Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO



Your radio show repeats itself about 10,000 times, so I don't think you have an issue with that. You obviously don't read and just talk, so if Brad's personal assets are seized, guess what, that equals... money? Calling out the original developers to grow a pair rather than gripe on your 12 member radio broadcast is not white washing. I have nothing aganist Vhalen, and lore obviously is important, and have mentioned he was the only one that produced anything, but I didn't donate to read or view how a book is produced as there's plenty others I could have purchased for .99 cents or less and not 150k of crowd funded money.

When the Debtor Will Not Pay You - money_selfhelp

Link for how to collect, and they can also request that Brad pays court costs/lawyer fees (judge can deny request).


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Blackballed in the industry. That's rich. Maybe everyone needs to be blackballed so we can start fresh, because this little tiddly shit you guys see here is a drop in the hell handbasket of unethical corruption when it comes to the industry as a whole.


Any former devs with the project worried about being black balled by the industry for going after brad is laughable. I imagine its a resume booster for the sheer fact of how disliked he's become with not a small number of people at various studios.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Unlikely. Game companies, especially the huge corporatized monsters in the current era, what obedient little worker drones. Suing anyone, even a drugged out fuckup like Brad, indicated that they will not just roll over and take it up the ass like the company will want them to, especially during crunch time. These guys need to put food on the table, like anyone else.


Trakanon Raider
What's the point of suing someone or something that has no money? It's not like hiring a lawyer for this kind of shit is cheap, either.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Any former devs with the project worried about being black balled by the industry for going after brad is laughable. I imagine its a resume booster for the sheer fact of how disliked he's become with not a small number of people at various studios.
Almost Randy Pitchford amount of disdain I would say.

With that said, everyone who isn't on a management team (and even some of those folks) around the industry are usually afraid to say anything on their mind with regards to how things are ran because it is such a small world, and those people want to keep their jobs. Never mind the fact that what they do in the games industry pays about 3 times better in any other industry, and they are being used and eaten alive for their passion - and the decision makers/publishers know it. So they keep cracking the whip on these poor guys. What would be awesome is seeing everyone working for all these publishers to go find jobs in another industry and leave all these fuckers high and dry.

Once they say anything, regardless, it's a sign they can't keep their mouth shut and can't play the game. Welcome to the industry. Then these people come in and learn McQuaid Ethics, and you have abortions like Salim who belong on the Island of Zynga (Actually I think even Zynga is too good for Salim) with the other unethical turd buckets.

One day one can only hope it will change.

But if Pitchford can pull the shit he did with ACM and get away with it, and McQuaid just used donation money to pay himself without even a game to show... fuck.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Ya'll Wakandanz need to


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Has Ut ever indicated on a doll where the game industry touched him? He likes to carry on like he has all this insider information, but time and time again people who are verifiably within the industry have said [what we've all already gleaned] that he's full of shit. Is he a game developer reject and continues to be as salty about it now as he was twenty years ago when he was laid off or something?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just some info on the money.. From what I was told from an unnamed insider.. Brad took 45k, Chris Rowan took 20k or so. Some money went to Tom(not sure how much), and what was left went to the developers.

20k to this Chris dude? WTF did he do for 20k?

The money should have all went to development of Pantheon. Instead it went to the people who were the least capable out of the bunch to actually work on the game


Millie's Staff Member
brad advanced himself 45k or 45k was the total he paid himself for the entire time? because if he advanced himself 45k for 3 months "work" that means he has been paying himself 15k a month for the entire project, he took a much larger % of the money that came in.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
If this was a scam from the word go, then I think the words "Working as Intended" apply here. Otherwise, what a colossal cluster fuck at every level.

But to address Eomer, sometimes people sue just on general principle, especially in California. If there is a chance for them to further put the screws to Brad directly and one of these guys is pissed enough, then there might be a will to do it. But anyone serious about staying in the gaming industry is not going to shit where they eat, no matter how bad the situation is. EA got away with sweatshop labor conditions for years because of this dynamic.

My guess is that if an actual lawsuit ever happens it will most likely come from one of the four figure donators who has enough spare money to throw at lost causes but not enough to have someone smarter around keeping them in check.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
His assessment of Pitchford and his ethics are well documented, so he's spot on there.
The ones that usually take offense are the ones usually getting their ass handed to them in a post as well

Salim Grant is yet another cancer to the industry full of cancers, mostly originating in this specific MMORPG genre. Unfortunately some of them are now flooding to other genres. Dandai, there are decent folks out there and good development companies. But the fact of the matter is, and it's obviously a painful one for you, is that the industry as it stands is more unethical now than it was in the early 80's before the first crash. All it does is make me wonder what some games could have been like without the garbage leading it. Which sucks for all of us since it is a lost opportunity. And customers are speaking. Indie has taken off considerably. And quite frankly, are more fun to play than about 80% of AAA titles hashed together on a large overblown budget in the hands of wrong managers.

The MMORPG genre is dead to a lot of people. The bitching is slowly ceasing. And frankly, people just are starting to not give a fuck anymore. You can thank folks like Salim Grant, Rich Vogel, and McQuaid to name a few.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The ones that usually take offense are the ones usually getting their ass handed to them in a post as well

Salim Grant is yet another cancer to the industry full of cancers, mostly originating in this specific MMORPG genre. Unfortunately some of them are now flooding to other genres. Dandai, there are decent folks out there and good development companies. But the fact of the matter is, and it's obviously a painful one for you, is that the industry as it stands is more unethical now than it was in the early 80's before the first crash. All it does is make me wonder what some games could have been like without the garbage leading it. Which sucks for all of us since it is a lost opportunity. And customers are speaking. Indie has taken off considerably. And quite frankly, are more fun to play than about 80% of AAA titles hashed together on a large overblown budget in the hands of wrong managers.

The MMORPG genre is dead to a lot of people. The bitching is slowly ceasing. And frankly, people just are starting to not give a fuck anymore. You can thank folks like Salim Grant, Rich Vogel, and McQuaid to name a few.
I agree, I've been saying that guy was a clown since he lied and blew smoke up our asses for years at SoE.


Trakanon Raider
I still don't understand why these guys took so much money, if anything, if they are trying to get a project off the ground. It is not like they didn't understand their own personal/individual financial situations prior to starting this mess up. I just cannot comprehend the amount of ignorance that occurred in this project. No matter how many times it is brought up, I still cannot fathom what was going through any of their brains.

Seriously... people took tens of thousands of dollars out of an account intended to develop a game and the only thing that happened was paying a bunch of salaries for minimal to no work. They can bring up all the demos, art work, and lore they want but you could come up with that (heck I have High School students that could) sitting around working in Unity in the evening a few nights a week.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I still don't understand why these guys took so much money, if anything, if they are trying to get a project off the ground. It is not like they didn't understand their own personal/individual financial situations prior to starting this mess up. I just cannot comprehend the amount of ignorance that occurred in this project. No matter how many times it is brought up, I still cannot fathom what was going through any of their brains.

Seriously... people took tens of thousands of dollars out of an account intended to develop a game and the only thing that happened was paying a bunch of salaries for minimal to no work. They can bring up all the demos, art work, and lore they want but you could come up with that (heck I have High School students that could) sitting around working in Unity in the evening a few nights a week.
Plain and simple arrogance. Brad is still under the impression that putting his name on a project would bring in millions so who's going to notice a few $K missing here and there? The facts are obviously just the opposite now more so than ever. He has absolutely proven beyond a shadow of doubt that he is incapable of competent judgment and devoid of all ethics. He's as most of us have known for a long time (some longer than others I actually believed him during the VG fiasco). He is a talentless hack who was in the right place at the right time to take credit he probably never earned or deserved.

Pantheon is the obituary to a career that has come to an end.


Any former devs with the project worried about being black balled by the industry for going after brad is laughable. I imagine its a resume booster for the sheer fact of how disliked he's become with not a small number of people at various studios.
You have proof of this?

I don't care for some of my competition, but if someone who worked for them took them to court I would be paying attention to why and if they applied to work for me I would not hire them. Any time anyone is in court it has a negative connotation to it. One that I do not want to be associated with. I don't want to risk any fall out to my companies.

I can see their point on keeping their heads down and moving on. As I have said, they can't sue for more than their contracted cut. The KS was only 142k after what ever real costs there are and the difference in what they got paid vs what they should have gotten based on their contracts what is going to be left? It is not going to be worth it.

Raidan_EQ - 12 eh... that's 4 better than Nirrtix claims. I guess we are getting more popular. That's 30% growth and still more people that care what's on K-TAM than what comes out of your posts.