Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Trump's Staff
Shadowbane and Darkfall were both PVP centric MMOs. Vanguard was PVE focused, but was an unparalleled disaster at launch. Those examples do not strengthen your argument, they strengthen the positions of your opponents. Furthermore, the most recent of your examples was released 7 years ago.

But ya, I don't think a market for an EQ spiritual successor is quite as strong as many of us had hoped.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Well never know until something comes out that is not a broken mess.
Exactly. You people are no better than the religious. You've just chosen EQ as your "god". No matter what evidence is presented, it'll always be met with "Well, it just wasn't done right!". It's a completely infallible argument, because if it comes out and sucks, you always have that caveat to cling to.

I could say the same shit about they myriad of WoW clones which came out in the past 8 yrs. All of them were fail. All of them rescued by F2P.
It doesn't matter how they were "rescued". If they are turning a profit, I'd consider that a success. Be it F2P, P2W, subscription, whatever. Vanguard and the rest of them weren't, which is why they were shut down/are shutting down.


<Gold Donor>
Oh, god, just stop dude.

Who is you people BTW? EQ is not my god, you fucking fool. Just because I donated to $45 this kickstarter, somehow it makes me "one of those people" lol. Get a fucking grip, holmes. Youre starting to drool on your shirt.

I donated because I cant stand fucking wow clones anymore. anything is fucking better than that swill of games. Btw which game are you playing right now? I can almost guarantee its not a wow clone because deep down inside you know they all suck.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Exactly. You people are no better than the religious. You've just chosen EQ as your "god". No matter what evidence is presented, it'll always be met with "Well, it just wasn't done right!". It's a completely infallible argument, because if it comes out and sucks, you always have that caveat to cling to.

It doesn't matter how they were "rescued". If they are turning a profit, I'd consider that a success. Be it F2P, P2W, subscription, whatever. Vanguard and the rest of them weren't, which is why they were shut down/are shutting down.
If you're going to use VG to support your argument you should be reminded of the ridiculous amount of hype that surrounded it prior to the wheels coming off. I want to see what Pantheon is capable of. It will certainly be the end of the discussion for me. Not until that point tho.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I donated because I cant stand fucking wow clones anymore. anything is fucking better than that swill of games. Btw which game are you playing right now? I can almost guarantee its not a wow clone because deep down inside you know they all suck.
I dunno, keeping my 45 dollars and playing a better genre would be "better" in my opinion.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
First line of the new interview. smh.

There's definitely going to be modern elements. We want to stick to the core of what made early MMOs so popular but we also recognize the need to include some modernizations. Dungeon finders and anything group-related (LFG tools, guild searches, etc.) are high on our priority list.
Our initial thoughts were to not include a global auction house, and we're still in that frame of mind. However, regional auction houses make sense.


Honest question to those who are backing this: Why do you believe there is an audience for this kind of game? What evidence do you have of this? I'm not trying to be sarcastic or snarky. I'm honestly asking.

Before this KS went up, I didn't think there was enough of an audience. Even in our own, very focused community, the group of people constantly talking about the "good old days" is niche in comparison of the rest of the forum(let alone in general). This KS has less than 3,000 people backing it. Even if the KS was done much better, I'm skeptical of the amount of backers it would get. I take no pleasure in seeing it fail, but I wish it would have been presented better at least, so we could get a better picture on what the interest really is.
I guess that remains to be seen, but my argument is that we still don't know the answer and your skepticism will remain. Visionary Realms could have came out and highlighted every must-have modern feature on the box and Pantheon still wouldn't have been funded because it's a confusing mess of a pitch with no substance. Every update is a few paragraphs of text whipped up the night before and outside of the built-in and guaranteed pledgers, nobody else is getting convinced.

I consider myself pretty open to changes and new directions, even with MMOs. However, I loathe the current state that it's been stuck in over the past 7 to 8 years and I think a lot of that does have to do with tossing out the functional and necessary parts from games like EQ.

Maybe I'm greedy, but I want both ends of the spectrum. I want someone to blow my mind with innovation that challenges MMO conventions, but a throwback to the good old days sounds fucking great, too. So, Pantheon came in promising a lot of what I and Iassumemany others would be into, but the delivery doomed this Kickstarter from day one.

Keep in mind when I say "many others," I mean enough to support and profit on a game like this but naturally far, far less than the next blockbuster MMO.

It can't be a 1:1 EQ port. There's a lot of junk in EverQuest that even an EverQuest-like modern MMO would have to toss to the side. But like so many successful Kickstarter projects, you promote what actuallywasgood about those products from the past. "This is Old School the MMO, and it says 'fuck not grouping, fuck 99 percent of BoP items, fuck small raids, fuck good vs. evil factions, fuck loot for everyone, fuck instance grinds, fuck fast travel, etc."

Couple that with actual evidence of that existing and a page with a decent layout and tiers that makes sense, and if it still fails I'd finally throw in the towel on the idea. The one major issue with any of this shit is that we're talking about an MMO and even a "budget" MMO is incredibly expensive to make.

Sorry for rambling, Soygen. Hopefully I made at least a little bit of sense.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
On the KS page

Creator Visionary Realms, Inc. about 1 hour ago

Hey guys,

Just wanted to drop in briefly to say we are hearing your concerns. We're putting on some final touches to our post-kickstarter plan and should have this information ready for you early next week, if not before.



2 Minutes Hate
I don't think even Brad knows "what kind of game" this is. There is a huge audience for challenging, difficult and fun games. The keyword is fun though. I don't think there is a large audience for a game where all you do is grind mobs all day unless it's a facebook or mobile game that you can play on the bus or on the toilet.


There is a huge audience for challenging, difficult and fun games. The keyword is fun though.
This is being proven true every year, particularly with indie games. People default to Dark Souls but Super Meat Boy can be brutal but it's so fucking fun and the balance is so on point that the challenge is seen as a positive. It's rooted in old school philosophy but pushes out most archaic design with things like the death mechanic. Insta-respawns alleviate the frustration of dying 700 times on one fucking jump.

VVVVVV is a real bastard, too, but people ate that shit up because the gameplay is so tightly designed.


Maybe I'm greedy, but I want both ends of the spectrum. I want someone to blow my mind with innovation that challenges MMO conventions, but a throwback to the good old days sounds fucking great, too. So, Pantheon came in promising a lot of what I and I assume many others would be into, but the delivery doomed this Kickstarter from day one.

Come out the gate with a fully fleshed world, packing some cool new features and a commitment toactuallydoing it differently and I think there is a market. Every MMO in recent memory has been all over the "We do it different!" angle but none of them deliver, they just get trapped in the safe theme park mindset. Elder Scrolls is an example, Skyrim MMO? Fuck yes that's a new take and mig.... oh they've just made the same bullshit again.

Kickstarter allows you to really make the point that you aren't taking the safe route, throw any crazy idea you want into the game just convince us that we can trust you will consistently fall on the sandbox/immersive world choice.

VR haven't done that. There is no 'big idea', no fleshed out world, no newprobably-not-going-to-workconcepts it's just "EverQuest, again". I'm backing them because I would actually play even a badly recreated EverQuest but clearly for most people it's just not exciting.

People keep bringing up Vanguard, yes it was a shitpile on launch but if this was ~2005 and we were talking about a Kickstarter campaign for it we'd probably be talking about what new stretch goals they'd have to add to spend all the extra cash they are swimming in. It was a solid idea for a game, brought new concepts to the table, was ambitious and so on.