Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Yeah and the think with games is almost all the cost is for payroll. So for a very tight and lean project as soon as you hire one person too many you are screwed.


Yeah and the think with games is almost all the cost is for payroll. So for a very tight and lean project as soon as you hire one person too many you are screwed.
Which makes one scratch their head when a startup has 9 game 'designers'..

I hope the Goblinworks guys succeed. It's a cool story.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
so who thinks VR will fuck up trying to juice their own kickstarter at the end?

like with two days on the clock plop down $100,000 when its barely over 440k, making it really obvious and ineffective. ben will make a post somewhere about it, and it comes directly from brads bank and not a proxy because theyre game design experts, not fraud experts.

and while most of us will simply stare at the giant ham handed infusion of financial shame like a turd in a urnial, two thirds of the regular posters on the kickstarter comments page will errupt in an ejaculation of comments along the lines of "woohoo! thanks whoever donated! we're almost there! XD"


so who thinks VR will fuck up trying to juice their own kickstarter at the end?

like with two days on the clock plop down $100,000 when its barely over 440k, making it really obvious and ineffective.

and while most of us will simply stare at the giant ham handed infusion of financial shame like a turd in a urnial, two thirds of the regular posters on the kickstarter comments page will errupt in an ejaculation of comments along the lines of "woohoo! thanks whoever donated! we're almost there! XD"
I just assumed that would happen in the first place.

I don't know how kickstarters actually fail with this tactic in mind.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I guess the KS will end at about 500k (without any mystery backers to push it over the 800k). And thats really not bad at all considering they only sell a concept of a game that may be released in about 3 years...

I hope they will regroup and try to fund directly through their website to produce a prototype version over the next year. Focus on the core gameplay only, 5-6 people working in Brads garage should be fundable that way. Then do another KS, preferably with immediate alpha access for people willing to spend 250$+ if the KS funds.
I can see the average fan who has already backed the KS just get discouraged from the whole thing and forget about it if it doesn't meet goal. The hardcore fan will fund it no matter what but it obviously needs more than that. What it also does is give the realization that this thing is so far out (even an alpha) that more people may be less inclined to donate anything unless they see some serious work being done on it. They need to put something tangible together, go to trade shows, etc. All of this costs money though and if the initial KS doesn't fund, it's going to be an even more severe uphill climb than it is now.


I can see the average fan who has already backed the KS just get discouraged from the whole thing and forget about it if it doesn't meet goal. The hardcore fan will fund it no matter what but it obviously needs more than that. What it also does is give the realization that this thing is so far out (even an alpha) that more people may be less inclined to donate anything unless they see some serious work being done on it. They need to put something tangible together, go to trade shows, etc. All of this costs money though and if the initial KS doesn't fund, it's going to be an even more severe uphill climb than it is now.
I also wonder how many people are on board, or will stay on board once the KS is over and doesn't get funded. How many are just waiting for KS money to get paid? Once the KS is over, do most of them bail leaving probably Brad and Salim? I question the dedication of the majority of them. And your right. They need to spend a good year building the foundation for the game then return and show us what they have prior to asking for money.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The plan is to continue on if the ks doesn't reach its goals.
So basically still keep doing what their doing now, but at an extremely slower pace since they won't have 800k to work with (which means not able to bring more people on board)?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So basically still keep doing what their doing now, but at an extremely slower pace since they won't have 800k to work with (which means not able to bring more people on board)?
I don't know.. I just know they are already looking at options post KS if this does and doesn't fund. The bottom line is they are 100% committed to making the game no matter what.


Trakanon Raider
I for one do not plan on backing them later. I would have already pulled my pledge, but I haven't bothered since i don't think it will fund.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I for one do not plan on backing them later. I would have already pulled my pledge, but I haven't bothered since i don't think it will fund.
Do you mean if they crowd fund right after the ks or they actually have a playable alpha and you can buy in??


Blackwing Lair Raider
You can point directly to why the last few days have been pretty dormant when it comes to funding. They've been pretty silent for the most part. The class and poster update has been met with crickets and hardly anyone is talking about that 2nd twich interview. The one thing that I've noticed with successful KS (like Pathfinder and some others) is they were very engaged with the public every day, usually through social media. Brad and Co. did that for a couple of days but it seems they've dropped off the radar again.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I don't know.. I just know they are already looking at options post KS if this does and doesn't fund. The bottom line is they are 100% committed to making the game no matter what.
You say that but where again do you get the confidence about this from? You already know that some of his staff is ready to bail to get a job if this freebie player funded paycheck doesn't come in. You see the level of work they have and it still isn't at the level that an investor is going to throw cash at. Then again it would be better for him if pretty much everyone but himself and Vu were not there at this point in time as everyone has pointed out 9 designers does not a good game make.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Former. If they do manage to actually do something, I'd gladly throw some money their way.
The only reason why I ask is that message has been pretty clear to them. They know they need a game to get a larger number of player support.. Let's see what they have left.. I know they have some plans to get more people in before this ends.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You can point directly to why the last few days have been pretty dormant when it comes to funding. They've been pretty silent for the most part. The class and poster update has been met with crickets and hardly anyone is talking about that 2nd twich interview. The one thing that I've noticed with successful KS (like Pathfinder and some others) is they were very engaged with the public every day, usually through social media. Brad and Co. did that for a couple of days but it seems they've dropped off the radar again.
Don't want to defend them too much here because I agree, they need to stay active but I know they are working on a lot for a final push on the KS..

Booze- where do you get the idea his staff is about to bail? I haven't gotten that all.. And where do you think my confidence comes from?


I was confident about it hitting funding a week ago but that faded quick. The minor boogie bump tricked me.I don't see any magic update that'll get Pantheon a new host of backers to throw money at it. All the move talk was ridiculous, though. Even less would have been shown and they'd have been moving back in a month.

If they're truly serious it's time to start Pantheon's post Kickstarter game plan under the assumption it won't be funded. Not implying they throw in the towel on the Kickstarter, but they've got to be prepared to make a few major decisions on February 22.

And by they, I mostly mean Brad. It's not hard to imagine most of the team looking elsewhere for jobs, but Brad is the one who seems to be the most committed to the new vision. Not a slight against the rest of the team, I just think this Pantheon project is a lot more personal for Brad.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Gogojira- I know they've been talking about both outcomes. As of last night...they as a team are committed to making the game. Really a wait and see situation now but I don't get the vibe anyone is looking to jump off. Some people on the team have been inactive the whole time with community.


Yeah, like I said it's nothing against the team and I'm not seeing everything behind scenes. Oddly enough I think despite everyone's feelings on Salim, he's been pretty active, too. I just start considering real world issues like have no money. It's natural for anyone without a paycheck coming in and that can't float for a bit off previous earnings to start job hunting.

I want Pantheon to happen. I'm just anxious to see the end result if and when the Kickstarter doesn't happen.


I think the team should just make the game they want to make and plan around that rather than limiting the game based on budget. Obviously, you need money to make the game, but I'm uncomfortable with the core aspects of the game being, "we will if we can afford to".

  • Crafting
  • Druids, rangers, bards, monks...all classes in
  • player housing
  • boats
  • PVP

While I'm not a PVP'er, in fact I can't stand PVP, it has to be in on their own server. I think quite a few PVP'ers are total tools, but I'll give them this, they are a knowledgeable and dedicated group. You must must must have PVP. Crafters are the same way. I know people who all they do in EQ2 is craft and decorate (their homes, guild halls). They only adventure to get supplies so they can go back to their house and continue decorating. These are two large groups of players the team isn't attracting because what they enjoy doing isn't being incorporated. Big missed opportunity here. Build the game you want to build. Period. Some half-assed bastardized version of the game you want isn't going to attract enough players to make it viable enough to invest in.