Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Molten Core Raider
The terrible tragedy in trying to make an MMORPG for a niche audience seems to me to be issues with return on investment for the developers. The cost to create such a game, to keep it moderated, updated, and running smoothly are simply astronomical compared to other games. It seems like a recipe for disaster.
I agree 100%; that is why I'd gladly donate a much larger then normal purchase price to try and have a game like that developed. I'm no stranger to the business world and realize that at the end of the day "my" target game is not one that is going to be made due to the high probility of it not drawing in large masses. Gaming is a business first, art form second so total profit is going to dictate all decisions. The sad thing is, all these high budget MMO's all have such huge glaring issues and horrible design flaws that masses try the game and leave. So they might as well take a gamble on a niche game that might suprise the market research if they are willing to throw out half finished fucking MMO's even though we have YEARS AND YEARS OF FUCKING DATA that shows HUGE drop in subs/player base due to games just not being finished/ready for release.

Can you even name a game that was truly a polished finish? The best to date is probably Rift to be honest, while I am sure some existed the game itself pretty damn bug free. Green scale was a solid raid but the final boss itself was definitely buggy. Well the lvl 50 instances also were abit ass rape which was GREAT, I loved that people couldn't just go in and steam role. They had alot of methods of obtaining gear and people that couldn't hack it needed to explore gearing up methods that was well. Unfortunately the game itself ended up getting very bland and class balance etc went to fuck and they made instances a cake walk.


To me, EQ's shining achievement was that it was an extremely well done PvP game, yet no one playing it (and perhaps even making it) realized the game as such. To me, step one of PvP is to make a great world that people cared to fight over and, indirect as it was, EQ is the closest to a great PvP experience as has been captured in a MMO. I am talking about all servers, not just the Zeks.
Did you play UO?


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Wow some of you guys are all over the fucking place the last day or so. The level of dipshittery is off the charts. First off nobody is sitting at their computers hoping that a good solid old school MMO fails, if you think that you are a fucking idiot or a troll. Do you really think there are people wanting to deny a good game out of spite or because they might not have the hours to play it? No the reason people want this to fail is because it deserves to fail. This team does not deserve our money, a team of professionals looking to make a good game by pouring their heart and souls into it deserve our money instead.

All of us so called naysayers would be overjoyed to find out Shit Fuck Studios was just sandbagging it the whole time like some shitty Dragon Ball Z rerun and turn the juice on and just knock this fucker out of the park. I would say with 99% certainly that it would make the entire community thrilled as hell.

Sadly Shit Fuck Studios power level isn't over 9000 and they will limp dick along as long as there are people out there to feed their delusions of grandeur.

The problem's begin and end with Brad McQuaid the brain child and leadership of this developmental abortion. I don't say that because of Vanguard, or any mistakes of the past, I say that because he is the captain of Shit Fuck Studios and it is his fault for the state that it is in. I wouldn't of even said that so bluntly at first but the lack of foresight these last couple of weeks have proven just that.

The sad fact is the current gaming generation lacks this type of game so badly that he was able to draw a vast amount of support with just his namesake and MMO in the same sentence. So many fan's, website's, and interviews who without question offered their support only for this cocksucker to piss in our mouths.

Look through their Kickstarter, these threads, their own posts, they do not have a plan, they did not iron out details, and they don't even have the integrity or passion to stick to their Vision if they are already flopping on the LFR, Auction House, and numerous others. They have been so vague in their explanations about specifics of this game that it had lead to many people making assumptions of what their ideal game would be and then assuming that this group was going to make their version of a game. Well wakeup call they are not making your version of the game, it isn't to disappoint you they just can't, right now they are promising everything to everybody and it only further illiterates their lack of professionalism and integrity.

Trying to discuss this game and the solo-ability to it, or how raiding will be, or anything else is pure fantasy, because currently there is no game.THERE IS NO FUCKING GAME CURRENTLY.

Ok so rant over, let's get into more specific details.

Is there enough interest for this type of game?

Well from a layman's point of view any well made game reaching a base of 100k subscribers is not that lofty of a goal. When you take into account number of gamers.

NPD: Total number of U.S. video game players drops- Number of Gamers in US
Comparison of massively multiplayer online role-playing games - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia- Number of people playing MMO's
Infographic shows $13 billion spent worldwide on MMOs in 2012 | PC Gamer- Dollars spent on MMO's

Aiming for less than 1% of that market is pretty fucking reasonable. Remember Niche game - People underestimate the size of the market.
The problem isn't the interest of size of the market, the problem comes down to this retarded bag of shit team. When building a business one of the first things you do is market research, to see if something is viable and profitable. If Shit Fuck Studios is planning on asking for money to fund their game then it makes sense to have an idea of the market, so they can explain why giving them money is a good idea. Sadly, we shouldn't even have a question about this, this should be answered for us by Shit Fuck Studios.

What is the goal of $800k dollars?

This might be the biggest question of them all. I've asked this already even though people think I am a meanie head for asking them about what they are going to do with the money. Shit Fuck Studios has left this vague we honestly do not know if it's for office space, payroll, to develop a demo-able alpha, who fucking knows we have all made guesses and if Shit Fuck Studios Captain would steer this sinking ship we shouldn't have to ask this question either.

What kind of game does Shit Fuck Studios want to make?

Again this is all up to your interpretation, most of us assume certain things.

big open world ?
nonlinear ?
reliance on other players (Grouping) ?
Non-instancing (just a little not to much) ?
PvP maybe if enough cash ( and it will be awesome and epic) ?
Crafting system ?
more generic bullshit ?

Take a second and look at that list, many of us assume that list means they are making the game we want, but that list means dick, it's so fucking vague and shitty. Not only that but when we do ask questions we get more details later as an answer. They say well we want to make quests important so not to many but just enough. Do you dipshits not realize that it is a non-answer, no wonder people fall for politicians lies all the time, but here we are with so many of you lapping that shit up.

The excuses like we aren't kickstarter professionals is old. The truth is they aren't just non kickstarter professionals, they are just not professionals period. Kickstarter itself willingly provides assistance with setting up, there are people you can hire to help set it up too, there are others in the industry with whom if you hadn't burned every bridge in town could assist you with making the goddamn thing.

How the fuck are so many of you supporting this still?


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I agree 100%; that is why I'd gladly donate a much larger then normal purchase price to try and have a game like that developed. I'm no stranger to the business world and realize that at the end of the day "my" target game is not one that is going to be made due to the high probility of it not drawing in large masses. Gaming is a business first, art form second so total profit is going to dictate all decisions. The sad thing is, all these high budget MMO's all have such huge glaring issues and horrible design flaws that masses try the game and leave. So they might as well take a gamble on a niche game that might suprise the market research if they are willing to throw out half finished fucking MMO's even though we have YEARS AND YEARS OF FUCKING DATA that shows HUGE drop in subs/player base due to games just not being finished/ready for release.

Can you even name a game that was truly a polished finish? The best to date is probably Rift to be honest, while I am sure some existed the game itself pretty damn bug free. Green scale was a solid raid but the final boss itself was definitely buggy. Well the lvl 50 instances also were abit ass rape which was GREAT, I loved that people couldn't just go in and steam role. They had alot of methods of obtaining gear and people that couldn't hack it needed to explore gearing up methods that was well. Unfortunately the game itself ended up getting very bland and class balance etc went to fuck and they made instances a cake walk.
I agree with this from the stance that you will never get a niche game out of a triple A studio. Sony, EQ, Blizzard, Microsoft, but a small indie development team could and it could very well be profitable enough, you underestimate how much money gaming makes. I am not in the gaming industry but I do work for a manufacturing company and we have some products that fit into the niche category and they are very popular because we are the only ones filling that demand, they will never beat our more mainstream products in overall sales but the margins we make on them are great and we would be foolish not to fill that demand.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Did you play UO?
uo was my second mmo, after the realm. pking at uo was unparalleled, but something about pvping over dragons was special. im not saying battling the asians or ashadowclan orcs wasent awesome, it was, but eq pvp had a whole different level of high stakes drama.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
And yet your tongue as more of it.
Ok, then refute me, with some actual answers. I know it's fun to get paid to shill on a board, god knows you had no interest here prior to the kickstarter because of your join date. Unlike you, I have been coming here since about late 2002-2003, so it does make me sad to see this community taken advantage of by a con-job.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ok, then refute me, with some actual answers. I know it's fun to get paid to shill on a board, god knows you had no interest here prior to the kickstarter because of your join date. Unlike you, I have been coming here since about late 2002-2003, so it does make me sad to see this community taken advantage of by a con-job.
You didn't really have any interest here prior to the KS either lol! You're poo poo up in hur!! Either way, carry on.. I'll check out your long post tomorrow. Serious suggestion tho.. Even tho I know you wrote this game off. Check out the P99 video with the team. Probably the better interview for actual details.


Ok, then refute me, with some actual answers. I know it's fun to get paid to shill on a board, god knows you had no interest here prior to the kickstarter because of your join date. Unlike you, I have been coming here since about late 2002-2003, so it does make me sad to see this community taken advantage of by a con-job.
Yeah..lets go with the "your opinion or reasoning is wrong because of your join date" argument. 2014 isn't my registration on anything FoH related. But believe what you wish if that makes you feel better about yourself little boy.

I'm supporting the project on a gamble and right now my odds of a payoff is 50/50. If the KS funds and the game delivers I win. If it doesn't fund but the game delivers I win. If it funds but the game does not deliver I lose. If it does not fund and the game does not deliver I neither win or lose. And as much as you want to refute or dismiss my gamble, you cannot because it is my opinion and it works for me.


so it does make me sad to see this community taken advantage of by a con-job.
It could be that you just underestimate the discretionary income of folks on this board. Honestly, I spend $250 dollars on dinner and a bottle of wine. This thread has already been worth 2x that much to me. So, what's the harm. Thanks for the paternal instinct, but I'm not getting conned and I don't think anyone else here is either.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
You didn't really have any interest here prior to the KS either lol! You're poo poo up in hur!! Either way, carry on.. I'll check out your long post tomorrow. Serious suggestion tho.. Even tho I know you wrote this game off. Check out the P99 video with the team. Probably the better interview for actual details.
I have watched most of the interviews and I agree that they aren't bad, sadly I just don't believe them when they talk anymore. At first I was pretty optimistic as was mostly everyone, but actions speak louder than words, so over time their words mean less and less and I have been making judgements based on their work.

At least with you though Convo, I know you are just optimistic and hopeful for a good game, as are most others, and while we might have a difference of opinion about the team it's still respectable and amicable towards each other, but there are a few that are clearly shills who should stick to posting directly to the kickstarter like Vandraad.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
It could be that you just underestimate the discretionary income of folks on this board. Honestly, I spend $250 dollars on dinner and a bottle of wine. This thread has already been worth 2x that much to me. So, what's the harm. Thanks for the paternal instinct, but I'm not getting conned and I don't think anyone else here is either.
It's possible, I haven't really given to much thought to everyone's discretionary spending and like you I consider a couple hundred dollars no big deal and gladly spend more than that on hobbies and things that interest me. Nor, have I told anyone what to do with there money, and I fully support indie developers and kickstarter as a method, I just am memorized at people giving this team cash.