Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


I'm Amod too!
The model and map are fine for what they are. You're not going to get grade A art on a shoestring budget. The problem I'm having is this still seems ass backwards to me. We've still seen no evidence of any kind of design doc and yet they've sent this guy off to start making zones and models before they even have a good clear idea of what zones and mobs they want in the game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Idk man, hate to burst your bubble, but if you wipe that Brad's splewge from your eyes and take a closer look, that 'dragon' really isnt all that great. Dont get me wrong though, it really is a good piece for an amateur artist who drew his first dragon, but for a professional artist it really falls short of the bar.

Im surprised that his biggest concern was the 'dragons' head, when actually that probably is the best part of his whole piece. Like I said, the arms of the dragon are human. They really should look more like a beast's arm, not like someone who works out hard at the gym. The wings are mess as well. Just imagine that thing trying to fly, it's not gonna happen. Not only is the shape wrong but you can tell he has problems with spatial relationships in his art. The one on the left looks really awkward. The body is way too small, it looks more like a lizard then a dragon and the legs are in a weird position.

I'd say it's more of a winged human lizard thing rather than a dragon. Like I said though, for an amateur it's a good start. If the artist keeps it up he might just get it right. Keep posting his progress and we shall see.
Holy shit.. Did you just write 3 shitty paragraphs on how a dragon should look?? I know I didn't bite on your last comment so you're grasping at straws, but I didn't proclaim it was some amazing piece of art. I posted it for the people who are following along. Overall, I don't think it's bad for an unfinished model. Stop being such a wet blanket and unfunny to boot.. Where did we pick up these new retards?? Or is he just an alt to troll this thread?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Idk man, hate to burst your bubble, but if you wipe that Brad's splewge from your eyes and take a closer look, that 'dragon' really isnt all that great. Dont get me wrong though, it really is a good piece for an amateur artist who drew his first dragon, but for a professional artist it really falls short of the bar.

Im surprised that his biggest concern was the 'dragons' head, when actually that probably is the best part of his whole piece. Like I said, the arms of the dragon are human. They really should look more like a beast's arm, not like someone who works out hard at the gym. The wings are mess as well. Just imagine that thing trying to fly, it's not gonna happen. Not only is the shape wrong but you can tell he has problems with spatial relationships in his art. The one on the left looks really awkward. The body is way too small, it looks more like a lizard then a dragon and the legs are in a weird position.

I'd say it's more of a winged human lizard thing rather than a dragon. Like I said though, for an amateur it's a good start. If the artist keeps it up he might just get it right. Keep posting his progress and we shall see.
It's a Draegan


I love how we have our own little pantheon cock sucker on this forum too. At least someone fell for it that we can laugh at to their face.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I love how we have our own little pantheon cock sucker on this forum too. At least someone fell for it that we can laugh at to their face.
Ha, yea.. because it's an either or situation in your world. GTFO with this garbage.


When was the last time I read a complaint about anything related to Pantheon from you? I wish Ut was here to call you a fucking shill. It would make my day.


Musty Nester
The dragon looks ok. It's recognizable as what it's supposed to be. The main trouble with it is that fantasy art isn't going to get anyone stoked for a game anymore. He's trying to play a AAA game by pushing this sort of thing, and he doesn't have a AAA idea or a AAA engine.

If it's all he can do right now he'd be better off doing character concept art than creature art. Or, really, he wouldn't. Because I'm sure that the people on his board want to see dragons. If only because he's telling them that's what they want to see.

It's fine, it really is, but it's not the hook. He's only got 2 hooks -- lore and systems. Anything not servicing those ideas is premature or pointless.

Not bad. Just sorta pointless.

But I mean... at least somebody did something. Thumbs high.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
When was the last time I read a complaint about anything related to Pantheon from you? I wish Ut was here to call you a fucking shill. It would make my day.
Lol are you serious? I should be complaining bc your emo ass says I should? I'm just posting updates for people and not commenting either way, except making the point that concept art is progress. So much rage from you...

UT said his peace. Stop hoping for him to come here and champion for you. So unmanly..

For context of the was a project Vu started based on a class he's taking. Race art in the works.

Lost Ranger_sl

In Convo's defense he has voiced some concerns about this project from the very beginning. He might cling to blind faith a bit too much, but he hasn't been all "Brad can do no wrong!!!" either. I wouldn't throw him in with the crazy fanboys who pray to Brad every night before bed.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Damn you guys are rough! Give Vu a break! Least he's actually producing something to show!
Hear, hear. Weeding through all the butthurt hater boy posts is annoying. But pretty much par for the course here.

Thanks for the info Convo. Curious to see how this all turns out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
In Convo's defense he has voiced some concerns about this project from the very beginning. He might cling to blind faith a bit too much, but he hasn't been all "Brad can do no wrong!!!" either. I wouldn't throw him in with the crazy fanboys who pray to Brad every night before bed.
I still post valid criticism or just email it directly. The stuff they are releasing doesn't warrant criticism for me. I don't mind the art and think Rochelle and JP Targate have some real quality art to stand behind. The goblin was done by Beleno, which I also thought was good. Art is a non issue for me.

Right now, the site is my biggest issue.


concept art of the Light Knight



Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
How long can this possibly go on with only $150k in the bank?

I'm pretty sure they're far behind where the KS was at this point.


How long can this possibly go on with only $150k in the bank?

I'm pretty sure they're far behind where the KS was at this point.
Considering these jokers were working for free before the KS; I'm sure they can go a while on hopes and dreams.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Not too sure why all the hate. I would love to see a lot more niche games be released and a lot less "everything to everybody" wannabe's. Brad is not much of a game designer but he is an idea guy who has some decent ideas about the game he wants to make. Also I could give two shits about how swell the graphics of a game are or if some rendition of dragon is not an epic masterpiece. If it is fun to play, and can hold my interest for a few months that's all I can ask of a game.

I have a feeling this is not a game I would play, Brad is a grind it out kind of dude, and I am too old and impatient to bother with that type of game again. But I would still like to see that type of game made for the folks who are into that shit.