Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Molten Core Raider
I've backed only 3 Kickstarters.

Oru Kayak: the origami folding boat by Oru Kayak Kickstarter(My brother and I bought two of the first-run kayaks. We've used it several times and it's just as kick-ass as it looks. It took almost 6+ months longer than expected on the Kickstarter, though)

Machine of Death: The Game of Creative Assassination by David Malki ! Kickstarter(Just got this about a month ago, so it was around 7 months later than the expected date on Kickstarter. Game is really cool though and exceeded my expectations, quality-wise)

Torment: Tides of Numenera by inXile entertainment Kickstarter(I'm not even worrying about this one until the end of the year. I expect this will launch late as well. Mid to late 2015 I'd bet.)
I was bummed i missed Tormet: Tides of Numenera myself, the lead guy's background is pretty solid.


I was talking to an old EQ friend on skype last night and he was adamant about not giving Brad a dime because of what happened with Vanguard. Particularly how he treated his employees in the parking lot. I know a lot has been said about that on here I just thought it was significant coming from such a diehard EQ fan.
What have you done lately is a much more important question to answer than did you ever make anything good. EQ in no way makes up for the shit fest of vanguard, even without vanguard nothing about eq was brilliance, it was just a good game.


They've been pretty slow to do anything, much less make major decisions. My guess is they'll realize canceling it is the right thing to do a day after it fails.

If I were them, I'd cancel it, because at this point there's a risk it'll be pulled for violating KS terms.

Under the 'report this Kickstarter' it lists:

They've made plenty of statements the 800k wouldn't make a game, only get them started with offices and equipment and back pay for the devs working on the KS itself.


At this point, their website is basically just a social networking one for gamers in general, fans of Brad and the game, and one of their updates even stated that the website was their post-KS plan, so surely the 'back pay' they're talking about will go to people setting up the website, and if it funds a lot of the money will go to not only to back paying those who set it up, but continuing to build and support the website.

These aren't things I would be comfortable with if this were my project. I wouldn't have a KS for a game, then in interviews admit the initial KS funding wouldn't be going to the game, but setting up a studio. I wouldn't be building the website during the KS and making it known the KS funds would go to back-paying all the people who've been working on the project, including I assume those setting up the website that sure seems more like a social networking site than anything else at this point.

They already found a loop-hole for 'no lifetime memberships,' but I'd love a clarification on whether promising to back-pay people for work on the KS is against the funding/scope of the KS. Because to me, that seems shady and unethical from everything else I've read about what KS allows.

I wouldn't take the risk if I were them. I'd cancel it, admit defeat, and in that save some face and prove them 'learning from mistakes' actually results in actions instead of just words and promises.
Who is their PR guy? Ben??
I just want a group focused MMO why they making it so hard?


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
not directly related to pantheon, but my opinion of kickstarter has changed somewhat over the last 24 hours. my friend told me about a game called broken age that i've been playing since yesterday. what a fucking gorgeous game. this game is a kickstarter funded game done right. not that it's a MMO, but probably the best game i've played in a long time.
What was it before, what did it change to?

I had little care for KS going into this, just a lot of common sense 'wtf' sort of things related to Pantheon's presentation. Then, after looking around some, I realized Pantheon was some dubious, amateur-hour shit compared to almost all of the other projects I was seeing. There were local projects that had no chance of funding (sadly) that had clearly done more homework, gave more effort, made smarter decisions, looked more professional, etc.

The Kingdom Come: Deliverance Kickstarterfor instance sets a pretty high bar. They were clear with their message, kept tapping into that same motivation, beating the same drum, and even after funding was a wild success, kept the motivation going with substantive updates, videos, etc. People may say it's not fair because they're a professional studio with resources, but I'd say it's a chicken-egg sort of thing that they have that professional studio and recources because War Horse has earned them, proven to be business savy, have common sense, shown competence, etc.

Pantheon shows up with a great idea, disproves any level of common sense or competence, then bumbles around admitting it and making more mistakes.... so my guess is even with 1.5 million (what got Kingdom Come: Deliverance to the point it's at) and a full studio full of resources, the Pantheon crew still would have bungled a KS if they'd even gotten that far into a game/studio development cycle without it being shut down.

Nothing wrong with KS, I suppose is what I'm saying. It's a justifiable hurdle that professionals in the gaming industry shouldn't be afraid of and should jump no problem. I think this KS will shed a lot of light on why the members of this crew, with all their name recognition and years of experience, found themselves out of work and now out of 800k+ and imo largely out of benefit of the doubt from the gaming community.


Have you heard about Group Quest?
Yes! waiting for the KickStarter


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Wheee.... and another -700$ in the last hour! This day is on its way to become the worst of the whole KS... 48h before the end, its the big push, yeah!


Do you know if Brad is going to do another AMA? like he said or has everything changed now? Its sad cause i got the impression they were working on something for the end of the Kickstarter, but seems that was just wishful thinking.
I was talking to an old EQ friend on skype last night and he was adamant about not giving Brad a dime because of what happened with Vanguard. Particularly how he treated his employees in the parking lot. I know a lot has been said about that on here I just thought it was significant coming from such a diehard EQ fan.
I think this mindset is silly. Vangard was a screwup on multiple levels by multiple organizations and people. Bard alone is not to blame. If people want to judge him harshly, they can judge him on what he's done with Pantheon so far. I can see plenty of reasons people could find if they want to not to trust Brad based on his actions since September. Vangard is in the past and had many hands in the pie. Pantheon is totally Brad's baby.