I do agree with otheres though that brad needs a hard ass working above him with final say on purse strings. That person would also be responsible for further fund raising.

I would be very interesring to see what the team could get rolling with a controlled 300k. So much so a much bigger kick starter would sell itself.

Many of us have said what a 100k-150k proof of concept would have done with launching the main game. I still think if is fails a private funded crowd source could raise 200k to provide the kind of pop that could raise a very large amount of funding. (More then 800j)


Golden Squire
...are you typing on a phone? Because that shit is hard to read with tons of missing letters and what I'm assuming is auto-correct fuck-ups.


Whats is say? im at work, help a bro out and link it plz.
"Cross-game Cloak Symbolizes Community Between Players, Developers and Even Games"

"Visionary Realms, Inc. is proud to announce today its collaboration efforts with Portalarium, the development studio of Richard Garriott's Shroud of the Avatar. As an opening endeavor both Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen and Shroud of the Avatar will offer a cross-game reward for those who back both projects. The pledge reward will provide these backers with a cross-game cloak that can be worn in either game to promote a growing community. Pantheon will feature the Shroud of the Avatar symbol (Lord British's Coat of Arms) emblazoned on a cloak in their game, while Shroud of the Avatar will have a cloak bearing the Pantheon symbol."

"The evolution of how MMOs are made is happening right now. We're getting back to having the gaming community deeply involved in how the games are not only funded, but designed. A collaboration like this one only makes sense to further strengthen that growing community that involves not just the players and backers, but the developers as well."


Trump's Staff
How odd...



Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
"Cross-game Cloak Symbolizes Community Between Players, Developers and Even Games"

"Visionary Realms, Inc. is proud to announce today its collaboration efforts with Portalarium, the development studio of Richard Garriott's Shroud of the Avatar. As an opening endeavor both Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen and Shroud of the Avatar will offer a cross-game reward for those who back both projects. The pledge reward will provide these backers with a cross-game cloak that can be worn in either game to promote a growing community. Pantheon will feature the Shroud of the Avatar symbol (Lord British's Coat of Arms) emblazoned on a cloak in their game, while Shroud of the Avatar will have a cloak bearing the Pantheon symbol."

"The evolution of how MMOs are made is happening right now. We're getting back to having the gaming community deeply involved in how the games are not only funded, but designed. A collaboration like this one only makes sense to further strengthen that growing community that involves not just the players and backers, but the developers as well."
Would rather these guys combine resources and make one game together instead.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I's also worth pointing out that WoW was had significantly less polish post-40 and while better then those that followed still changed alot of systems around, Early on people zerged the shit out of Strat etc with a raid, did 10-mans with people dropping for quests, and so on.
When you look back at WoW I think many people tend to forget a lot of the bugged areas of the game, but they were mainly post-40 as you mentioned. One thing I learned over the years from repeated posts from Blizzard was the need to hook players right away. They always had some insane number of about 90% of people who never made it past level 10 and shit. Once a player is hooked they will be more tolerant of the buggy bullshit later but that early stuff has to be polished as a fuck and easy to pick up.


Golden Squire
I'd rather Garriot use his mountains of money to give Brad's team funding to make Pantheon the way they want it to be.


I'd rather Garriot use his mountains of money to give Brad's team funding to make Pantheon the way they want it to be.
I don't see that happening. What I do see is Garriot's already created Unity MMO world being leveraged by Mcquaid's team with some back and forth synergizing of designs and perhaps Garriot helping get a working early game out sooner, especially since these games go after very different core audiences.

Portalarium has a very strong technical crew and has a working alpha. I commented yesterday that it'd make sense for Brad to try to work with others who have done the crowdsourcing thing successfully, and that he was copying quite a few things from Garriot's KS page.

Tabula Rasa actually was a good game, just without a core audience. He created a good product nobody wanted...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'd rather Garriot use his mountains of money to give Brad's team funding to make Pantheon the way they want it to be.
Garriott might be wealthy as a person but he hasn't used any of that cash in Portalarium. It has outside investors and unclear how much cash is left from the original investment. They are both in a precarious position but certainly by joining they can pool resources and double down on the nostalgia factor.