Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Eh , I'm not sure I'd say it's difficulty or tedium , more there's consequences from the unexpected. Things you can't control nor "know" 100%. I prefer the less safety rails the better myself , but I don't call it difficult , and not really tedious because it makes me enjoy the overall experience more.

I'm weird though :p
Replace difficult with unforgiving.

As far as the PayForum goes. IF VR had their shit straight from the begginning, IF they had more to show than waxed poetic game theories, IF there wasnt a history of smoke blowing, IF they just talked honestly about what was going on instead of a deluge of buzzwords, then I might do it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't agree with difficulty as defining "old school" at all. Depending on the content, WoW had some of the most difficult content ever created in the form of very high end raiding and trying to reach Gladiator in arena. You can say a lot about WoW, but saying that the "top end" was easy is very off base. Leveling, yes. Top end, no way. There was nothing inherently hard about EQ's leveling or progression either, in my mind. So, I don't difficulty is a defining factor either way.
Yeah, we definitely are not going to agree here. Difficulty as I defined it is absolutely old school. One of the problems/failings with modern mmos is that the have failed to challenge players enough. There are many examples of this, but death penalty/corpse loss is a really, really clear one.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
For me, its spaceships and the fact that it takes months, without any way to really speed it up, to be in any position to do anything fun. I always start playing with the best intentions, only to find that I end up leveling my spaceship in my hanger for 2 months until I can actually get involved in the community. Before the 2 months of waiting is up, I always find something better to do. I've done this literally a half dozen times with that game. I think its the style of progression they use, but I am not sure.
How is this any different than EQ, if you joined in say..Kunark?

I think it actually says a lot that EQ was such a cluster fuck yet still managed to grow the market as much as it did (Yes, even given the lack of choices. Lack of choice doesn't always make a game succesful--there WERE other choices at the time, don't forget and they were there before EQ. It was a combination of limited choices AND certain design elements in EQ---that's why it was no surprise WoW copied EQ and say, not UO.)
It absolutely was due to lack of choice/not knowing any better. Even Smedley himself has essentially admitted as such.

Smedley_sl said:
It?s unsustainable. When we first began making these kinds of games 18 years ago (I mean no disrespect to the Muds and other games out before Everquest)there was nothing to compare our games to. Players were so excited about being able to be a part of these virtual worlds that just about any content was exciting.
Had WoW occurred before EQ, I strongly believe very few people would have played it(EQ that is). The same way that nobody would've used a horse, had the Model T happened first. I think EQ was very influential(I don't think there was much that made it "special". If they hadn't done it first, somebody else would have)to the start of the MMO space, but I don't think that it was vital, as some would claim. I also question where MMOs might be, had it not been the "first".

There hasliterallynever been awell executedtrend in another direction. And that's because this market is actually still really young. (To begin using another car example; we're in the roaring 30's of MMO design, the "model T" or first mass production model, IE WOW, went one direction--we're just now wondering if other directions can be explored. But the cost of that exploration might still be too high.
EVE, despite its tumultuous beginnings, pretty much fits your mold. It's slowly gained "subs"(mostly people PLEXing their way to multiple accounts), but I really question its actual expansion of the market.

No one is saying those mechanics, without iteration, are innovative in and of themselves (Well, okay, a few people are :p ). What they're saying is there were other ways for EQ mechanics to grow, outside of the way they grew with Blizzard. Imagine if after the Model T, ford's next design only focused on faster engines; and he made billions.....But then every car after only kept making faster engines. No one experimented with say; increasing gas mileage, increasing off road capability, increasing cargo room----we'd have huge potentials in the market that went' unexplored because everyone followed one trend due to it's success and the capital risk of failure. A minor version of this actually happened to the American car industry, and it's PART of why Toyota beat America's ass so bad our car companies had to cry for a time out :p . (On that note though, the assembly line allowed for more niches because it became cheaper to offer them; and I think the next big step in MMO's will happen the same way. As tools become easier to use, you'll see the market be taken by niche games. EQN is actually doing that, making the tools so easy it can be "assembly line" crowd sourced.)
I completely agree with you that certain mechanics that were present in EQ, have the ability to be expanded upon. The problem is, most people here don't seem to be arguing/asking for that(certainly not when the KS was first announced). Some have even stated that they want EQ, but with better graphics. They are literally and figuratively asking for a reskin. Toyota wouldn't have been successful in kicking our asses, if they hadn't included all of the quality of life improvements that happened to automobiles years prior.

Kirun, Dark Souls has sold almost 3 million copies. Are you some kind of moron?
I've already acknowledged Dark Souls(theoneexample everybody clings so desperately to)as proof that a market for "difficulty" exists. The problem is, that doesn't necessarily directly translate to the MMO genre.

Trust me, the last thing we want to do is play with a bunch of whiny bitches who'll complain it's not fair they suck at games, can't make friends, or weren't smart enough to NOT roll on a fucking pvp server.

You know what also pisses off smart pvpers? When devs are shitty enough to mess up pve and class balance. Because smart gamers hate shitty devs, whether those gamers are fans of pvp or not.

Generally, telling someone else what they should play if they like the thing you don't have the same definition for is dumb. What you think is pvp, isn't even close to most of us.
You're such an internet badass. We've got one hardcore motherfucker on our hands right here. I bet you're the particular brand of internet badass that clotheslines people down staircases, similar to Tarrant?

Lost Ranger_sl

and be able to join and listen/watch monthly progress meetings.
This one right here made me laugh out loud. If it was access to all progress meetings I could see the appeal. You would get a first hand look at game development and maybe give some input. Instead this "meeting" is going to be pure theatrics. The project could be sinking, but I'll bet you dollars to donuts every meeting is upbeat, and full of PR bullshit. You wouldn't get a honest look at anything.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
This one right here made me laugh out loud. If it was access to all progress meetings I could see the appeal. You would get a first hand look at game development and maybe give some input. Instead this "meeting" is going to be pure theatrics. The project could be sinking, but I'll bet you dollars to donuts every meeting is upbeat, and full of PR bullshit. You wouldn't get a honest look at anything.
I agree with this 100%, having said that to get Brad to appear upbeat and positive you'd need double of whatever Georgeson snorts, in addition to a defibrillator and an on-call necromancer.


Blackwing Lair Raider
There's no way this game is getting made without a publisher. So who would publish it? Not SOE for sure. Trion just had layoffs. And NCSoft tried it once with Garriott and failed. I just don't see it.

Lost Ranger_sl

I can't think of anyone who would want such a risky project right now either. Without a publisher straight up isn't happening though. So the chances of this game ever seeing the light of day are getting really, really slim.


Red has how many people? It's dead and has no draw. That's the point. The same was true for EQ. The same for WOW, but to a lesser degree as WOW had no penalties for PVP or real consequences and a much larger pool of players. Most gamers do not like PVE/PVP hybrid games. Most of us bitch that games we like, a la WOW, Rift, etc ended up fucking up classes to try to shoehorn PVP balance. Whomever said make your PVE game and throw a token PVP server down and spend no dev team on it has it right. The problem is that's never the case.

PVP is popular as LOL and DOTA have staggering numbers. Gankfests or meaningless MMO PVP seems to be a very niche environment.

I like PVP. I loved DAOC and played it for years. I just think EQ PVP sucked ass, and there is no appeal to me to go gank or kill someone in a PVE-group centric game, or to just randomly PK. I'm intrigued by Camelot Unchained as I like that design and would play that. I'd say I'm pro PVP but my records in LOL and DOTA would tell a different story, and I despise MOBAs more than meaningless gank games.
I disagree with you on a lot of stuff, but not this. Open world mmog pvp sucks balls. It is entirely based on who can exploit the most. Be it game mechanics, numbers or any other aspect of play. I can't take people serious in regards to pvp when they want the shit that was original eq pvp.

Camelot did not magically solve open world pvp with three teams but it helps. Will be interested to see what they do with unchained.

Pvp is way more popular in mmogs than it ever was in EQ. I never thought I was awesome because I could corpse camp, zone line camp or Zerg. Didn't ever find it to be challenging nor compelling. The percentage of encounters that were a challenge was minuscule.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
There's no way this game is getting made without a publisher. So who would publish it? Not SOE for sure. Trion just had layoffs. And NCSoft tried it once with Garriott and failed. I just don't see it.
No Way dude, didn't you know kickstarters get a big push of cash the last couple of days, everyone on the kickstarter comments and the people here even told me so.

This will get funded.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
... It is entirely based on who can exploit the most. Be it game mechanics, numbers or any other aspect of play. I can't take people serious in regards to pvp when they want the shit that was original eq pvp.
Yea, the ratio of fun vs frustration was always out of whack for me in open world pvp. It probably doesn't help that every MMO with it seems to follow the drab formula of PermaInvis+StunOpener+MoreStuns+Incapacitates+Uber SickBurstDPS coupled with like 8 get out of jail free cards just for that 1 in 1000 chance they may lose the encounter they get to start. I'm too old and stingy to pay a subscription fee just to be someone's NPC bitch :p

That said, I've had good times messing around in WoW and even Rift battlegounds. SWTOR I was Empire so I only got to see huttball.


This seems interesting.

PikkoServer is made for enabling the development of large-scale MMOs using existing engine technologies. It works as a load-balancer that transforms a simple single server based architecture into a distributed set of servers working together to provide scalability to large numbers of players. PikkoServer is inherently engine-agnostic and could be integrated into virtually any game engine. It is currently integrated with the Unity engine, but could be used to transform any multiplayer engine into a seamless MMO engine.

MuchDifferent - Game - Pikkotekk - PikkoServer


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sullon Zek was a blast, and I hope they have something like it. I had 1000x more fun on that server than all the pve drama on Nameless, bar none. Saying the overworld pvp was pointless speaks to how clueless people were when there were no instances to hide and farm away all day. It was similar to EvE, resource control was everything. Nowhere was safe, and that feeling of dread just doing mundane things is what made it so fun.

If you dont know, then shut the fuck up about something you never experienced.


Yeah I asked that earlier , if it builds up and counts towards pledge tiers , it's not bad and a good move on their part , more people can kick in 500 bucks if it's 15/month for 3 years and gets you the alpha forum access as part of it.

If it's just alpha forum access + a collector edition and doesnt count towards tiers ? It's fucking insane.
Currently the subscription isn't in effect. The forums are in their testing phases now. I imagine we wont get any more details about how their funding plans will be through their website until after the kickstarter is over. While I think they have done a great job with the new website so far I think that all of the focus they have put there over the last few days has shifted much needed focus away from the kickstarter page; giving the appearance that they have abandoned it. They really need to change this as I think about the worst thing they can do right now is give the appearance that they gave up on the kickstarter page halfway. A failed kickstarted that didn't fund that had daily updates; frequent new pledge offerings and constant interaction from the dev team will help them a lot more in the long run than a failed kickstarter that looks like it was abandoned half way through.


Currently the subscription isn't in effect. The forums are in their testing phases now. I imagine we wont get any more details about how their funding plans will be through their website until after the kickstarter is over. While I think they have done a great job with the new website so far I think that all of the focus they have put there over the last few days has shifted much needed focus away from the kickstarter page; giving the appearance that they have abandoned it. They really need to change this as I think about the worst thing they can do right now is give the appearance that they gave up on the kickstarter page halfway. A failed kickstarted that didn't fund that had daily updates; frequent new pledge offerings and constant interaction from the dev team will help them a lot more in the long run than a failed kickstarter that looks like it was abandoned half way through.
Honestly , it's a personal thing to me that this irritates me on Brads' part. I don't really care what his reasons are , be it working 24/7 on other funding , the new site , whatever. He has abandoned the current Kickstarter for over a week now.

I again see Ben and Sal and whoever posting ,but zero Brad for a week , on the Kickstarter asking for a million or so dollars.

If he can't focus for 8 weeks on trying this correctly and dedicating himself the the KS , just for 8 weeks , combined with his history (that I was willing to give him another chance on ), why the fuck should anyone think the can pull off 36 months of focus ?

Brad HAS abandoned the KS , doesn't matter what he's been doing behind the scenes , the actual kickstarter he has abandoned because being there selling it is what a KS is about.

Ask Mark Jacobs how many hours went by without him posting , much less a fucking week.

It's just piling on now ,because I'm disappointed , but from what I see , Brad hasn't learned any lesson from Vanguard.


Buzzfeed Editor
It absolutely was due to lack of choice/not knowing any better. Even Smedley himself has essentially admitted as such.
You realize there were other MMO's right? What's your explination for them having 1/10th the population of EQ? (There were at least 5 other MMO's in direct competition with EQ. 4 with 3d graphical views.) EQ grew the market the largest, had the most robust life span and EQ's mechanics were copied and refined by WoW. People might have stuck with EQ due to lack of options, but it certainly wasn't lack of options thatgrewthe market in that direction; it might have been the lack of options that kept it stable until WoW grew it again though. (Still, correlation does not equal causation; I could just as easily say the only 3 times in history this market grew in population a sizable mount? Have come from far more "hardcore" games, EQ, WoW (Vanilla/TBC) and Lineage 2.)

Had WoW occurred before EQ, I strongly believe very few people would have played it(EQ that is). The same way that nobody would've used a horse, had the Model T happened first. I think EQ was very influential(I don't think there was much that made it "special". If they hadn't done it first, somebody else would have)to the start of the MMO space, but I don't think that it was vital, as some would claim. I also question where MMOs might be, had it not been the "first".
And nothing here effects anything else said. WoW used most of EQ's systems, refined in a very specific way to enhance accessibility in the medium. Early WoW was essentially EQ with better under the hood functions for it's systems, instancing to reduce competition, a Quest based leveling format to make leveling more aproachable and fungible (Pick it up and drop it easier), a superior engine with better controls (Made from scratch) and less initial character options with more growth in characters (To increase the accessibility of the learning curve.)....But as you can see? All those innovations had *one* goal; make this game more approachable to people without MUD or DIKU experience, but what they made approachable? Was still the EQ formula. It wasn't Ashron's call more Merdian 59--it was purely "how do we make EQ easier for the uninitiated to pick up and play and experience EQ's systems".

But now the market is older, it's fans are experienced. Maybe we should be curious about what a group of developers with Blizzard's skill could create if instead of the design goal of "accessibility"--they went back, looked at WoW Vanilla and said "okay, lets design for freedom, or consequence or...(Ect)"...I think you'd get a game that was still pretty accessible, but with avastlydifferent feel and play style; and I really think there is not only room for that kind of "hardcore" game, but the market just might be waiting for it. (No, sadly, I don't think Pantheon will be that game.)

EVE, despite its tumultuous beginnings, pretty much fits your mold. It's slowly gained "subs"(mostly people PLEXing their way to multiple accounts), but I really question its actual expansion of the market.
Eve is not a PvE game; I can't say for certain because I haven't read any real reports which include them, but I think if you were to do research? You'd find the people that play Eve only have some cross over into the DIKU games, and instead that market was grown more out of the exploding LoL/WoT, discreet PvP markets that have been huge. Or maybe from Anarchy Online/UO. But I can't say for certain, it would be just a guess. It's not really a DIKU competitor. But you are right, it is an example of how a different focus, and different mechanics, can be successful because it doesn't need to compete with WoW.

I completely agree with you that certain mechanics that were present in EQ, have the ability to be expanded upon. The problem is, most people here don't seem to be arguing/asking for that(certainly not when the KS was first announced). Some have even stated that they want EQ, but with better graphics. They are literally and figuratively asking for a reskin. Toyota wouldn't have been successful in kicking our asses, if they hadn't included all of the quality of life improvements that happened to automobiles years prior.
I think some people just need to hop on P99 and see what a shit game EQ actually was. However, having gotten to high end on P99 recently; I can tell you, some mechanics, especially some of the "hardcore" stuff that has been pruned out of every MMO? I had forgotten how addictive they are. Exploring dungeons, for example, was damn exciting because the risk was so high. And the whole time I had the bad points of the game on my mind, and how inferior it was to WoW; but yet certain mechanics which got left behind in the first "market refinement" of the genre? For me? Obviously still work. And deserve to be explored.

Yeah, Toyota wouldn't have kicked our ass if they ignored quality of life stuff that was already iterated upon. But they also wouldn't have kicked our ass if they were afraid to toss some of them in order to offer some more niche automobiles. (Like high MPG by throwing out power--more power, bigger seats, these are all "quality of life" ergonomics and aesthetics in a car, yet people gladly took a reduction in them for something else.)

Which is what I'm essentially saying. I look at WoW's accessibility changes? And I really think they can be scaled back somewhat, in order to explore other avenues. That doesn't mean everything WoW did was bad--I think a lot of it is great. But I think there are places where you could only keep the core of WoW's changes, and then iterate on systems that got left behind (Like using the scope of the land to create higher risk ect.)

In the end, the market might just never support another growth; but I still think the future is niche games. I don't think in 20 years the landscape will be one big MMO, but instead a bunch of fragments. Some of them hardcore, some of them more like WoW, some of them in between. As tools get easier and cheaper to use, someone outside the triple A space is going to make a DIKU that plucks out a different set of mechanics from EQ and refines them, and then sprinkles in WoW's access---and you're going to see a shift in the market again. (Heck you might just see that from EQN/L even though I think that's less of an iterative shift and instead will be a growth--like EVE, since Landmark is not direct competition)

I've already acknowledged Dark Souls(theoneexample everybody clings so desperately to)as proof that a market for "difficulty" exists. The problem is, that doesn't necessarily directly translate to the MMO genre.
Sorry, I know this wasn't towards me...but just on "Dark Souls"...I think Dark Souls is a great example of people who understand the difference between difficulty, and frustration, or tedium. If Dark Souls showed one thing? It's that there are tons of unexplored territories in the "MMO--RPG" (Emphasis on the RPG) space still. No, Dark Souls wouldn't transfer over to an MMO; but I think Dark Souls has captured some of those elements of abstract "freedom" that existed in EQ better than current MMO's have. Like the ability to attack anything, anywhere--that alone, for me, creates an extreme sense agency in the general aesthetic of the world--it just "feels" far more immersive to climb up on a tower and shoot down at a boss and not have an invisible wall say "uh oh, that's not how it's supposed to be done! Bad, bad!". Little things like that were sacrificed on the alter of accessibility , and I'mnotso sure those changes were best for everyone. (Or maybe they were when the market was younger...but you have to account for gamers becoming more refined as the market matures; just like the advent of muscle cars for car guys. Hardcore gamers are now an untapped market.)

I feel like Dark Souls is what the MMO space would get if Blizzard sat down, looked at WoW vanilla and said "your design goal should be player freedom and consequence." And I think that would be awesome, personally--no it wouldn't become "Dark Souls Online", but I think you'd get the spiritual successor to EQ out of that.