Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Lord Nagafen Raider
I was talking to an old EQ friend on skype last night and he was adamant about not giving Brad a dime because of what happened with Vanguard. Particularly how he treated his employees in the parking lot. I know a lot has been said about that on here I just thought it was significant coming from such a diehard EQ fan.


If they had come out of the gate with the Kickstarter they have now rather than come out with that "SMASH!" screenshot and no info, things would've probably gone differently.

What's up with the 'Champion' titles? I pledged $45, I want one


Trakanon Raider
If they had come out of the gate with the Kickstarter they have now rather than come out with that "SMASH!" screenshot and no info, things would've probably gone differently.

What's up with the 'Champion' titles? I pledged $45, I want one
I pledged $45 as well :p I cannot believe that at one time I was going to give $100.... Things went downhill fast.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
You give him too much credit. All the best things in EQ were not his work, either. What he didn't steal directly from TorilMUD was mostly devised by underlings. His singular talent seems to be creating ever larger train wrecks. Seriously, I did not think that there could BE a bigger disaster than Vanguard, but here you have it.

The biggest tragedy in all of this is not the epic dumpster fire this "fund my drug habit" disguised as a KS for a game has become. It is the damage to the credibility of future legitimate KS projects that his wonton stupidity is going to cause. Seriously, fuck Brad in his drugged out ass. The guy has ruined so many good and talented people's lives and livelihood at this point that he deserves no pity or respect.
There's plenty to hate on this Kickstarter(and I mean...a lot!), but let's stop with the 'funding his drugs' stupidity. Does anyone really think that is what is going on here?


Not that it needs to be said, but if they'd go back and read, say, the first 700 pages or so of this thread, they'd see most of us here started out as giddy supporters of pantheon and brad. There were only a few "Negative Nelly's" until after weeks of waiting for "the big reveal", when it was realized that there was no "big reveal".

My personal opinion: I don't think Brad is nefarious or intentionally trying to scam people. I think he's impulsive and easily excitable. He has great ideas and can't wait to share them, so he ends up jumping the gun.
He needs someone to help him put the brakes on and marinate his ideas BEFORE he spews them out for all to see.

Lost Ranger_sl

There's plenty to hate on this Kickstarter(and I mean...a lot!), but let's stop with the 'funding his drugs' stupidity. Does anyone really think that is what is going on here?
Not yet. I'm still waiting for the "Please pledge guys... I'll suck yo dick" update before I start wondering.


Molten Core Raider
Not that it needs to be said, but if they'd go back and read, say, the first 700 pages or so of this thread, they'd see most of us here started out as giddy supporters of pantheon and brad. There were only a few "Negative Nelly's" until after weeks of waiting for "the big reveal", when it was realized that there was no "big reveal".

My personal opinion: I don't think Brad is nefarious or intentionally trying to scam people. I think he's impulsive and easily excitable. He has great ideas and can't wait to share them, so he ends up jumping the gun.
He needs someone to help him put the brakes on and marinate his ideas BEFORE he spews them out for all to see.
well said sir.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I do. I met him at the Vegas party he threw on Microsoft's dime during the VG debacle, under the guise of PR and hiring more people to work on the project. Dude was stoned off his gourd, and his longest time friends knew it and were covering for him. And there were reports of him swiping pills from his underling's desks near the tail end of the VG thing. As far as I know, he has never done the rehab thing and clearly no jail time over it. Do you really think a junky is not going to steer a little money into his habit when they are already violating the terms of use for KS funds in the first place? I am sure at some point he may have even believed he was going to put out a game, but charging subs for a forum to talk about a game that is basically not even out of the drawing in the back of a napkin stage of creation yet? The dude is the MMO equivalent of those washed out celebs on infomercials.


Trakanon Raider
Not that it needs to be said, but if they'd go back and read, say, the first 700 pages or so of this thread, they'd see most of us here started out as giddy supporters of pantheon and brad. There were only a few "Negative Nelly's" until after weeks of waiting for "the big reveal", when it was realized that there was no "big reveal".

My personal opinion: I don't think Brad is nefarious or intentionally trying to scam people. I think he's impulsive and easily excitable. He has great ideas and can't wait to share them, so he ends up jumping the gun.
He needs someone to help him put the brakes on and marinate his ideas BEFORE he spews them out for all to see.
great post. there are a lot of benedict arnold's in this thread.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I wonder if their funding meter was actually broken when the funds went down so far under what was already listed. They aren't forum experts, and typically very 'optimistic' so maybe it just wasn't ever even coded to do anything but go up. :/


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Last 36 hours, 17 new backers & -80$ funds.. i really cant understand why they continue with the KS, why not cancel it? Its hurting the whole project more atm than canceling it


Trakanon Raider
not directly related to pantheon, but my opinion of kickstarter has changed somewhat over the last 24 hours. my friend told me about a game called broken age that i've been playing since yesterday. what a fucking gorgeous game. this game is a kickstarter funded game done right. not that it's a MMO, but probably the best game i've played in a long time.


The lack of patience is what will kill any chance there was left. The fucking thing can be salvaged if they kill off the forum idea and duck low for awhile with a second ks...fueled by monopoly money.


Trakanon Raider
not directly related to pantheon, but my opinion of kickstarter has changed somewhat over the last 24 hours. my friend told me about a game called broken age that i've been playing since yesterday. what a fucking gorgeous game. this game is a kickstarter funded game done right. not that it's a MMO, but probably the best game i've played in a long time.
That is not because of KS, that is because of the studio Double Fine.

Lost Ranger_sl

not directly related to pantheon, but my opinion of kickstarter has changed somewhat over the last 24 hours. my friend told me about a game called broken age that i've been playing since yesterday. what a fucking gorgeous game. this game is a kickstarter funded game done right. not that it's a MMO, but probably the best game i've played in a long time.
I have not heard of this one. Game looks neat.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Last 36 hours, 17 new backers & -80$ funds.. i really cant understand why they continue with the KS, why not cancel it? Its hurting the whole project more atm than canceling it
They've been pretty slow to do anything, much less make major decisions. My guess is they'll realize canceling it is the right thing to do a day after it fails.

If I were them, I'd cancel it, because at this point there's a risk it'll be pulled for violating KS terms.

Under the 'report this Kickstarter' it lists:

This is not a project. A project is something with a clear end, like making an album, a film, or a new game. A project will eventually be completed, and something will be produced as a result.
They've made plenty of statements the 800k wouldn't make a game, only get them started with offices and equipment and back pay for the devs working on the KS itself.


In addition to our guidelines, there are some things we don't allow on Kickstarter:

Kickstarter cannot be used to fund websites or apps focused on e-commerce, business, and social networking.
At this point, their website is basically just a social networking one for gamers in general, fans of Brad and the game, and one of their updates even stated that the website was their post-KS plan, so surely the 'back pay' they're talking about will go to people setting up the website, and if it funds a lot of the money will go to not only to back paying those who set it up, but continuing to build and support the website.

These aren't things I would be comfortable with if this were my project. I wouldn't have a KS for a game, then in interviews admit the initial KS funding wouldn't be going to the game, but setting up a studio. I wouldn't be building the website during the KS and making it known the KS funds would go to back-paying all the people who've been working on the project, including I assume those setting up the website that sure seems more like a social networking site than anything else at this point.

They already found a loop-hole for 'no lifetime memberships,' but I'd love a clarification on whether promising to back-pay people for work on the KS is against the funding/scope of the KS. Because to me, that seems shady and unethical from everything else I've read about what KS allows.

I wouldn't take the risk if I were them. I'd cancel it, admit defeat, and in that save some face and prove them 'learning from mistakes' actually results in actions instead of just words and promises.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I've backed only 3 Kickstarters.

Oru Kayak: the origami folding boat by Oru Kayak Kickstarter(My brother and I bought two of the first-run kayaks. We've used it several times and it's just as kick-ass as it looks. It took almost 6+ months longer than expected on the Kickstarter, though)

Machine of Death: The Game of Creative Assassination by David Malki ! Kickstarter(Just got this about a month ago, so it was around 7 months later than the expected date on Kickstarter. Game is really cool though and exceeded my expectations, quality-wise)

Torment: Tides of Numenera by inXile entertainment Kickstarter(I'm not even worrying about this one until the end of the year. I expect this will launch late as well. Mid to late 2015 I'd bet.)