Parent Thread


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah if you read up or talk to your pediatrician they will tell you not to stress about diet, and to try and view their diet as a whole for the week rather than day by day or meal by meal. My oldest just straight up stopped eating a lot of foods. But it wasn't veggies, it was starches and shit like that. Beans, holy shit, you would think you are killing her with just the smell.

My middle girl has been potty training pretty well now. She pees regularly on it, but if you leave her in a pullup, which my wife does all the time and it infuriates me, she will go in the pullup. She is terrified of public toilets so I am not sure how we get around that. She will just refuse to go in a store or mall or whatever so we are stuck. #2 is still a problem but she did it twice.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Dude, my youngest took forever before #2 was okay on a toilet. And he started doing it at the preschool before he'd do it at home. It was a massive battle of wills at the end. The only thing that made it happen was that he decided it was time. Once he decided that pooping in the toilet was okay, we were immediately done with diapers. My other kids were way more of a transition.

Even though it is a huge battle now, keep this in mind: your kids won't be going to prom in diapers. This, too, shall pass.


Buzzfeed Editor
I am just so focused on it right now because it is holding her back. Certain preschools won't take her, she can't participate in extracurricular stuff like her older sister can, going to the store is a roll of the dice whether or not she is going to end up peeing on herself, etc. She is begging me to play soccer, but she can't until she is potty trained. I feel like my oldest daughter is really blossoming and she is just stuck in a rut until this gets done. Which is a vast oversimplification and is really unfair, I just want to get past this. So bad.


<Gold Donor>
Never had issues with either one of our boys. They just started to use the toilet once we showed them a few times. My older son had a bed wetting thing for a while, so he had to use pullups at night, but I just attribute it to sleeping like a rock. Seriously that kid is OUT once hes sleeping. But he got over it eventually.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I am just so focused on it right now because it is holding her back. Certain preschools won't take her, she can't participate in extracurricular stuff like her older sister can, going to the store is a roll of the dice whether or not she is going to end up peeing on herself, etc. She is begging me to play soccer, but she can't until she is potty trained. I feel like my oldest daughter is really blossoming and she is just stuck in a rut until this gets done. Which is a vast oversimplification and is really unfair, I just want to get past this. So bad.
We had the same issue with preschools, but we ended up sending him even though he wasn't potty trained, and they were 100% okay with it. They say that, but they expect to change a few diapers. Also, once he hit preschool is when he started dropping the deuce in a toilet. He saw other little people, like him, using the toilet, and he just decided it was all good.

You are exactly where I was at the same stage. It'll happen, and in good time and order. I'm not trying to be patronising, just trying to encourage you. I feel your pain.


Trakanon Raider
My middle girl has been potty training pretty well now. She pees regularly on it, but if you leave her in a pullup, which my wife does all the time and it infuriates me, she will go in the pullup. She is terrified of public toilets so I am not sure how we get around that. She will just refuse to go in a store or mall or whatever so we are stuck. #2 is still a problem but she did it twice.
To be fair, I'm 35, and I'm also terrified of public toilets.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
After talking to different women, I'm pretty sure this is how women use public toilets.



Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
My boy turned 2 the beginning of this month, hes doing great. He knows Chinese and English, and is fully potty trained. Still has night accidents but hes a smart booger. The only deal with #2 is he still needs help wiping.



<Gold Donor>
Potty training is certainly a battle of wills. We found that putting the kid in real underwear helps. There will be accidents, but it isnt all warm and cozy (like a pull-up) when they piss on the floor. #2 is a whole other beast. We are still battlingon that one.
Agreed. This thread got me all rustled recently because I was like shit, my baby isn't eating hardly any of the stuff these other babies are! He was like addicted to mac and cheese, and we'd try all sorts of veggies and fruits, and he wouldn't eat it. I was kind of worried. Then I chilled out and realized that he actually does get a variety, and is far from starving, so all is well.
Yeah I mean my kid went from eating sushi to fuck you I only want bread and cereal and 40% of the purees I used to love. Its a phase I'm sure he'll get over it. I get annoyed from time to time but I know that as long as food goes in and shit comes out its all good. I try to hide the veggies in fruit purees - which he'll eat. But fuck to the no will he eat fruit. He's going through this weird "I don't like soft/wet/mushy stuff on my hands" phase haha. So I've been trying to figure out what foods are dry. Chicken fingers work well.

It was exciting when he ate everything - I hope that time comes back soon but I'm not freaked out about it.
Dude, my youngest took forever before #2 was okay on a toilet. And he started doing it at the preschool before he'd do it at home. It was a massive battle of wills at the end. The only thing that made it happen was that he decided it was time. Once he decided that pooping in the toilet was okay, we were immediately done with diapers. My other kids were way more of a transition.

Even though it is a huge battle now, keep this in mind: your kids won't be going to prom in diapers.This, too, shall pass.
This is my mantra. I try to subscribe to the 'calm the fuck down' parenting philosophy (Latest Parenting Trend: The CTFD Method | David Vienna) but when I start to waiver a bit 'this too shall pass' gets me through just about anything.


does anyone have older kids? I'm wondering when the right age is for having "the talk".
I don't want puberty stuff to sneak up on my kid but at the same time I don't want to horrify him at too young an age and put traumatizing thoughts in his head. He's 9 now, but he's looks older, not sure if that means puberty will come earlier. I just remember being around 11 when I discovered... myself... So I feel like I should warn him. I hear so many horror stories from guys about how they started having wet dreams and didn't know wtf was happening, etc...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Our daughter has hand foot and mouth disease
Not that big of a deal except for the sores in her mouth are making her miserable. Not sure how she got it but I know almost anyone can be a carrier for the virus without ever exhibiting symptoms, including kids.


Buzzfeed Editor
My kids always got it from day care or playdates, that shit is super daughter would get it every month or so and get a scary 105 degree temp. But it always passed quickly.


Molten Core Raider
Our daughter has hand foot and mouth disease
Not that big of a deal except for the sores in her mouth are making her miserable. Not sure how she got it but I know almost anyone can be a carrier for the virus without ever exhibiting symptoms, including kids.
What does that look like outside of her mouth? Bumps? Rash? Our kid has been unusually fussy the last day or two, and he has some bumps on his neck/face but we chalked it up to chigger bites as he was playing out in the yard a lot last weekend and mom has some chigger bites too(they rarely bother me, for whatever reason). But we also read that hand, foot, & mouth is super common in the summertime and can start as small bumps as well. We haven't seen anything in his mouth but its also hard to see in there as he constantly squirms and doesn't let us look real well. No fever or anything thats good, maybe it is just chiggers and being fussy from being annoyed by them.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I will try to get a picture of her legs tonight and post it, that is where the worst of the rash is... but yeah they look like little bites. She had a fever of about 102 Saturday night into Sunday but it lasted less than 24 hours. She has two or three teeth coming in at once so we thought the fever was due to teething but when the rash started to spread on her elbows and then legs, we knew it wasn't from teething. Sores in the mouth can be hard to see but once the doctor showed us it was pretty obvious.

Our doc always wants to see them when they have any kind of rash so we took her in the next day after we noticed it spreading. It might be worth it to take him in.
HFM is going around big time I guess. Two-three kids in my kids class have had it in the last week.

Also guess who's pregnant again?



Buzzfeed Editor
Congrats! Don't believe the hype, having two isn't all that hard, you are already prepared for it.