Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
So we all going to be here next Sat around 1pm cst to watch the KS tick down and see if Brad commits fraud blatantly at 1:30 or will it already have been done by then ?

Sounds ludicrous , but with the decisions made so far , it will not shock me to see a 200-300k "spike" the last day come from an "angel investor" instead of at least trying to spread it out over the next week.
i'll be here, and will no shit pop a bottle of champagne when it does.


Quaid not busting you balls about it , genuinely curious , if the KS fails you going to go for 45 on the private site (if there's an alpha tier around that level )? I've seen many folks on the new forums suggest they raise alpha access tier to get more money , no idea if they will or not.


Trump's Staff
Quaid not busting you balls about it , genuinely curious , if the KS fails you going to go for 45 on the private site (if there's an alpha tier around that level )? I've seen many folks on the new forums suggest they raise alpha access tier to get more money , no idea if they will or not.
I will absolutely not donate to this project through a private source.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Will need to watch the comments on the KS forum that last couple of hours also , will range from raging at the world for not believing in Brad to "we didn't need Kickstarter anyway".
its going to be so awesome. i'll be fairly drunk, taking screenshots of the choice cuts for posterity when this thread gets shawed.


I will absolutely not donate to this project due to the past failings of Vanguard.
See I was willing to give him a chance even after that because I so want a game like this.

But the problem now is I so want a game like this and judging by the KS management some things seem to not change.


But on a positive note I can revel in folks on the Kickstarter Forum thinking this will legitimately fund still.


testing their pay to view forums
Oh, seriously? Who uses terms like "beta" and "testing" and "back-end server code" to refer to forums. Key terms... I was starting to feel left out.

"Thank you for being an early supporter to our KS campaign but fuck you and give us real monies now or you shan't be made privy to 3l33t3 Pantheon infoz."

Well ok then.


[Here is what the 15 dollars a month will get you:

- Interact with friends and guildmates on the social hub.
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- Can participate in wiki entries.
- Be involved in the Weekly Development Roundtables, where you can communicate with the developers live during streaming.]

Copied from the KS site.

You get a differentcolorfor the forum for paying 15/month to be part of the forums.

I'm in.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I'm pretty sure if Brad had several hundred thousand bucks freed up enough he could, himself, donate the KS, he'd at least have been smart enough to self-fund early portions of this project instead of going to KS destitute and begging for a chance to even start working toward his redemption.

We'll see, though. As people have said, number of backers is obviously more important. If we don't see the spike there, then I'm out.


[Here is what the 15 dollars a month will get you:

- Interact with friends and guildmates on the social hub.
- Create or join guilds or groups.
- Read and reply to public areas of the forums and wikis.
- Special Champion color in the social hub, chat room and forums.
- Reply and offer answers to topics in The Think Tank (topics for discourse in the development of the game)
- Access to the Supporter forums.
- Access to the Champion forums.
- Can participate in wiki entries.
- Be involved in the Weekly Development Roundtables, where you can communicate with the developers live during streaming.]

Copied from the KS site.

You get a differentcolorfor the forum for paying 15/month to be part of the forums.

I'm in.
They shoulda said "fuck KS" and done this to begin with and all of us woulda been out our $15 before we realized what was going on!

I'm pretty sure if Brad had several hundred thousand bucks freed up enough he could, himself, donate the KS, he'd at least have been smart enough to self-fund early portions of this project instead of going to KS destitute and begging for a chance to even start working toward his redemption.
I was thinking this too, however, he may not have thought he needed to (in the beginning). Why use your own money when you can use other people's money? I'm Brad McQuaid, DAMMIT!!

And because all the cool kids do it:


Trump's Staff
Ah , I assumed that came from MS , but that could be it.
While I'm sure Microsoft financed much of Vanguard, I think the monies spent on Sigil itself came from Aradude.

I'm sure the guy never made massive coin anyway. Maybe for a 7 or 8 year period he made 200k/year? If it was even that high, it's not millionaire money, especially in SoCal. It's not like he sees Royalties from EQ or anything.

Realistically, the guy probably has a big fat mortgage like the rest of us.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Pretty sure Brad poured a lot of his personal finances into starting up Sigil. I could be wrong, though.
And since Sigil, what has he done? Failed to start a few companies/games and gotten paid as a grunt dev for SOE? I'm sure Jacobs got paid bank for WAR while Brad was blowing what was left of his fortune on whatever social media game/company he was working on that went nowhere.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Pretty sure Brad poured a lot of his personal finances into starting up Sigil. I could be wrong, though.
You sure? Didn't he say in that interview that he went to MS with literally napkin ideas and a reputation and got funded. Makes it sound like him and the guy he mentioned had nothing and everything after was from MS money.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
