Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Molten Core Raider
you can move it to the Movie forum, or hell even the TV Forum. It's more likely to end up a Documentary at this point. Or a murder-suicide news special.


Canadina has deleted any posts over the last day or two that was critical or even neutral, yes. It seems to have prompted the cultists to post a rather silly, poorly written/organized "Forum Guidelines" post as well.

Im surprised the invites to bible study groups and "love bombing" hasnt started there yet.
Some amazing forum guidelines they have there!

TL;DR for those not so inclined to look: Debating a topic is fine... As long as you debate in favor of Brad and Co.


Musty Nester
It's kinda like that failed rock band that can't get any traction so they do a song about Jesus and while they're not successful by any metric, they can at least call themselves working musicians.

While I say that "well, that could be genuine" and admit the possibility I don't actually believe it to be the case. This is just an easier group to scam money out of.


Lord Nagafen Raider
All hell has broken loose over there. With opening of the posting for new accounts, there were a couple new posters and they were posting negative thoughts. The lead mod woke up in the middle of the night and deleted everything from the thread with no ticket. This is an illegal action in the mod world so he basically just lost his cool and nuked everything and banned two people. The other mods were initially not happy until he posted and said he only did it to protect Monty's feelings. To which the mods praised him.

Bottom line: I am no longer a moderator for the pantheon project and no longer working on their video. I've seen a great deal of shit over there, it's almost unbelievable. Most of what is said is in jest but you guys have no idea how close to the truth you actually are some times.


> Than U
I went to the forums late late last night, and saw no new posts in most places in days. Thought I was at the wrong forums. Maybe I was, or maybe he had deleted everything.
I honestly feel bad for these people thinking they are a part of something over there. Most don't seem qualified anyways to do anything but still I lay this all on Brad for taking advantage of them to try and wring out some more snort money.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I went to the forums late late last night, and saw no new posts in most places in days. Thought I was at the wrong forums. Maybe I was, or maybe he had deleted everything.
I honestly feel bad for these people thinking they are a part of something over there. Most don't seem qualified anyways to do anything but still I lay this all on Brad for taking advantage of them to try and wring out some more snort money.
None of them are qualified for their positions and constantly overstep their bounds. I guess it's alright when they are getting a hundred dollars out of the 2500 that comes in monthly just in resubs. Brad clearly deserves the biggest piece of the pie. The reason the forums look so dead is because of the moderation. Anything remotely seen as a threat is removed. This is how they are operating because I received the same memos as the rest of the mods. Also, if your removed from posting and try to post again, they are given permission to IP ban you.


> Than U
I guess it's alright when they are getting a hundred dollars out of the 2500 that comes in monthly just in resubs. Brad clearly deserves the biggest piece of the pie.
What? Really what?
Seriously. Let's all donate $100 to this. Maybe the asshole will OD with the new found cash.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Story of Brad's life.



Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
If your forum is only getting a couple posts a day, I'd think one moderator would suffice.


Lord Nagafen Raider
If your forum is only getting a couple posts a day, I'd think one moderator would suffice.
The moderators are not there to moderated, they are there to cheer lead and make it look more positive. Any negative thought will be stamped out immediately lol.


I wouldn't bother debating boundaries or qualifications for a dev team that isn't a dev team. It's a bunch of psychotic forum dwelling Brad freaks and religious nuts.

If anything, this is the expected outcome. Productivity and real results would have been the more shocking outcome.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I don't feel sorry for any of them. I feel sorry for the taxpayers who will be paying their welfare when they finally fail to support Brad. There's a level of stupid that you just want to see eradicated but it usually breeds like rabbits.


Lord Nagafen Raider
What? Really what?
Seriously. Let's all donate $100 to this. Maybe the asshole will OD with the new found cash.
It gets better. This project has been collecting forum subs for months now at the tune of over 2000 per month. Brad said that he would pay people out of the funds that came in, yet very few actually got any money. The ones that did are the biggest of the ass kissers, the ones that didn't are those that had questions about the funds or the project. Even the guys that got paid were only paid a day's work at best. This is a small scale of what happened to the last set of devs... Sigh, history repeats so quickly.

Edit- Also the lead Mod told me last night that Brad plans on paying back the money he stole with the new money that comes in from the pledges. How the fuck do these guys think that is acceptable? That's not paying it back, that's take money from the project again...


It gets better. This project has been collecting forum subs for months now at the tune of over 2000 per month. Brad said that he would pay people out of the funds that came in, yet very few actually got any money. The ones that did are the biggest of the ass kissers, the ones that didn't are those that had questions about the funds or the project. Even the guys that got paid were only paid a day's work at best. This is a small scale of what happened to the last set of devs... Sigh, history repeats so quickly.

Edit- Also the lead Mod told me last night that Brad plans on paying back the money he stole with the new money that comes in from the pledges. How the fuck do these guys think that is acceptable? That's not paying it back, that's take money from the project again...
Soooo....what are you going to do now?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
"I'm going to pay back the money I owe Pantheon by taking money from Pantheon"
