Path of Exile


Potato del Grande
Do people really struggle that much to press 2345 or 12345 that they need a macro to do it for them? Voice to text software to type out forum posts, too?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I’ve cleared most all higher level content, albeit not a deathless UE yet and I hit my flasks normally. That said, I’d like to cut down on piano typing.

Also anyone have some examples they really like?

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
I’ve cleared most all higher level content, albeit not a deathless UE yet and I hit my flasks normally. That said, I’d like to cut down on piano typing.

Also anyone have some examples they really like?

I have one but cannot attach it. I will put it in here.

Step 1: Download AutoHotkey

Step 2: Open and choose "create macro"

Step 3: Paste the script below into a file and name it 'PoE Flask' or some shit. If you read it all the instructions are inside the macro. You can see that I changed the bound keys to w,e,r, and f because that is where my flasks were bound.

Step 4: Choose and load macro

Step 5: ??

Step 6: Profit!


;Lines starting with a ; are comments and are not part of the actual script.
;If you want to deactivate a flask press(e.g. because it is your hp flask) simply add a ; to the start of the line
;this line makes the script only work when Path of Exile is the active window
#IfWinActive, ahk_class POEWindowClass
;The key (or mouse button) you press to activate the script. For a list of supported "keys" and combinations, see Hotkeys - Definition & Usage | AutoHotkey
;XButton1 = "Back"-Button on my mouse. For a complete list of special keys, see List of Keys (Keyboard, Mouse and Joystick) | AutoHotkey
;Initialize random delays between 57 and 114 ms (arbitrary values, may be changed)
random, delay2, 57, 114
random, delay3, 57, 114
random, delay4, 57, 114
random, delay5, 57, 114
;send, 2 ;simulates the keypress of the 1 button. If you use another button, change it!
;sleep, %delay2%
send, w ;simulates the keypress of the 2 button. If you use another button, change it!
sleep, %delay3%
send, e ;simulates the keypress of the 3 button. If you use another button, change it!
sleep, %delay4%
send, r ;simulates the keypress of the 4 button. If you use another button, change it!
sleep, %delay5%
send, f ;simulates the keypress of the 5 button. If you use another button, change it!

/end Macro
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I’ve cleared most all higher level content, albeit not a deathless UE yet and I hit my flasks normally. That said, I’d like to cut down on piano typing.

Also anyone have some examples they really like?

This one works great.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
Well, that’s the same thing OU posted above. What makes that more likely to get banned. You’re hitting a single button and it hits he flasks. Has an arbitrary delay between each hit.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The script OU and I posted is fine.

I'm pretty sure Deathwing was making a joke because the guy has his name right in his GitHub.


Silver Baronet of the Realm

To be fair. I thought that for a brief second but I’m such a literalist that, well, yeah.


Trump's Staff
The one I'm using just ties flask use (you input which flask slots you want and the duration of the flask) to whatever your main attack button is. I use Space.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Yea and every message you type in guild is "any12345one12345got12345perfect12345fossils12345for12345sale?"

Don't be like Brikker.
  • 4Worf
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Macros and bots. Get responses that are obviously a macro at times. Also someone buys something and fills up the trade window completely full in 0.5 second. Yeah...

Anyway. I actually press my flask it's a timing deal and at this point I would probably press it if I had a macro anyway.

Anyone play scourge arrow lately? I'm thinking of converting my pathfinder to it.