Path of Exile


<Silver Donator>
animate weapon can animate bladefall/ethereal knives. oooooooh I had missed that, if they said it before.. that sounds interesting to play with.

That's one of the first things they said when they showed off the new skills. Which is why I was planning to go AW.

Notes seem fine, chinese leaks were accurate, necro took a fuckton of nerfs but should still be fine.

Changes looks good. I disagree with

Feeding Frenzy Support
  • Now gives minions from supported skills 25% chance to grant Feeding Frenzy to you on hit at gem level 1, up to 44% at gem level 20 (previously 25% at all gem levels).
  • No longer causes minions from supported skills to deal more damage while you have Feeding Frenzy.
It's still a required gem for the AI changes, but it's going to feel shitty using it.
Yeah not a big fan of this one, but the minions supported still have 10%more dmg and 15% inc speed, from the buff. It's just you could stick the support on other minions and proc it just the same(AG or golem for example, especially with 44% chance to proc now) so you don't really "gain" that much, and you'll still want it for AI. I think they should have gone the other way, remove the buff, and give the minions supported a bigger effect. It's just weird the way it is now where it buffs every minion, but you still want it on your main minions due to the AI being tied to it.

I don't think AW needed aggressive AI though, so unless they changed it I'll probably drop it on spectres or some shit.

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Did they think those Incursion changes would make people run the temples? It is the random element of the room types tied to the limited transformations that make it lame, not the room mods.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Gotta admit, I dont know how incursions work. Its just free exp.
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OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Man, adding Blight to every map sounds great but 8 chaos seems steep. Especially since there will be more Blight maps for sale because of the mod.


<Silver Donator>
Man, adding Blight to every map sounds great but 8 chaos seems steep. Especially since there will be more Blight maps for sale because of the mod.
Yeah seems pretty expensive for just one blight, I kinda expected there'd be 2.

As for temple, it's still RNG fiesta to choose the rooms, but they made every room worth picking at least, by giving all the shitty rooms temple wide buffs(pack size, quant and qual the usual stuff). Also made the shittier rooms drop more stuff so they might be better, and increased density overall in the temple, so should be better. Will have to see once we play though.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
No nerfs to champion or cyclone, guess I know what I'm starting?

The whole like north half of the passive tree might as well read "here thar be dragons" to me at this point anyway.

Savior buffs so your bros can spam flicker with you now too!
  • 1Solidarity
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Oh shit this new transcendent flesh looks dope as fuck. ~30% increased life recovery? Let's goooooo.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
No nerfs to champion or cyclone, guess I know what I'm starting?

The whole like north half of the passive tree might as well read "here thar be dragons" to me at this point anyway.

Savior buffs so your bros can spam flicker with you now too!

Impale Cyclone Champion? Have a good build guide for that?


Trump's Staff
They finally destroyed Shaper's Touch, I predicted that two patches ago. Guardian nerf as well, so now you have to be hybrid if you want 20k+ EHP. No nerf to MS/VMS is surprising.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Did I miss something or did they flat out not touch impale?!

Also, I wonder if those badass CoC VD swords Kythik and I were crafting are possible now? Not sure if that spell mod will show up on 2h swords. A shame if so, that’s been my favorite weapon I’ve ever made in POE and I’ve made some nutty 2H weps in past leagues.


<Bronze Donator>
I don't think they can afford to touch impale with the current popularity(or lack thereof) of melee.
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Trump's Staff
Definitely arc totems for me this league. Huge mana cost multipliers for Archmage support without actually needing to sustain chain casting at that mana cost.


2022 Asshat Award Winner
<Bronze Donator>
I'm gonna be like the 90% of the player base. Skim thru the patch notes, understand very little, wait for the league starter builds to be posted on forums and then pick the one that sounds most op.
I'm here to do path, not math
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<Silver Donator>
By tomorrow I expect a lot of the streamers will have their build videos up. Honestly not a lot was shaken up by this patch, necro got a lot of nerfs but realistically any necro build will still work just fine, and nothing else was buffed, so it's gonna be same builds as previous league+ the new skills stuff, which is mostly going to be poet's pen variation with the new spellslinger, other wand stuff(cast on crit, actual poet's pen, new wand skill builds) and then the only kinda original stuff, the mana pooping builds with the new guard or supports which I think will see a lot of fun stuff, but I fear they'll require a lot of investment to do well(bunch of uniques to make the mana stuff recoverable, bunch of stat stacking to have enough mana, optimization of unreserved mana versus reserved etc).

But at this point you can probably look at 3.9 builds and just pick whatever you want.


Trump's Staff
No one linked it yet eh

The Baron: Now grants 10 to 20% increased minion maximum Life (from 20%), +1 to maximum number of Raised Zombies per 500 Strength (from 300) and with at least 1000 Strength, 1.5 to 2% of Damage dealt by your Raised Zombies is leeched to you as Life (from 2%). Using a Divine Orb will update existing versions of this item to these new values.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Spirit offering got gutted.

Otherwise, this patch didn’t do much. Probably the fewest changes I’ve seen in two years.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
By tomorrow I expect a lot of the streamers will have their build videos up. Honestly not a lot was shaken up by this patch, necro got a lot of nerfs but realistically any necro build will still work just fine, and nothing else was buffed, so it's gonna be same builds as previous league+ the new skills stuff, which is mostly going to be poet's pen variation with the new spellslinger, other wand stuff(cast on crit, actual poet's pen, new wand skill builds) and then the only kinda original stuff, the mana pooping builds with the new guard or supports which I think will see a lot of fun stuff, but I fear they'll require a lot of investment to do well(bunch of uniques to make the mana stuff recoverable, bunch of stat stacking to have enough mana, optimization of unreserved mana versus reserved etc).

But at this point you can probably look at 3.9 builds and just pick whatever you want.

The biggest change is the fossil crafting nerfs tbh. Shit like bow puncture builds just got way fucking harder to start with if you can't spam out a double bleed damage bow immediately etc.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's one of the first things they said when they showed off the new skills. Which is why I was planning to go AW.

Notes seem fine, chinese leaks were accurate, necro took a fuckton of nerfs but should still be fine.

Yeah not a big fan of this one, but the minions supported still have 10%more dmg and 15% inc speed, from the buff. It's just you could stick the support on other minions and proc it just the same(AG or golem for example, especially with 44% chance to proc now) so you don't really "gain" that much, and you'll still want it for AI. I think they should have gone the other way, remove the buff, and give the minions supported a bigger effect. It's just weird the way it is now where it buffs every minion, but you still want it on your main minions due to the AI being tied to it.

I don't think AW needed aggressive AI though, so unless they changed it I'll probably drop it on spectres or some shit.
Where do you see that minions still get buffed by FF?


Avatar of War Slayer
Anyone got any ideas for the Archmage support? someplace it might really shine? or, is it just another damage support?
its the "added lit damage based on the % of unreserved mana" support.